The day after Chen Xu took over the feed mill, he gathered the leadership team and workshop employees of the entire feed mill for a meeting.

It also tailors the corresponding assessment system and reward and punishment system to the entire feed employees to gather a plate of scattered sand.

The biggest problem with state-owned enterprises is that too many people feel that they are holding iron rice bowls, and enterprises cannot fire people casually.

Now that Chen Xu has completely taken over the factory, he is not willing to raise a group of idlers under him.

Fortunately, the professional skills of the employees in this factory are not bad, and at the end of the conference, several employees of the R&D department were pulled to have a separate meeting to talk about the research and development of quail feed, perhaps because they were afraid that they would be eliminated if they performed poorly, plus now there is a performance appraisal, and the employees with good performance can get an additional 30 performance awards every month, one by one, they are very positive, and they are scrambling to give Chen Xu ideas for a plan.


Less than two days after Chen Xu took over, the research and development of quail feed officially began.

Other leadership groups no longer dare to slack, the development of business rushed to run the business, responsible for the supervision of raw materials raw materials, workshop employees are no longer lifeless, one by one, proactive, free time have to find a little thing to do, wipe the machine to do hygiene.

Of course, there are also a few dead old fritters who are still messing around, which is nothing more than feeling that this feed factory cannot still have the possibility of coming back to life, what performance and what salary increase, and when it really comes to that time, whether the salary can be issued is a problem, and now you can mix for a day is a day, just wait for the factory to fall and take the severance pay to leave.

The whole field is gradually on the right track, and Jiang Qing will often come over to take a look.

Chen Xu had free time and went back to Wanjiale Housekeeping Company as soon as possible.

Although he would ask Chen Zhaodi about the company's situation every day when he went home, he couldn't really do a thorough shake-up of the palm cabinet, and he would only come to see it once in ten days and a half a month.

When Chen Xu came to the door of Wanjiale Company, it was just after two o'clock in the afternoon, and the flow of people in the sky was relatively small.

After nearly ten days of not coming, Chen Xu came to the door of the company, stopped for a moment, saw that the company was not too much atmosphere than usual, and then raised his feet and entered the door.

As soon as he entered the door with his front foot, a girl wearing Vanjiale overalls with a beautiful face immediately greeted him warmly.

"Welcome, Wanjiale Housekeeping is very happy to serve you, I am the salesman Ma Wei, sir, you need to know anything I can introduce to you." The

girl greeted warmly and generously, and Chen Xu quickly reacted, this should be the excellent salesman that his sister Chen Zhaodi mentioned to him every day.

However, this name sounded familiar to him

, as if it was the same as that girl in the Blue Phoenix Garment Factory?

Chen Xu hesitated slightly, dropped his gaze to the girl's badge, and when he saw the other party's name, he was slightly startled.

Good at sales, the name is still the same as

Ma Wei, wouldn't it be so coincidental, right?

At this moment, the girl at the front desk also hurriedly ran forward, greeted Chen Xu slightly, before looking at Ma Wei and saying, "Wei Wei, this is not a guest, but the boss of our Wanjiale Company!" Ma Wei

heard Xiaolan's words, looked up at Chen Xu, and then realized that she reacted and nodded in greeting," Good noon boss, sorry, I saw you for the first time and didn't recognize it. Just

now, when she saw the other party, she really noticed the aura exuding from the man, and judged that it must be a person with identity.

But there are almost no poor family conditions who can come to this Wanjiale housekeeping.

So she subconsciously treated the visitor as a guest.

Especially from greeting each other to now, the inquiring gaze on the man's body made Ma Wei feel a little hairy in her heart.


Xu noticed the unnatural look on Ma Wei's face, and immediately withdrew his gaze and greeted the front desk, before saying to Ma Wei, "You come with me, I have something to ask you."

"Good boss.

Ma Wei was confused, and quickly followed Chen Xu to the hospitality area, which was just a dozen steps, and many bosses were dissatisfied with her performance just now and dismissed her.


to the hospitality area, Chen Xu straightened his suit, sat down on the sofa, and said to Ma Wei, "You don't need to be nervous, I'll ask you a few questions, you sit." "

“...... Good.

Ma Wei replied and sat down on the sofa opposite Chen Xu solemnly, "Boss, you ask."

Chen Xu didn't delay, and directly opened the door, "What company did you work in before?"

As soon as Chen Xu's words came out, Ma Wei's whole person became even more tense, and his face became extremely unnatural, "I... I used to work as a sales manager in a clothing company. When

Chen Xu heard this, he was even more sure of the conjecture in his heart, and said to the other party, "Is it the Blue Phoenix Clothing Company in Guangcheng?"

Ma Wei was stunned for

several seconds, looked up at Chen Xu, and instantly froze, and the heart in his chest also thumped wildly, shocked, embarrassed, and felt helpless.

She never expected that the first job she was looking for here in the magic capital, the boss actually knew her...

Surely knows about her too.


Chen Xu's sudden question smashed Ma Wei's thoughts, and now her head is in a mess.

After a while, he plucked up the courage to glance at Chen Xu's eyes and whispered back, "It's in Blue Phoenix

, you, are you Liu Hong's friend?" It seems that since it is Liu Hong's friend, then you should know about her, and most of her job is yellow.

Just when Ma Wei's heart was decadent, the man sitting opposite her, the words that came out of her mouth, once again struck a thunder on her head!

Chen Xu also knew very well about Ma Wei's affairs, especially Li Chengwen and Liu Hong trusted him so much, before Blue Phoenix Ma Wei was exposed, he should have mentioned his name in front of Ma Wei.

Looking at Ma Wei's reaction now, he should not know that he is the boss of this Wan Jiale housekeeping.

And listening to what Chen Zhaodi said, this Ma Wei seems to have only entered Wan Jiale on the first day he came to the magic capital, and he has not come over these days, and it is normal for the other party not to know that he is the boss of Wan Jiale.

And Ma Wei, who was opposite Chen Xu, heard Chen Xu's words, and was stunned again, his eyes widened, looking at the man on the other side, and he was directly shocked!

If it weren't for Ma Wei's strong psychological quality, in the moment of knowing this news, this unacceptable fact, I am afraid that he would have been unable to withstand this news, and fainted on the spot.


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