All the way.

The tractor on which Chen Xu's family was riding finally stopped at the end of Fujitou Street in the eyes of the villagers.

As soon as Chen Xu got out of the car, he saw the three-story building of their house on the other side of the river.

The whole building is also painted with a layer of white putty powder, for the sake of beauty, each floor is also brushed with a circle of light green paint of about one meter, and the balcony aisles on the second and third floors are also installed with guardrails, which looks neat and clean.

In this era, other people's houses were still houses made of stone and lime, and their three-story buildings can be said to be about the same level as the villas built in the village in later generations.

Next to the building is a one-story bungalow, which is the house of Chen Guodong and Chen Qian's father and daughter.

Chen Xu originally wanted to ask Chen Guodong to repair two or three floors, he advanced money first, and then gave it to him when the two had money later.

Chen Guodong was unwilling to stretch out his hand with Chen Xu, and he also felt wasted, saying that he and Chen Qiannan were enough for one layer, and Chen Xu did not force it.

At this time, Chen Guodong and Chen Qiannan in the house also heard the report from the children who ran back to half the street, and hurriedly rushed out of the house.

Chen Xu waved with the two people who ran out of the yard, then turned around and helped unload the luggage and hold the child.

The new clothes prepared for the family and the specialties brought back from the Demon Capital Imperial Capital all have small semi-tractors.

It happened that a group of babies came along the street, always curious to look at their side, Chen Xu did not treat them as outsiders, beckoned the little guys to help take things that were not heavy.

The children who came over were originally very curious about the fresh Chen Xu family, and when they heard Chen Xu's greeting, they were very diligent.

Soon, Chen Guodong and Chen Qiannan also came up, a large family and eight or nine eleven-twelve-year-old children, and moved the things on the tractor in one or two trips.

Back home, Chen Xu stuffed some candy for each of the children who came over, and each gave them a dollar of money, which made them excited one by one.

Although this dollar is not worth mentioning to Chen Xu at all, it is simply a rich sum of money for these children.

You know, most children, even if they are at home, only give a dollar a year.

Xiaoyuer stayed outside for more than a year, and although she was not dressed as fancy as the children in the city, she was also clean and cute, and when she returned, she became the cutest little milk ball in the village for this age.

The children who came with her took the money and candy, played in the yard with Xiaoyuer, and curiously asked her about the bits and pieces of life in the city.

Xiao Yuer's personality is as approachable as ever, and when she heard the little brothers and sisters ask, not only most of them answered patiently, but also took the initiative to take out all the brand new toys they brought back from the magic capital, all of which were fresh things that were not available in Fujitou Village or even in the town.

These toys, not to mention fifteen or six pounds, the little one drags it almost all the way by himself, and rarely lets the adults in the family help to take them.

"Brother, this is the plastic pistol I said, many little boys in the magic capital love to play, you see, just load the bullet from here, then aim, pull the trigger, you see, hey! The bullet will fly out!"

Xiao Yuer held a brand new pistol in his small hand and demonstrated it to the little boy on the side.

A few little boys saw this pistol in Xiao Yu'er's hand, and their eyes lit up

! "This thing looks too rigid! Sister Yu'er, can you lend me a play?" When Xiao Yu'er

heard this, she immediately shook her little head and said, Brother, the borrowed thing is always not your own, you have feelings after playing for a long time, how uncomfortable it is when you return it to me, I haven't played with this pistol, or is it new, the retail of the magic capital costs 3 cents, if you like it, I'll sell it to you for 4 cents!" The

latter heard Xiao Yuer's words, although it felt a little strange, but felt very reasonable.

He really likes this plastic pistol, he definitely doesn't want to return it if he borrows it, don't say 4 Mao, even if it's a piece, he is willing to ah!

The little boy didn't hesitate at all, and immediately handed Xiao Yu'er a piece of money he received from Chen Xu, "Give, Yu'er, I'll buy it!" Xiao Yu'er

saw Qian Qian, a pair of eyes were big and bright, Mari reached out and took it, "Okay, brother, I don't want your money for bullets, give you 20!"


You're welcome!"

and boys at this age have no resistance to toy pistols.

Seeing that Xiao Yuer sold a handful, he also swarmed up.

"Fish, sell me a handful too, I want to buy it too."

"I see you have a lot of them here, so I'll take one too."

"I want it too, I want this plane."

"I want this, it looks like it's fun."

In the crowd, Xiao Yu'er's immature and quite sophisticated voice came, "Well, you can sell it all, you can come one by one."

"This is a hoop mini-game console, one of which costs a dollar."

And Chen Xu's family looked at this scene in the courtyard and reacted, they couldn't laugh or cry.

Especially Chen Xu.

He also thought about how this little milk ball came back, and he went to the toy store to bargain with the boss and buy so many toys back.

The feeling is to take advantage of the fact that these toys are not available in Fujitou Village and bring them back to do business.

Although there are only more than ten pounds in total, this little girl picks plastic gadgets, large and small, not to mention seventy or eighty things.

The cheapest inside, this little milk ball all earned three cents.

Especially the speech is also very particular.

The retail sale of Modu is 3 Mao, and she adds a Mao to sell it with tears.

But this little girl went to the toy store, but the wholesale price, just take the toy pistol, each boss only charged her 8 cents.

Isn't a pistol equipped with a pack of bullets?

This milk ball is very good, directly said that she gave it, how happy it is to amuse those little guys, it is like taking advantage.

But Xiao Yuer didn't tell a lie, and the retail price she told people was similar to the retail price in the imperial capital, but she didn't talk about it wholesale.

This marketing method is really a set.

Although he knew that making money was a good thing, looking at Xiao Yuer's age, Chen Xu sometimes wanted to intervene in this little milk ball so that she would not be so addicted.

But people love money and have a good way, and they have not delayed life and study, and he really can't say, so he can only turn a blind eye.

On the contrary, Chen Qingshan felt that the little guy knew that making money was a good thing since he was a child, at least he had one more survival skill.

And Chen Guodong, who does not know the truth, thinks that Xiaoyuer can earn a dime with a toy, and give people bullets, which should be purely to make friends.

Although he often raises some chickens and ducks to buy in Rongcheng now, after all, he is old, and not everyone in business has this talent.

Plus Xiao Yu'er said this set by set, and I didn't expect that such a small milk ball marketing method would be so outrageous, and I completely believed her words.


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