Ye Wanyu was briefly out of his mind, sensing that he didn't seem to be quite right, and immediately lowered his head, stopped looking at Chen Xu, did not greet him, and left quickly.

Yesterday was a big accident.

From now on, she has nothing to do with this man.

Yesterday at drink, she walked around the house with her cousin, knew the direction of the back door, walked to the door on the right, went to the kitchen, and left the back door.

Chen Xu heard the movement behind him and did not turn around.

Although I feel good about this girl.

But in terms of age, he is seven or eight years older than her, and the way the two know each other is so special, mainly because he still looks like a bear.

If this girl can see him, it will be the sun hitting the west and coming out.

Ye left softly, and Chen Xu took Xiao Yuer to the bedroom.


-" "Chen Xu, are you up?" "Chen Xu

, I'm your brother-in-law, Zhang Qiang, find you something, open the door." As

soon as Chen Xu came to the bed, there was a movement outside.

He pulled the quilt, put the little girl in his arms on the quilt, turned over the corner of the quilt to cover her thin body, and then turned to leave.

In the yard.

Several dark-skinned men, holding various guys in their hands, stood nervously at the door.

Chen Qiannan and her man, Zhang Qiang, were lying on the dilapidated wooden door, listening to the movement in the house.

"Why is it so quiet, Chen Xu, this fool, won't hurt the girl's family, right?" Chen Qiannan looked at the man on the side, his face was exaggerated, but his voice was extremely quiet, "Just now I heard a very miserable scream, and now there is no movement at all!" Beside

the two, the fair-skinned short-haired girl was already frightened and stomped her foot in a hurry, "You, you guys hurry up and open the door!

If something happened to Whisper, she would definitely not be able to accept

it, and Whispering parents would definitely not let their whole family go, after all, she came to this village with Whispering to eat his cousin's banquet!"

"Miaomiao, don't worry, I will definitely rescue your classmates." Zhang Qiang greeted Qin Miao, looked at everyone, and explained in a low voice, "Everyone, I'll count three times later, if Chen Xu doesn't open the door yet, we'll rush in!" Several

men heard Zhang Qiang's words, although they were afraid of Chen Xu's brute strength and size, they still clenched the guys in their hands one by one and nodded towards Zhang Qiang.

Although even if they were all, they couldn't beat Chen Xu.

But when they think of the little girl who came to eat wine yesterday, if it is really as Chen Xu's cousin Chen Qiannan said, Chen Xu was occupied and murdered by this bully fool, even if they fought for their lives, they would catch this evil man and send him to the police station, except for the harm of Fujitou Village!

Zhang Qiang

signaled to everyone, raised his hand, and counted down, "Three, two, one!"

Zhang Qiang roared, that is, raised his right foot, and suddenly kicked towards the wooden door.


Before he kicked the wooden door, the door of the house was suddenly opened from the inside, Zhang Qiang couldn't react, kicked the air, and the whole person stumbled directly into the house.

As soon as Chen Xu opened the door, he saw the man who fell in, as well as the people holding the guys outside the door, obviously not good at coming, and directly closed the half-open door.

"Bang!" Chen

Xu's strength was originally great, even if he closed the door casually, the strength was not ordinary strong, Zhang Qiang, who had just crashed in, was directly knocked out and flew out, smashing a few big men behind him on the spot, ah yo yo screamed.

"What are you going to do?" knocking

Zhang Qiang out, Chen Xu opened the door again, looked at everyone with a displeased eyebrow, and asked aloud.

Chen Xu was born very tall, wheat-colored skin and tough facial features, especially those eyes, it was like a knife, even if you looked at it, you can shave off a few taels of flesh.

Just this glance made the villagers in the courtyard shiver.

Although Zhang Qiang has just joined the Chen family, his cousin's reputation is famous far and wide, and I heard that wild boars can be turned over with their bare hands.

Now being stared at by Chen Xu like this, he only felt that his legs were soft, and he quickly crawled to Chen Qiannan's side, "Mother-in-law, mother-in-law... You, you say.

"You are a useless thing!" Chen Qiannan glanced at the man holding his thigh in disgust, scolded, turned his head, looked at Chen Xu who was like a strongman bandit, and asked in a low voice, "Chen Xu, I heard the screams of a girl in your room early this morning, and Zhang Qiang and his cousin classmates also suddenly disappeared, so we want to see if someone is in your room."

Chen Qian's male voice fell, and a trembling female voice on the side also came, "I woke up this morning, the whisper disappeared, the door of the house is open, but the shoes are still by my bedside, it must have been taken away, my cousin said that I heard a scream from your house, we must come over and see, the whisper is it... In your place?"

Qin Miao's next few words almost came out with a crying voice, although his legs were weak when he was frightened by Chen Xu, thinking about the safety of the little sister, he couldn't care so much.

She didn't dare to imagine the consequences if Whispering was really ruined by this bandit bully's man.

Her small body, where can she withstand this man....

After Chen Xu listened to the words of several people, he already knew in his heart.

It seems that this time out, I plan to "catch the traitor on the spot".

The original owner was originally a stupid big man, his head often couldn't be put on the side, and he had a brute force, according to his habits, he might not let go of the girl in bed when he woke up today.

Now another one to catch the rape on the spot, the girl looks like a city person, if the family knows, they will definitely not let him go easily, at least go in and squat for ten or twenty years, this life is completely over.

To say that this was not a despicable calculation, he Chen Xu would definitely not believe it.

However, now that the girl has left, for the sake of the other party's reputation, this matter, even if he knows that it is calculated, he can only treat it as if it did not happen.

Chen Xu's gaze swept over everyone, fell on the girl who had red eyes, and spoke, "Your friend is not with me."

"No way, unless, you let us in and see." As soon as Chen Xu's words fell, Chen Qiannan quickly spoke.

Zhang Qiang also got up from the ground, patted the dirt on his body, and hid behind Chen Qiannan, "Yes, cousin, we live in this house, and the west house on your side and the east house on my side share a hall house in the middle."

"Yesterday, my cousin's classmate slept on the second floor of our east house, and when my wife got up in the morning, the door of our east house was still locked from the inside, so this girl didn't leave our house, she could only be taken away from the hall house, and in the morning we heard the screams from your side again, so you can't talk about it without showing us, right?"

Chen Xu saw this woman singing and following her husband, and her cousin and brother-in-law, who wished to confirm his crime, remembered some things from the corner of the original owner's memory, and probably knew who the person who wanted to calculate him was.


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