What Liu Jiefang didn't expect was that Chen Guodong not only did not agree to become in-laws with the Zhang family again, but the father and daughter even threw her out of the courtyard together.

Chen Qiannan pushed Liu Jiefang to the gate of the courtyard, "Aunt Liu, you used to pull the line with me and Zhang Qiang, I don't blame you, after all, he is from the town, you may not know the roots, now you know that Zhang Qiang's house is a fire pit, and you want to pull me to jump inside, and you will come to my house again in the future to talk about Zhang Qiang, don't blame our Chen family for not welcoming you!"

Although Chen Qiannan is now in good shape and her skin is fair and beautiful, her personality is still the same tiger, knowing that Liu Jiefang wants to match her and Zhang Qiang and directly fry her hair.

Liu Jiefang was almost not pushed to the ground by Chen Qiannan, and took several steps back to stand on his feet, also with an unhappy face, "Oh, isn't my starting point also for you and your father, with conditions like you, do you think there are still men who are willing to enter your house? "

Liu Jiefang has a short hand, especially Zhang Qiang's family has stuffed her with great unity, she doesn't care whether Chen Qiannan will be happy if she remarries Zhang Qiang, and now she just wants to do the Zhang family's favor.

As soon as Liu Jiefang said that Chen Guodong had no son, Chen Qiannan was a little unconfident in an instant.

She can never get married for the rest of her life, but she is not a man after all, and according to her impression of her father's thinking, there must be a man in the family.

However, what surprised Chen Qiannan was that as soon as Liu Jiefang's words fell, Chen Guodong's decisive voice behind her entered her and Liu Jiefang's ears.

"Then Liu Jiefang, your starting point or don't set off, I don't need any son-in-law, in the future, Qianmen will marry if he wants to get married, and if he doesn't want to get married, I will follow her, if you mention the Zhang family again, don't blame me for not showing you mercy!"

Chen Guodong said gloomily.

Since experiencing Zhang Qiang's affairs, he has long seen it.

Instead of persistently aggrieving his daughter to recruit some beasts like Zhang Qiang into the Chen family, it is better to let Chen Qiannan have a better time and let her choose freely.

No one wants to divorce, and all the land foundations of this Chen family will be passed on to their daughters!

When Chen Qiannan is old in the future, those land foundations will be passed directly to Xiao Sixu, and they are not still his Chen family's.

In the past, Chen Guodong and Chen Xu did not deal with each other, except that Chen Xu was a fool who would only cause trouble to the Chen family, and more because he felt that Chen Qingshan was partial because Chen Xu was a grandson.

Since Chen Qingshan's serious illness, the two families released their previous suspicions, and Chen Guodong suddenly woke up.

Chen Qingshan hurt Chen Xu, it was out of guilt for the second old, it was the old man who supported the second man to go to the front, so that Chen Xu had no father since he was a child, and his mother was too sad because she couldn't accept this blow, and threw Chen Xu and jumped into the river, and now I don't know that there is no place to return in that river.

And he, the uncle, because he failed to give birth to a son, saw that the old man was unconditionally good to Chen Xu, and felt that Chen Qingshan preferred sons to daughters, so he spread his anger on several daughters.

Now Chen Guodong has seen it and figured it out.

He can't give birth to a son, it's his life.

In the future, these daughters, he will definitely use the rest of his life to make up for them.

Chen Qiannan didn't want anyone, he Chen Guodong left this daughter at home for the rest of her life, which was better than forcing her to marry a man she didn't like for the sake of fame.

Chen Qiannan didn't expect Chen Guodong to suddenly come to such a sentence.

After all, it has been almost thirty years, and Chen Guodong basically spills his anger on them when facing these sons and daughters.

Now Chen Guodong not only did not take her off, but also stood behind her so decisively and talked to her, almost making her red eyes instantly.

With her father's support, when she looked at Liu Jiefang again, her waist was already straight, "Did you hear it? My father said, it's all up to me, even if I don't look for a man in this life, I can't have anything to do with Zhang Qiang's beast."

