Li Chengwen's efficiency has never disappointed Chen Xu.

Early the next morning, before Chen Xu went out to find Gao Jianwei, he received a call from Li Chengwen, informing him that Li Guyi had agreed to sing the song "Hometown Love" in the clothes of the Blue Phoenix Garment Factory.

When Chen Xu heard the good news, he immediately smiled and told the two to hurry back to Guangcheng to recuperate, so that they would have the energy to work hard and earn a lot of money after the year.

It's just that Li Chengwen and Liu Hong didn't take Chen Xu's words seriously at all, and after a few words with Chen Xu and ending the call, the pair of brothers and brothers dragged their tired bodies and went to the imperial capital together to find a restaurant, drink stuffy wine, and relieve the bitterness in their hearts.

Of course, after drinking this meal, they also have to go back to the factory to continue their struggle.

Although they have foreseen a dark future in the factory, as long as the factory is running for one day, they will not be passive.

It's just that these days, it's really too depressing.

Now that the matter is settled, let's drink to relieve your worries.

And now in this city, there are more sad and desperate people, not only Li Chengwen and Liu Hong.

Chen Xu originally thought that Gao Jianwei had made enough money this trip to Xidu, so he had a showdown with his family as soon as possible and took his girlfriend back to meet, so he didn't bother him these days.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I came to Gao Jianwei's house today, I saw a beard with a ballast who completely lost his former demeanor, but pretended to be a man who was fine.

Marshal Gao had also long noticed the abnormality of his grandson these days, saw Chen Xu coming over, greeted Chen Xu to help enlighten, and quickly left, leaving space for the two to be alone.

Old man Gao left, Chen Xu also asked for the first time, only to know from Gao Jianwei's mouth that he not only had not yet had a showdown with his family, but also broke up with his little girlfriend.

"What's going on with you, you broke up without asking the old man and your family for advice?" asked Chen Xu suspiciously.

When Gao Jianwei heard this, a wry smile appeared on his face, and he said seemingly easily, "How can I have this opportunity to tell my family that her family does not agree."

He said, filled Chen Xu with tea, poured wine into his own cup, and said with disappointment, "It's okay, I guess it will be fine after a while." With

that, he poured wine into the cup again.

Seeing this, Chen Xu hurriedly reached out to stop the other party from borrowing alcohol to relieve his worries, and at the same time asked him, "How can you break up?

But when he asked this, he felt that it was illogical.

The Gao family's status in the imperial capital is not one of the best, but the background can definitely beat more than 70% of the families in the imperial capital.

Especially Gao Jianwei's talents, even if the conditions are better than the Gao family, it is estimated that they will not refuse so decisively.

And he also remembered that the reason why Gao Jianwei wanted to earn money was because he didn't have much money in his hand, his little girlfriend's family conditions were poor, and he wanted to earn more money and have the confidence to have a showdown with his family.

So the girl's family conditions should be average, why don't you agree to this family matter?

Gao Jianwei has been holding this matter in his heart these days and has not told anyone.

And with Chen Xu on a trip to Xidu, the relationship between the two is closer than before.

Hearing Chen Xu's question, he didn't hold back anymore, and said to him truthfully, "It's not that the conditions in their family are too good, but the conditions are too bad, her parents feel that the door is not right, and they are afraid that Wantang will be wronged and bullied when she marries, so..." Gao

Jianwei said this, the hand placed on the wine jug unconsciously tightened, but his face was a bitter smile, "So, her family asked her to break up with me, and... Blind dates were also arranged.

When Gao Jianwei said this, he could no longer contain the emotions in his heart, and it was difficult to hide his excitement, and said to Chen Xu, "I can understand her parents' worries, we can solve it together, so why... Why did she agree so frankly? A

self-deprecating smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and his body exuded a strong negative atmosphere.

Chen Xu could see that this man was really hurt by this relationship, and obviously couldn't let go of Lin Wantang.

He was also puzzled.

During the time of raising flowers, he had seen Gao Jianwei and Lin Wantang together, and the two seemed to have a good relationship.

Girls are also very dependent on Gao Jianwei, how can they say let go and let go.

Even if her family really feels that it is wrong to disagree with the Gao family, they will at least fight for it with Gao Jianwei.

Not only did this girl not fight, but she also arranged a blind date so quickly?

Chen Xu felt that this matter was very unreasonable.

But for a while, I couldn't remember what was unreasonable.

Until, he suddenly remembered that there was a media news that impressed him very deeply in his last life.

At that time, it was already 2020, and an old man who had been waiting at the train station for more than forty years attracted the attention of almost the entire Chinese news media.

It was later that Chen Xu learned from the follow-up reports that impressed him with the story behind the old man.

The old man is a native of the imperial capital, who has been from a high-ranking family since he was a child, and he is also very good himself, with a bright future and future.

But unfortunately, a relationship when he was young ruined his life.

In his twenties, he fell in love with a girl with average family conditions, and the two fell in love.

But the girl's parents felt that there was a big gap in the family, did not agree with the girl to marry him, and even quickly arranged for the girl to get engaged on a blind date, which hit the high-ranking cadre's child very hard, negative for nearly two years, and hated the girl for two years.

However, it was one day two years later that he learned from others that the girl was not married.

However, without waiting for him to come and be happy, the bad news that the girl could not carry it because of the malignant tumor came one after another.

That is, when the girl died, he learned that the girl did not choose to break up with him simply because of her parents' orders.

She just stabilized her parents' emotions first, promised her parents to get engaged to someone on a blind date, and kept her innocence, if he didn't give up after half a year and his mother's body recovered, she would come back to him as soon as possible.

But she didn't expect that the last thing waiting was the news that she was suffering from a terminal illness that could not be cured.

Knowing of the illness, the girl broke off the marriage contract with her engaged partner as soon as possible, and fought the disease for more than a year accompanied by her parents, but finally failed to survive and left the world with regrets.

On the day before his death, I secretly went to see him, but did not recognize him.

The high-ranking cadre learned the news from the girlfriend's mouth, and it didn't take long for him to become insane because of the huge blow.

Every rainy day, he would hold an umbrella and go to the train station where the two first met, standing in the rain, waiting for her to return.

That's more than forty years.

Rao is Chen Xu, who only has career and money in his heart, and when he heard this news deed, he was also very impressed, and even regretted this regrettable love for the two.

At this moment, Chen Xu reacted completely, checked the address, person, time, and event, and looked at Gao Jianwei's gaze, which became a little unbelievable.

So...... At

that time, the media did not disclose the name of the protagonist, he only knew that it was the family of the children of high-ranking officials in the imperial capital, and the attached photo was only the back of the old man standing with an umbrella standing in the rain.

But the more I think about it now, the more I feel that Gao Jianwei is likely to be the protagonist, after all, there are too many coincidences.

After a long time, he came back from his shock and tentatively asked the other party, "How did you meet Wantang?"

Chen Xu was caught off guard and threw out the question, which made Gao Jianwei a little surprised.

However, he didn't have the heart to ask Chen Xu why he asked this, hearing Chen Xu's words, he looked down at the cup, and pulled his thoughts to the day when the two met for the first time, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"The two of us, met on a rainy day, I came back from a business trip out of town, and she got lost at the train station for the first time. "


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