At the dinner table, Lu Meiyun looked at this table of food, Rao did not like Chen Xu, and could not contain the food that was provoked.

However, before she came and had eaten, hearing Chen Xu and Ye Pinghe talk about this topic, the whole person was suddenly not good!

Let Ye Pinghe go to the demon capital to celebrate the New Year with Chen Xu, then wouldn't Ye Pinghe also be able to see Chen Qingshan? Chen Xu's performance in the imperial capital during this time has already impressed Old Master Ye, if he knows the relationship between Chen Xu and Chen Qingshan's grandfather and grandson again, wouldn't he have to be happy and bad and tilt all his resources to Chen Xu's side?

How could Lu Meiyun tolerate such a thing, Old Master Ye seemed to be very moved, so he opened his mouth to respond to Chen Xu, and hurriedly said before the other party spoke up, "Dad, that, no! You can't go to the imperial capital!"

As soon as Lu Meiyun's words came out, he immediately attracted the attention of all the people at the table.

She felt everyone's gaze, looked at Jiahao who was burying his head in cooking on the side, and spoke, "It's not that Jiahao will have his birthday in the past twenty days, he told his classmates that he would hold a birthday party at home and let the grandfather of the old hero of the War of Resistance appear, if dad you really went to the magic capital..."

Lu Meiyun said this, making a look of embarrassment.

Saying that, he didn't forget to secretly pull the corners of Ye Jiahao's clothes.

Ye Jiahao is indeed going to celebrate his birthday, and he also promised his classmates to accompany his grandfather, but he did not force it.

But feeling my mother's hint, I was afraid that I would be ripped off when I went back later, so I could only stop cooking and look up at Ye Pinghe, "Master, accompany me for my birthday." "

Ye Pinghe has always loved the Ye family, a single seedling, especially before he promised his grandson to accompany him on his birthday, and now when the little guy says it, he is even more difficult to regret.

But he also couldn't bear his granddaughter and little great-grandson who had just come to the imperial capital.

This made Ye Pinghe really have some difficult choices for a while.

Ye Yuanshan was also not happy that the old man went to any magic capital for the New Year, taking advantage of Ye Pinghe's wavering, he spoke, "Dad, in addition to Jiahao's birthday, several of your old comrades-in-arms will come to meet you during the New Year, now that everyone is older, they will see each other once a year, do you want to consider it, wait for the New Year to go to the magic capital side, I will personally send you over." "

Mainly, many old comrades-in-arms with a high status will come to visit Ye Pinghe, and Ye Yuanshan will also take this opportunity to consolidate and consolidate relations with those of the same generation who come over every year.

If Ye Pinghe went to the magic capital, it is estimated that people from many cities next door would not come, and it was not good for him to visit and walk around alone, of course, he hoped that the old man would celebrate the New Year in the imperial capital.

At Ye Pinghe's age, he and those old comrades-in-arms also met one less time, and they cherished every opportunity to meet.

At this time, listening to Ye Yuanshan's words, especially after the New Year, you can go to find your granddaughter's family.

He pondered for a while before he finally spoke and whispered to Chen Xu and Ye, "Okay, then wait for Haohao's birthday, and I will visit Chen Xu's house after the New Year." "

In addition to meeting with his old comrades-in-arms, Ye Pinghe is not willing to break his trust in his grandson, he must lead by example and let his grandson be a person who speaks of honesty and keeps promises."

Chen Xu also understood the old man's decision, nodded and smiled, "Yes, if Dad is inconvenient or has no time at that time, I will personally come and pick up the master."

"Well, I'll come too. Ye Wanyu nodded gently.

Although she didn't like or hate this younger brother, she also knew Ye Pinghe's character, and he had always talked about honesty the most.

Since he first promised Ye Jiahao to accompany him on his birthday, he would not force it.

To say a word or two, the dishes on the table are also served, and the family is lively and eats dinner.


And the other side.

The efficiency of Li Chengwen and Liu Hong is also surprisingly fast.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Chen Xu was whispering with Ye to take a bath for the three little guys, and Li Chengwen's phone called Ye's house.

