With the blessing of the lottery, today's business of spicy potatoes is extremely hot, and Chen Xu also greeted harder, but also kept an appropriate distance, and could not be too enthusiastic to the guests, causing pressure to people invisibly.

Many female guests who came with children, Chen Xu would deliberately be silent and add one or two potatoes.

It is that people love to be greedy, especially married women.

This time, he saw that Chen Xu specially added more potatoes to her, and did not shout that she must come over next time, then the next time she wanted to eat, the first thing she would bear was on his side.

Chen Xu didn't plan to rest much today.

Even the lunch meal was brought by Wu Cuifang from home, and she hurriedly ate two bites and continued to take care of the guests.

Wu Cuifang was also about to die of exhaustion with Chen Xu.

I also deeply realized how hard this man fought to save the old man.

Fortunately, she has resigned.

I'll be able to leave tomorrow.

Tang Guoshan's business was brought hot, and the family was tired enough, like a spinning top all day, and almost never stopped.

However, he looked at Chen Xu, who had two black eyes and greeted customers with unusual spirits, although the business in the store was good, he was a little unhappy.

He also knew something about Chen Xu's family.

So hard today.

Don't think about it, it is also necessary to try to treat the elderly at home.

Tang Guoshan poured a few more bowls of tea for the guests, looked at the busy figure next to the potato stall, thought for a moment, turned around, walked to the woman who was busy wiping the table, and showed a fawning smile.

"Wife... Talk to you about something. "


Chen Xu was busy from ten o'clock today, until all the potatoes were sold out at nine o'clock in the evening, and he began to close the stall, selling for several hours more than before.

Wu Cuifang sat directly tiredly on the stool and beat her hands, almost tired to death!

Chen Xu seemed to not know tired, while packing things, he also secretly calculated today's income in his heart.

At the end of the day, about six hundred and ten pounds of potatoes were sold, and the turnover was about four hundred and five.

If you fight again tomorrow, close the stall later, sell more than 500, the operation fee can almost be scraped together.

After cleaning up, he reached out, pulled his sweat-soaked clothes, and exhaled heavily.

At this moment, a figure suddenly approached.

Immediately afterwards, a stack of great unity was handed to him.

Chen Xu looked up along the Great Unity.

The person holding the money was none other than the owner of the tea house, Tang Guoshan.

"Uncle, what are you?" asked Chen Xu rather unexpectedly.

"Boss Chen, I know a little about your family's situation, although this hundred yuan may not be much, but it is also a little bit of my heart, first lend you for emergencies." Tang

Guoshan said, and shoved the ten great unity in his hand into Chen Xu's hand.

After these days of getting along, he and Chen Xu are not only partners, but also friends.

Now that his friend's house is in difficulty, he can help some of what he can.

In particular, he admired that Chen Xu's age could treat the elderly at home without hesitation.

This was the courage and ability that he did not have at Chen Xu's age, and he could only watch the old man leave.

Now, if he has the ability, he can help.

Chen Xu looked at the stack of great unity that Tang Guoshan stuffed into his hands, and a warm upsurge surged in his heart.

He doesn't like to owe favors, but now he really needs money, and it's not the time to be pretentious.

Chen Xu clenched the hundred yuan in his hand, a smile appeared on his tired face, and smiled at Tang Guoshan, "Uncle, thank you."

Tang Guoshan scratched his hair a little unnaturally, and said with a smile, "Harm... You're welcome!"


Chen Xu finished collecting the stall.

After staying in the tea house for a while, he took Wu Cuifang back to the rental house.

Back home, after Chen Xu liquidated Wu Cuifang's wages, he settled a total of 18 yuan of wages these days, plus 2 yuan of additional subsidies, and settled them to the other party at one time.

Inside the hall.

Chen Xu gave Wu Cuifang the completion money, and counted today's turnover with Xiao Yuer.

Xiaoyuer, who can only count to 50, is responsible for counting the gross tickets, and 50 are stacked to Chen Xu.

Chen Xu flew in unity with various corner votes in his hand, counting money skillfully and quickly.

On the side, Wu Cuifang grabbed the salary in her hand, looking at Chen Xu who was sitting at the table counting her income, especially the silhouette that felt more and more beautiful the more she looked, and the physique that made people feel safe, in the end, she was still a little reluctant.

But thinking about the future situation of Chen Xu's family, she finally gritted her teeth, greeted Chen Xu, and turned around and went back to the room.

At her age, it is not the time when feelings are everything.

What man can give her mother and son a good life, she will marry whomever she wants, and live the rest of her life without worrying about food and clothing.

And not because the father-daughter relationship follows a man to suffer.

And, she also found out.

After getting along these days, Chen Xu seems to be not half reluctant to leave her...

Alas, weird.

Soon, Chen Xu counted all the cash in his hand, and the money earned plus the one given by Tang Guoshan, a total of five hundred and fifty-eight yuan!

Tomorrow to earn another 500, his grandfather Chen Qingshan's surgery fee can be scraped together.

Xiao Yu'er knew that Cao Chong was pooling money to treat Grandpa Tai's illness, looking at such a large amount of money, his little face was excited and innocently asked Chen Xu, "Cao Ceng, with so much money, you can give Grandpa Tai a lot of injections, take a lot of medicine, and cure his illness!"

If one shot is not good, get another shot.

Chen Xu looked at the naïve daughter beside him, raised his hand to touch her little head, and said softly, "It's still a little worse, and tomorrow I earn a little more, it should be enough."

Xiao Yu'er was suddenly a little disappointed, but soon, he swung his small arm again, clenched his small fist, and his small face was serious, "Tang Qiao, tomorrow Yu'er will go together to earn money and treat Grandpa Tai."

Chen Xu was amused by this cute and serious little milk ball, and replied with a smile, "Okay, Xiao Yuer follows, tomorrow's business will definitely be better." After

counting the money, Chen Xu took Xiao Yuer back to the back room and prepared to rest.

There are Chen Guodong father and daughter in the hospital to take care of, and he doesn't have to go over every day.

More importantly, he has not closed his eyes for two days and one night.

Busy for two days, now he is too tired, in order to sell potatoes more spirited tomorrow, he has to go to bed quickly today to replenish his spirit.

And when he brought the old man to Rongcheng yesterday, he got off the car halfway to explain to Chen Chunlong and asked the other party to help collect potatoes.

A cartload of potatoes should arrive early tomorrow morning.

Go to bed early today.

I have to get up and unload tomorrow morning.

Coming to the back room, Chen Xu dipped into bed and slept almost in seconds.

Xiao Yu'er could only clumsily and carefully, pull up the sheet, and gently cover the body.

Looking at my father's tired appearance, I was a little distressed.

The uncle of the tea house was tired, and his uncle would beat him on the shoulder.

Many uncles who came to buy potatoes bought them back for their wives.

Grandpa often said that her mother, that is, her father's wife, died, and her father could not find his wife in the future.

Dad doesn't have a wife, so pitiful.

Xiao Yu'er stretched out his small hand and covered Chen Xu with a quilt.

She has to work hard to earn money, give her grandfather injections, and find a wife for her father.

Best, the wife like the big sister who gave her candy ~

Xiaoyuer lay on the bed, and the little head recalled the sugar that the beautiful big sister gave her on the day of the banquet at her cousin's house, and her heart was sweet and delicious at this time.

"If the beautiful big sister can be a wife for the dumplings, she will give the candy to eat and beat the shoulders, and the dumplings will not be pitiful." Xiao

Yu'er whispered sweetly, her little hand rested on her little head, shrunk into a ball, nestled in Chen Xu's arms, and fell into a deep sleep.


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