Imperial capital.

After several days of traveling, at eight o'clock in the evening, Chen Yindi finally arrived at her destination.

Although the partner from the imperial capital did not appear, he arranged a very warm reception staff for her, not only took her to the state-run restaurant Big Fish and Meat for a meal, but also arranged for her to have a guest house closest to the newspaper.

Chen Yindi plans to get a good night's sleep tonight, adjust her state, and go to the newspaper office early tomorrow morning, so that she can have an excellent mental state to face the staff of the newspaper office and expose all the things about Chen Xu!

Coming to the guest house, Chen Yindi said goodbye to the person who greeted her, took a kettle of hot water from the usher, and went to her room with her waist.

This period of hard labor and a few days of bumps really made her very tired.

However, as long as he thought that he could expose Chen Xu's identity as the boss of the Blue Phoenix tomorrow, Chen Yindi couldn't say it was comfortable.

Even the exhaustion accumulated in the past few months seems to have been relieved by half in an instant.

People with this kind of excitement are not only Chen Yindi.

There is also Lu Meiyun, who is hiding in the shadows and has been observing the progress of the incident.

Now that Chen Yindi has arrived in the imperial capital, tomorrow morning, when she enters the newspaper office, she will be able to expose the unfavorable news for Chen Xu!

Although she also has acquaintances in the newspaper office, she will not rashly move her contacts again if it is not a last resort.

Especially Chen Xu has a good relationship with Gao Jianwei, and God knows if there will be Gao Jianwei's people in the newspaper.

If this news is exposed to the newspaper office tonight, the probability of being sunk into the sea like Rongcheng is too high!

So the easiest and fastest way is that Chen Xu, a cousin who has traveled thousands of miles, will personally go to the newspaper hall tomorrow and directly throw out the news, so that people familiar with Chen Xu will not have time to stop the news from spreading.

Lu Meiyun fantasized about the report on the news tomorrow morning, and her mood was called a pleasure, and she immediately called her sister who played better, and made an appointment to perm her hair together tomorrow.

Tomorrow, she will use the most exquisite and beautiful posture to see how Chen Xu failed and fell to the bottom!

Lu Wenfeng saw that Lu Meiyun was in a good mood, and he was finally relieved.

If Chen Xu is finished this time, his sister's mental illness should not be cured, and the Lu family will definitely hold a few tables of wine to celebrate Lu Meiyun at that time.

Compared with Lu Meiyun and several people, Wang He, who is also in the imperial capital, has a somewhat unsteady life these days.

His side had not received news from Ma Wei's side for five days.

The people sent over to connect with Ma Wei also had no news, which made Wang He more and more flustered.

I wondered if the two of them showed their horse's feet and were caught by the people on Huamao's side

, but soon, Wang He vetoed this conjecture.

Judging from the news that Ma Wei passed on three and four times, the two bosses of the garment factory trusted her very much.

She even led the establishment of an internal rape investigation team.

Since they trust so much, the two will definitely not suspect Ma Wei, Ma Wei is so smart, and it is impossible to expose it so easily.

Of course, it was also the big boss behind Blue Phoenix, Chen Xu, who did not dare to be so sure in Wang He.

After all, this man was in a small Rongcheng, who had grown from nothing within a year, and was even famous enough to come to the imperial capital.

To say that he did not have superior means and city government, Wang He absolutely did not believe it.

Fortunately, this big boss is more focused on his wife and children, and he has not gone to Guangcheng, so he can succeed again and again.

Now Huamao not only has the opportunity to cooperate with Sanjin Pictures, but also knows in advance that this year's summer clothing popular fabrics, now people only need to wait for Ma Wei to drive the design drawings over, Huamao with this wave of summer clothing momentum this year, will definitely be able to crush other peers, become the leader of this industry!

Wang He sat in the study for a while, then picked up the phone on his desk and dialed Guangcheng.

"Hey, old Qin, it's me, Wang He, you help me find someone in Guangcheng, well, surnamed Qian, who used to live in the guest house next to Blue Phoenix, help me find someone." "

Although I don't want people to know that the people under him are involved with Blue Phoenix.

But now that others are in the imperial capital, their hands can't reach the Guangcheng side, so they can only let people help find it.

When he finds someone, and then asks Ma Wei to send the blue phoenix design drawings to Huamao, he will be at ease.

As everyone knows, at this moment.

At Li Chengwen's home in Guangcheng, Ma Wei sat in the living room, facing the camera lens of the Guangcheng Morning Post, completely revealing the crime of helping Huamao design Blue Phoenix Satellite TV together.

In front of the camera, Ma Wei wore a white cotton mask and burst into tears.

"I am guilty, it is because I failed to resist the temptation, listened to the words of Wang He, the boss of Huamao, and his subordinates, came into the Blue Phoenix Company as an internal traitor, stole their company's intelligence and design drawings, and passed it to Huamao over in the imperial capital.

"Blue Phoenix is suspected of plagiarism, and it is also I who cooperated with Huamao Thief to shout to catch the thief, and used the trust of the two bosses in me before bidding to take the design drawings and pass them to Huamao, Hua Mao slightly changed the design drawings of Blue Phoenix and submitted the design drawings before Blue Phoenix, so as to frame Blue Phoenix for plagiarism. "


"The above content is absolutely not half false, most of the channels through which I deliver news to Huamao are telegraph offices, there are records there, and you can still find the content.

"I'm here, once again sincerely apologizing to Blue Phoenix and his colleagues, the boss of Blue Phoenix, as well as the people of the whole country who were deceived by me!"

Ma Wei said, stood up and bowed heavily to the camera.

Her nearly ten-minute report video also officially ended, pressing the end button.

Liu Hong's mood is very complicated, and he doesn't know whether to be happy or sad at this time.

Li Chengwen was very happy, raised his hand and patted the friend who was hanging the reporter on the side, and said with a smile, "Old Zheng, tomorrow morning, remember to break this news and wash away my Blue Phoenix grievances."

Although the newspaper office is now closed, Li Chengwen, a local, wants to call a reporter to record a shocking headline, which is certainly not a problem,

especially about the Blue Phoenix, which has made waves across the country in recent months.

The latter actually reluctantly came over to Li Chengwen's face today, thinking that Li Chengwen was going to use some sad card or false propaganda to save the image of the Blue Phoenix, somewhat reluctantly.

But he never expected that Li Chengwen would call him over to provide such a piece of news about the king bombing! As

long as this news is released tomorrow, it will definitely detonate the morning news in various cities as soon as possible, causing a shock

! Who would have thought that Hua Mao, the victim who denounced Blue Phoenix's plagiarism, was actually a thief shouting to catch the thief!

Lao Li, don't worry, this news, I will definitely put it on our morning news tomorrow, today I will not let me and people other than photography know, to avoid extraneous branches!"

In this era, most people engaged in the newspaper industry have a strong sense of responsibility in their hearts.

The other party now knew that Blue Phoenix had suffered such a big grievance these days, and he was obviously very angry.

Li Chengwen nodded, glanced at Ma Wei, who was hanging his head in the living room, pulled the man aside, and explained in a low voice, "As for this lesbian, you try not to expose her identity, and the portrait is also blurred, she should be forced to do this." "

Li Chengwen is not a person who pities Xiang Xiang and cherishes jade, but when he investigated Ma Wei's background according to Chen Xu's orders, he learned that Ma Wei had a younger brother with a rare disease in his family.

The family seems to have spent a lot of manpower and financial resources to save this younger brother, and in the past few months, because they could not bear the huge treatment fee, they went home to recuperate.


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