On the way back, Lu Caiyun's face was gloomy, and she repeatedly confirmed with Jiang Qing that there was really no way to get dividends from Chen Xu, and the huge gap made her unacceptable!

Where would he have thought that Jiang Qing would actually suffer a big loss here

with Chen Xu? Not to mention that he didn't make money, he also worked for Bai Xuguang stationery

for three months! It also let her waste another three months on

him! And according to the meaning of Jiang Qing's mouth, even if he continues to cooperate with Xuguang Stationery in the future, Chen Xu will consume him for the rest of his life

! ! Lu Caiyun is not difficult to hear, now Chen Xu's meaning is also particularly obvious, that is, Xuguang stationery is made, Jiang Qing has now become a waste with no use value, just want to kick him away.

The more Lu Caiyun thought about it, the more angry she became, and the more she thought about it, the more she regretted it, how could she think that this fool would make a lot of money?

Otherwise, when Jiang Qing was in the housing management bureau, he could rise so fast, in addition to hard work and strength, he was also very clever, so he gave her the illusion that Jiang Qing could also shine in the self-employed industry and give her the life she wanted.

Now Jiang Qing has returned to the Jiang Qing who has nothing, and even the iron rice bowl has been lost because of Xuguang Stationery.

Lu Caiyun no longer had hope for each other at all, and as soon as the two arrived home, she immediately returned to her room and began to pack her luggage.

Even if Jiang Qing saw Lu Caiyun's decisive attitude, he still did not die, and hoped that Lu Caiyun could show a little soft-heartedness, at least she still had feelings for him, and he could immediately have a showdown with her.

He resisted the urge to immediately take out the passbook in his pocket to Lu Caiyun, watched the other party pack up his clothes, strode to the wardrobe, reached out and grabbed her wrist, "Caiyun, can you give me some more time, I have accumulated a lot of experience in cooperating with Chen Xu this time, even if I don't cooperate with him, on my own, I can make achievements now, do you trust me?"

Lu Caiyun reached the man's outstretched hand, showing undisguised disgust under her eyes, and fiercely threw Jiang Qing's hand away, "Jiang Qing, you are enough! From today onwards, don't pester me again, whether you can make achievements in the future has nothing to do with me!" If

she pins her hopes on this fool again, then there is really a problem with her head!

Lu Caiyun only thinks that the neighbors at home already know that she will be the little boss of Xuguang stationery in the future, and they are waiting to eat her happy wine.

Now this man has shattered her dreams, and she has a heartfelt disgust and disgust for

Jiang Qing! Even if she goes to find a second marriage, she can find a family with better conditions than Jiang Qing, and she is no longer willing to waste her youth and time on Jiang Qing, a fool! Jiang Qing's

hand was thrown away by Lu Caiyun, and when she heard the woman's decisive words, she was stunned, and for a moment, she asked her with a dark face," I really don't understand, you have given me your best innocence and youth, why, as long as it is at the moment of crisis, you can leave so decisively?" He

stared at Lu Caiyun with a pair of eyes, and finally plucked up enough courage to ask her the question that had been lingering in her mind for the past few months, "Caiyun, after so many years, have you ever been——"

"No, I didn't love, I didn't like you!" Lu Caiyun spoke up decisively, interrupting Jiang Qing's question, and even afraid that the other party was still entangled, not waiting for Jiang Qing to recover from the shock, and continued to mend the knife, "To tell you the truth, I was with you at the beginning, but also because I broke up with a person I had been talking to for a few years, and you happened to be obedient to me again, and you are an excellent young man in school, I think you will definitely be able to make a difference in the future, so I am with you, and now it seems that I was really blind

!"As soon as Lu Caiyun's words came out, a thunder directly exploded above Jiang Qing's head, making him a little unstable, reaching out to hold the wardrobe to be able to stand firmly, still feeling unbelievable, "You, you lied, right? You also gave me all your innocence, and now you say that you didn't like me?" Over

the years, Jiang Qing has been struggling hard with the goal of marrying Lu Caiyun, and before Lu Caiyun broke up with him, he did not doubt her feelings for him at all.

At this moment, this woman who has made him love with his heart for six years actually told him that he had never loved him, and that he was just going to be with him.


Caiyun must be angry and talking to him.

Lu Caiyun now completely does not want to pretend with Jiang Qing anymore, and she is completely dead to this man, and even afraid that he will entangle him bitterly.

Hearing Jiang Qing mention her innocence again, a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, and she no longer hid her face at all, looked at Jiang Qing like a fool, and said with a sneer, "Do you really think that I was innocent when I was with you?

However, in just a moment, he suddenly reacted.

What Lu Caiyun meant was that this time the sheets were not red, it was...

Before Lu Caiyun said this to him, he had never suspected the other party, and then reacted, for a while, he only felt shocked and looked at her in disbelief, "So, that time, it was you who came... Lu

Caiyun was noncommittal and sneered, "Otherwise, do you really think that I, Lu Caiyun, are so stupid that I will casually give you my innocent body?" Lu

Caiyun's words only caused Jiang Qing's heart to twitch, and even his brain appeared for a short time.

So...... He was so, stupid to be taken by this woman... After six years of deception

, Jiang Qing's guilt for Lu Caiyun disappeared almost instantly, and even suddenly gave birth to a trace of disgust.

"So, you relied on my feelings for you to deceive me that was your first time, and you fooled me for so many years?" Lu

Caiyun saw that Jiang Qing's attitude towards her had changed, although she couldn't contain some discomfort, but when she thought of getting rid of Jiang Qing, she felt even more lucky, glad that this big fool might not pester her again.

She had already packed her luggage, and before leaving, in order to completely let Jiang Qing die, looking at this man with a face full of shock and grief, she smiled and mended the knife, "That's right, I just lied to you for so many years, and last time I came back, I didn't really love you much, just because you not only looked good, but also made a lot of money to be good to me, which can allow me to live a rich life." "It's

just that I didn't expect that you are still stupid as always, I just said a word or two casually, and you immediately relented, it seems that you love me more than I thought, and now you are again

-" "-pop!"

Lu Caiyun was just halfway through speaking, and a loud and crisp voice suddenly sounded.

At the same time that there was a tingling pain on the face, the person was caught off guard and stumbled to the side for several steps and almost fell to the ground, Fang Cai's face with a mocking smile was hot, and a slap print instantly appeared.

For a moment, she came back to her senses in amazement, stretched out her hand to cover her face, and looked at Jiang Qing in disbelief, "Jiang Qing, you... You actually hit me?"


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