
old leaders in the guest seat, who were originally dark-faced and did not dare to show their love for this song, heard the applause that sounded in the studio one after another, and then got up and applauded, but their faces were still tense.

After all, this lyrics, in this era, are really, really a little too open!

They are also faintly worried that the audience in front of the TV will not cause public opinion because the lyrics are too bold.

Even some old leaders, considering the seriousness of the matter, couldn't help but want to quickly call the director over and ask him how he agreed to play such a potentially controversial song at the Spring Festival Gala.

However, before the leaders spoke.

The telephone, which had barely rang in the studio, suddenly rang one after another.

This succession of phone calls made the old leaders chuckle.

"It's over, is there a lot of people coming to complain

?" "It's over, it must be, this song is good, but the lyrics are too ..." Not

only the old leaders, but even the director and singer of this party, Li Guyi himself, couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

Before confirming that he wanted to sing this song, the director also struggled and hesitated with Li Guyi, feeling that Huaxia's current music could be boldly let go, and he was afraid that the audience would not buy it.

In the end, the two decided to gamble and let Li Guyi sing this hometown love.

Now, as soon as the song ended, the phone that had only rang almost twice in the studio now rang four in a row at the same time, which had to make them nervous.

However, since they have all made this decision, they still have to face it.

At the direction of the director, the operators in charge of wiring quickly raised the phone one after another, and wrote the appeals of the caller audience on the note.

After a period of silence, when the audience in front of the studio and the TV saw the note held up by the operators, they were briefly stunned, and they reacted, all of them were excited and happy!

When the old leaders saw the audience's request, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly sat back in their seats, taking advantage of this opportunity for the audience to listen to it again.

Since the masses still want to listen to it, then boldly play

it! This song is also really good!

The director also showed a smile on his face, and quickly arranged for Li Gu to sing it again and again to the audience throughout the country.

Li Guyi did not expect that not only was he not complained, but the audience also listened, as if he had been greatly encouraged, and a confident smile appeared on his face.

After thanking the audience, he quickly entered the state, elegant and beautiful, wearing a red dress, singing "Hometown Love" for the second time.

In front of the TV.

Ye Wanyu knew that he had to sing it a second time, which was called a happy, habitually leaned on Chen Xu's arm, stared intently at Li Guyi in the TV, followed the melody of the other party, listened to the song and hummed softly at the same time.

In the past, she didn't think any songs were good, but today, Li Guyi's song made her feel a new form of literature and art, and she only felt that she couldn't get tired of listening to it.

Chen Xu was not surprised by the reaction to the song of hometown love, sensing the movement of the girl next to him, the corners of his mouth unconsciously showed pampering, and slightly lowered his shoulders, so that his daughter-in-law could lean on him more comfortably to watch the program and listen to the song.

Ye Wanyu's eyes were only Li Guyi and the moving singing voice on the TV, while under Chen Xu's eyes, only the daughter-in-law next to him with a face as clean as the moon, eyes as clear as water, and a smile like a flower, enjoyed the wonderful moment very much.

And Li Guyi's "hometown love", in the successive on-demand calls of the audience, sang three times in succession, directly breaking the record of tonight's Spring Festival Gala program on demand.

If it weren't for the director's fear of affecting the performance of other programs, and calling the audience in front of the TV in time to be reasonable, I am afraid that Li Guyi would be able to stand on stage today until the end of the Spring Festival Gala.

And Li Guyi's bold and avant-garde red dress and lingering and moving songs today also made the national audience remember the names of her and Blue Phoenix Garment Factory

! Sung three times, and the name of the sponsor Blue Phoenix was also displayed on the TV screen three times, it is difficult to make people not remember!

Especially after Li Guyi stepped down after singing, the audience saw other programs and songs, and they only felt bored.

I also found that there were dozens and hundreds of sets of clothes in this Huamao throughout the night, and none of them could be compared with the only dress sponsored by the "Blue Phoenix".

Even Li Guyi decided to wear the second set of costumes sponsored by Huamao before the party began, and when he wore it again, it was completely less stunning than the "Blue Phoenix".

The same person, the same clothing factory clothes, but the feeling of wearing it is very different, this obvious contrast, let the audience remember the name of this blue phoenix, deeply imprinted in their minds.

Even many viewers directly called the TV station to give advice, why the costumes of this year's Spring Festival Gala are not all sponsored by Blue Phoenix, it is definitely better than Huamao.

The TV program was originally broadcast to the whole country, and although the operator avoided many complaints that Huamao clothing was not good enough, he still failed to escape the record several times, which caused unanimous recognition from the national audience.

The costumes sponsored by Huamao are too ugly, even inferior to the clothing company Blue Phoenix, which no one has heard of before.

A few hours of the Spring Festival Gala is coming to an end.


Li Chengwen and Liu Hong in front of the TV witnessed the entire live broadcast of the entire Spring Festival Gala, and at this moment, they were both completely dumbfounded.


blue and blue phoenixes, not only did they not go unsung, but even shined on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, surpassing the powerful Huamao and gaining the recognition of the national audience

Liu Hong has maintained the action of fishing for noodles for nearly three hours, and this time he reacted, and looked at Li Chengwen, who was even more shocked and surprised than him on the side, and confirmed from the shocked eyes of the other party that he was not dreaming, and the two big men jumped up almost instantly excited.

"Old Li, Brother Xu Xu's judgment has really been fulfilled!" Liu Hong was still pinching his chopsticks with one hand and pointing to the TV with the other, his hand trembling uncontrollably.

It is worthy of being his God of Wealth, and now he just wants to give the God of Wealth a few kowtows!

Li Chengwen was also so excited that his legs were soft, and his face also felt hot.

He really didn't expect that Chen Xu's eyes were so vicious and his judgment was so accurate.

This hometown love is really on fire, and the blue phoenix is also on fire!

In the future, why worry that the clothes in this factory will not be sold?

"I, Li Chengwen, will not accept anyone in my life, so I will obey Chen Xu!" said Li Chengwen with excitement.

Compared with the excited Li Chengwen and Liu Hong, the imperial capital thousands of miles away.

The brothers and sisters Lu Wenfeng and Lu Meiyun, who also guarded the Spring Festival Gala for several hours, the whole person is not good.

Especially Lu Meiyun, today's rosy face, has long been from green to purple when Li Gu sang three times in a row, especially when seeing the audience's telephone feedback Huamao clothing hundreds of sets of clothes without a set of blue phoenix's red dress comparison, seeing that the blue phoenix was not only not suppressed to the end, but even out of the limelight, the psychological shadow area suddenly expanded, before the official end of the party host Zhao Xiangzhong read the name of the blue phoenix costume again, the backlog of emotions said collapse, screamed, and fiercely ate the teacup on the coffee table and overturned to vent anger, there was a lot of movement, so that a room of people who were not mentally prepared were instantly dumbfounded。

"By what! Why is the blue phoenix !!


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