Nowadays, telephones are not very popular, basically there is only one telephone in a family.

Li Chengwen's call came just in time to call Lu Meiyun, who was in the living room.

Knowing that the other party was Chen Xu's friend, he immediately revealed his identity as Chen Xu's mother-in-law, and also showed considerable concern and eagerness, and naturally inquired about Chen Xu.

Li Chengwen happened to be a person with a strong sense of guard, even if he heard that the other party was Chen Xu's mother-in-law, he did not give Lu Meiyun face, but only said that it was a business matter.

Lu Meiyun didn't say anything, only felt that this person simply didn't know how to be evil, although he was jealous and unhappy, but forcibly endured it, smiled and said to the other party, "Okay, okay, then what's your name, I'll go and talk to Chen Xu, see if he wants to come over, you know, my son-in-law is very good, often newspaper reporters want to contact him, the phone call home, I have to confirm." Since

she couldn't find out the news from this person, she directly found out this person's name to check him, no matter what Chen Xu did now, she could dig it out for her.

Lu Meiyun's reason was used very naturally, and Li Chengwen had no reason to refuse, that is, he told his name truthfully.

"Well, okay, I see, this is to call Chen Xu, you guys will call again in a few minutes." Noting

down Li Chengwen's name and hearing the other party's foreign accent, Lu Meiyun greeted the other party and hurriedly hung up the phone.

Before returning to the room, ask the family to inform Chen Xu.

After explaining, Lu Meiyun returned to the backyard in a happy mood.

On the way back to the backyard, she was also thinking, fortunately, she left the old man here today and didn't let him go to the magic capital, otherwise if this trip really let the old man pass, let alone take over the Ye family, she may not even be able to stay in this Ye family.

Lu Meiyun returned to the house, wandered around the house, but could not find Ye Jiahao, couldn't help muttering, "This stinky boy, where did the people run?" At

this moment, Ye Jiahao was secretly lying in Ye Whisper's room, wanting to play with Xiaoyuer for a while.

At this moment, Chen Xu heard the notice from the next person and had already gone to the main house.

Ye Wanyu coaxed Xiao Nianyu and Xiao Sixu to sleep in the bedroom, while Ye Jiahao played with Xiao Yuer in the living room.

What surprised Ye Jiahao was that Xiao Yuer actually stuffed a lot of toys and snacks to him today.

Next to the sofa, Ye Jiahao looked at the snacks and toys piled up in front of him, and asked Xiao Yu'er suspiciously, "Yu'er, what are you doing, why did you give me all the toys?" Xiao Yu'er

raised his hand and pulled the broken hair that fell in front of his forehead, recalled what his father said in the bath, pursed his small mouth, and stuffed a small wooden cart into Xiao Jiahao's hand, "Mom and Dad said, we will return to the magic capital in two or three days."

"There are too many toys for me to take, my parents have worked hard to bring younger siblings, these toys are given to you, if you feel embarrassed, wait for the New Year to receive the money, let my great-grandfather help you wire it to me."

Xiao Yuer said seriously.

Ye Jiahao knew that Xiao Yu'er would have to go back sooner or later, but now he really heard Xiao Yu'er say that he wanted to return to the imperial capital, and he would never see such a cute and fierce sister again, and the whole person was not good.

"Yu'er, Mom and Dad are so tired with their younger siblings, don't cause them trouble, just in the imperial capital, just celebrate the New Year in our house." Xiao

Yuer: "???

" Xiao Yuer, who has always been articulate, was choked by Ye Jiahao's words for a while, and was unable to refute it, and looked at him angrily, "Hmph, then great-grandfather still because you want to celebrate your birthday and don't follow us back to the magic capital, then you don't want to celebrate your birthday in the imperial capital, you accompany your great-grandfather to come to the magic capital!

The little face was full of resentment.

As everyone knows, Ye Jiahao behind him heard her angry words, and really lay on the sofa and fell into deep thought.

"Follow grandpa to the magic capital, and let grandpa accompany me on my birthday, and Xiaoyuer together?

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