Although Liu Fusheng was in this small capital of Xi after retiring, his revolutionary friendship with Ye Pinghe for many years did not diminish but increased.

This time, I heard that his old comrade-in-arms grandson-in-law was coming here to do business, and he immediately agreed.

However, although Ye Pinghe did not say it explicitly, he could also hear from Ye Ping's usual tone that the other party did not like this grandson-in-law very much.

Now Chen Xu brought such a group of unfriendly people to the door, so that Liu Fusheng's first impression of Chen Xu was inexplicably much worse.

The attitude of greeting Chen Xu into the door can only be said to be decent, and there is no special enthusiasm.

Chen Xu came over this way, bought some gifts at the supply and marketing agency on the side of the road, and also considered that his hundreds of gentlemen had to quickly change to a warm place without delay, his mind moved, just entered the door, and opened his mouth with Liu Fusheng, "Fubo, I still have a gift for you, I almost forgot it for you, so go to the car to get it, you wait."

He said, and without waiting for Liu Fusheng to respond, he turned around and walked towards the gate of the courtyard.

To say that in this era, to give gifts to people here in Xidu, how can there be more suitable than Junzilan.

The main thing is that now there is a request for someone, and I am not familiar with the other party, so I must deliver the gift in place so that I can quickly open my mouth.

Liu Fusheng heard Chen Xu say that there were still gifts, thinking that they were some health supplements, and hurriedly called people, "Alas, no need, Xiaoxu, you are too polite!"

At this time, Chen Xu had already walked out of the courtyard.

There are people guarding the truck at the gate of the courtyard.

Several people saw Chen Xu, the gold lord, coming over, consciously giving way to him, knowing how to look at the eyes, and immediately took the initiative to open the truck door to Chen Xu.

I have to say that these hands cultivated by Wei Yong, Chen Xu really likes to use them.

The wagon opened and was full of Junzilan wrapped in cardboard.

Inside the carriage are several three-tiered shelves, each of which is filled with junzilan wrapped in paper folded into triangles.

While keeping warm, it can also prevent these junzi orchids from being bumpy and damaged during transportation.

Chen Xu's eyes scanned the shelves, landed on a medium-high width Junzilan potted plant, immediately reached out, took the potted plant in his hand, and turned to leave.

As soon as Chen Xu's front foot left, the person guarding the door of the truck immediately closed the door and moved cleanly.

At this time, Liu Fusheng and Gao Jianwei also came to the gate of the courtyard.

Liu Fusheng looked at Chen Xu holding something wrapped in a paper shell in his hand, roughly judged that it was a green plant, came to some interest, but politely waved his hand, "Xiaoxu, what are you doing, it is enough to bring so many things."

He knew that Chen Xu came here to do business, as if he was selling Jun Zilan, but now that he saw what Chen Xu had in his hand, he didn't think about Jun Zilan at all.

Not to mention that Chen Xu may have a few Junzi Orchids, such a rare and valuable thing, it is impossible to send it to others with his knees.

Therefore, the thing in Chen Xu's hand, Liu Fusheng thought at first glance that it was an ordinary potted plant.

Chen Xu took the Junzilan in his hand, strode to Liu Fusheng, sent the things to the other party, and said with a smile, "I heard that the old man also loves to raise some things, this is also a little bit of the younger generation's heart, I hope you can accept it." Chen

Xu's gift was sincere, and Liu Fusheng was not good to refuse again.

Especially this kind of potted green plant, it really suits his heart.

"Okay, then Forber won't be polite to you.

Liu Fusheng showed a polite smile on his face and took the things in Chen Xu's hand.

"What kind of potted plant it is, I'll see. The old man muttered, and broke a slit in the cardboard wrapping the potted plant, and was stunned when he saw the appearance of the plant inside.

"This... Isn't this Junzilan ?!" Old

man Liu thought that he had seen it with his eyes, and broke the carton again to take a look, confirming that the potted plant in his hand was really a junzi orchid, or 8 leaves, it was already a junzi orchid that was about to usher in flowering, and now the value in this market, without four or five thousand plants, he couldn't take it down!

Now this Xidu, such a gentleman's orchid is also difficult to find, Chen Xu actually gave him such a big gift as soon as they met.

Although he liked it very much, Liu Fusheng was still embarrassed to accept it, and carefully took the things in his hand and stuffed them back into Chen Xu's hands.

"Xiaoxu, you you this gift is too expensive, especially if you still have to sell this to raise a child now, I can't accept it, I already feel your heart." "

This time, looking at Chen Xu's battle, there should be a dozen or so Junzilan in his hand.

As soon as he came, he was embarrassed to accept one.

When Chen Xu heard the old man's words, he smiled indifferently, pushed Jun Zilan back to Liu Fusheng, and said, "Fubo, you can rest assured to accept it, I have a lot of such Junzi Lan in my hands, it's really just me being a little careful." "

He still has more than four hundred plants in his car, and it doesn't matter if he gives Liu Fusheng one, after all, he has to disturb people here, even if it is an old acquaintance of Old Master Ye, the gifts are in place, and people greet them more happily and comfortably.

Mainly because the weather on Xidu's side was much colder than he expected, Rao had done cold protection treatment in advance, and Chen Xu estimated that many Junzilan in the car should have frozen out of problems.

He also didn't have time to slowly find a suitable place to transfer these Junzilans, and the longer he delayed, the more Junzilan there would be frozen orchids.

Liu Fusheng saw that Chen Xu insisted on sending it, especially the appearance of a gentleman Lan Zhen in his hand, he could only temporarily accept the things, carefully held them in his hands, and asked Chen Xu at the same time, "Then how much did you bring this time, do you want to move to my courtyard now." "

Before, Liu Fusheng only regarded Chen Xu as the grandson-in-law of his old comrade-in-arms, but now he has received a pot of Junzilan, and he inexplicably feels much closer, and he is more willing to greet and help.

Gao Jianwei on the side saw the obvious change in the old man's attitude, and called out in his heart.

In terms of these people's feelings, Chen Xu was still slightly better than him.

When Chen Xu heard the old man's words, he immediately replied, "It's a bit much, and the cold prevention measures are not too good, you may have to quickly move into your yard and occupy a room." Is

there twenty or thirty pots?" Liu Fusheng asked in surprise, seeing that Chen Xu's gaze had changed a little.

Ye Yuanshan's old guy is blessed, this grandson-in-law relies on this batch of gentlemen, not to mention that he also earns a hundred and twenty thousand at one time, right?

Chen Xu waved his hand and said with a smile, "Fubo, you still say a little less."

Liu Fusheng's heart tightened, and he looked at Chen Xu in disbelief, "Difficult, could it be that there are fifty or sixty plants?"

It's not that he doesn't believe Chen Xu, but this Junzilan is very difficult to raise.

Since the arrival of the wave of junzilan, he has heard that one of the farmers who has heard the most only has 7 junzi orchids in his hand, and his appearance is quite average.

Chen Xu brought fifty or sixty plants over at one time, which was already the limit amount that Liu Fusheng could imagine.

However, next, what Chen Xu said made Liu Fusheng stunned on the spot, unable to return to his senses for a long time.

"Fubo, it's not a secret, there are a total of four hundred and sixty-seven Junzi orchids I brought this time, so I have to trouble you to arrange a larger room, or two small rooms." Chen Xu said truthfully.

Liu Fusheng: "???"


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