Liu Jiefang looked at the resolute father and daughter, opened his mouth, saw that Chen Guodong's face was not good, and did not dare to say anything more.

I feel that if she opens her mouth again, maybe the father and daughter will really be unkind to her.

"Oh, it was originally for your own good, so forget it if you don't appreciate it!"

Liu Jiefang muttered, and turned away with an unhappy look.

She wants to see, this Chen Qianan does not want

Zhang Qiang, is there any man willing to marry her in the future! No matter how good-looking she is, she is a divorced woman after all, as long as Zhang Qiang's ex-husband is still there, especially a troublesome ex-husband, how many men will not mind, not afraid of causing trouble to marry her?

Today is New Year's Day.

The whole of China is still immersed in the joy of the New Year.

And Chen Xu and his family, after lunch, had already arrived at the deserted train station.

It's New Year's Day, and the train station has few passengers except for a few staff on duty.

Ye Pinghe had already connected with the people who had arranged for Ye Yuanshan, and the ticket he bought was two o'clock in the afternoon, and he was going to enter the station and leave now.

Before entering the station, Ye Pinghe and Ye Jiahao's grandfather and grandson had reluctance written on their faces.

Especially the two old comrades-in-arms who have just been reunited for a long time and have only been getting along for more than ten days.

Before leaving, Ye Pinghe did not forget to speak to Chen Qingshan, "Old Chen, after this year, which of us has time to get together again."

Chen Qingshan's old face showed a hint of a smile and nodded, "Cheng, pay attention to your body, and when we have time, a few of us who have not entered the loess will get together together before entering." Now

that his children and grandchildren are full, Chen Qingshan feels very satisfied.

After not worrying about his grandson, he wanted to meet his old comrades before entering the loess.

The kind of friendship that comes out of the sea of blood from the mountain of corpses and death together is impossible to measure in ordinary relationships.

I can meet before entering the loess, and I probably don't have so many regrets when I leave.

The two elders agreed at the same time.

Ye Jiahao also raised his hand to wipe his tears, and felt embarrassed to hold back from crying, and forced himself to say loudly to Yu'er, "Yu'er, you wait, I have become rich, my grades are good, and I have become excellent, so I will come and marry you as my wife!" Ye Jiahao

said ruthlessly, and whether Xiao Yuer wanted to or not, he turned around with his head up, not letting Xiao Yuer see him crying nose.

Xiao Yuer was still a little reluctant in the end, watching the grandfather and grandson enter the station, the atmosphere was infectious, his eyes were full of tears, he took Ye Qingyu's hand, and buried his face sideways in Ye Qingyu's arms.

She couldn't bear her grandfather, and she also lost her reluctance to Ye Jiahao, and she couldn't forget him in a short time, after all, Ye Jiahao still borrowed her ten yuan and hadn't paid it back.

Ye Wanyu sensed the little guy's emotions, squatted down, touched her hair, and soothed softly, "Yu'er is not sad, it is estimated that it will not be long before we can meet with grandfather and uncle again."

Ye Whisper's reassurance was also very effective, Xiao Yu'er quickly collected her emotions, raised her hand to wipe away the tears in her eyes, a pair of eyes were wet, looked at her seriously and asked, "That uncle has such a bad memory

, will he forget me?" Ye Wanyu thought that Xiao Yu'er was purely reluctant to Ye Jiahao, and shook his head gently, "Don't worry, uncle can forget everyone, and he will definitely not forget Yu'er." When

Xiao Yuer heard this, he sniffed his nose and was relieved, "That's good." "

Although it would be a little sad to be forgotten by her uncle, it would be even sadder if she forgot her and forgot her ten dollars."

At this time, Chen Xu, who hugged the two little guys left and right, heard his daughter's words, but the whole person was not very good.

Xiao Yu'er would actually cry his nose because he couldn't bear Ye Jiahao's smelly boy?

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