Lu Changyou tearfully bought more than 2,000 kilograms of feed and left, and then several people came one after another.

Without exception, these people were forced to have no way to come to revitalize the quail feed here.

But after these guests knew the price of this feed in Chen Xu's mouth, none of them did not give money to buy the feed with a black face and scolded and left.

What kind of feed to revitalize, it is actually better to sell than the feed of Chia Da, what to improve the resistance is longer, it is clear that it is taking advantage of the fire and robbery

! This time there is no way, when this period of time passes the feed supply of Chia Da, they will definitely not be able to come to Revitalize here to buy feed!

Modu Chunfei feed distributor store.

The news that quail farmers have visited the store many times has also reached the store.

The owner Luo Han knew the news from the mouth of the small town, his face was full of disdain, and he spoke, "That is, the feed supply over there in Zhengda can't come up now, otherwise do you think that the revitalization can really have business?" Luo Han

said this, a mocking smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and continued, "Don't take advantage of the fact that the current Zhengda side can't supply the goods and accumulate customers at low prices, and sell six cents and two pounds?

The man's words fell, and he turned his head and explained to the small house, "In the past few days, there are more people in the store to reserve it, and I will also increase the batch of feed over there to order 500 tons at a time." "

As long as the quail feed on our side is no longer broken, there will be no chance for revitalization to insert this gap, and Chia Tai has not been supplied these days, and the revitalized business should be the return of the factory before it is completely destroyed." "

Luo Han is very confident, as long as the quail feed he ordered from Chia Tai will come over, it will be impossible for anyone to go to his factory to buy quail feed that has no reputation or is even more expensive than Chia Da.

Although there are not many customers from the factory, seven or eight come one after another from afternoon to evening.

By the time Chen Xu and Zhou Chengyi delivered the last scolding customer and feed to the car, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening.

Back in the office, Chen Xu quickly counted today's turnover, a total of 7 guests came, adding up to a total of more than 6,000 catties or more than 3 tons of feed from the factory.

Even if these guests were reluctant, they couldn't bear the quail in their hands and couldn't go hungry, and tears made Chen Xu sell more than 4,000 yuan of goods out.

And these more than 4,000 yuan excluding cost and labor, the net profit of feed sold today is more than 2,000 yuan.

This is just the beginning of the quail craze, and many customers do not order much because they do not trust Revitalization Feed, even if they come.

And the customers who came here today are probably not even as good as one-tenth of the farmers in the current magic capital or even in nearby cities, especially some small farmers who have relatively no channels.

When the word of mouth of revitalization is made, it will inevitably attract waves of big customers in the magic capital and even other cities in Rongcheng.

At that time, don't say 3 tons a day, I'm afraid that 30 tons of trading volume is possible.

Chen Xu quickly calculated in his heart, and before Zhou Chengyi left, he stopped the other party and ordered, "Deputy Director Zhou, except for our original pig feed production line, all other production lines in the factory have been changed to quail feed, and at the same time, some more manpower will be recruited to strive to increase the daily output to 10 tons or more." If

it had been before, Chen Xu said this, Zhou Chengyi would definitely feel that his boss was still going crazy.

But today, seeing that 3 tons of feed were sold in the factory, I am now impressed by Chen Xu, the boss.

Otherwise, more than half a month ago, he would not have been able to judge the quail breeding trend in the magic capital!

"Good boss, I will go to the workshop tomorrow morning to arrange and increase the output as soon as possible!" Zhou

Chengyi's eyes rekindled hope, and he spoke to Chen Xu with enthusiasm.


When Chen Xu returned home.

It was already past ten o'clock in the evening.

If it was a few months ago, he came back so late, and the entire Western-style building was basically a room full of people waiting for him.

Fortunately, after his repeated instructions in the past few months not to wait for him, now that he is returning home late, the old and young at home have slept separately.

However, what made Chen Xu feel a little funny was that he saw the light on the second floor of his room with Ye Whispering on the second floor, that is, the time from the western building to the house, and when he entered the door, the light in the room on the second floor was dark.

He touched his nose, a smile appeared on his face, and the first time he returned home, he strode up to the second floor.

After coming to the room and taking a few minutes to take a bath, Chen Xu returned to the bedroom.


In the dimly lit room, there was a figure lying on it.

Chen Xu walked briskly, walked to the bed, lifted the corner of the quilt and got into the bed, close to the person on the bed, easily hugged the person into his arms, the tip of the nose was full of faint fragrance between the girl's hair, which smelled very good.

"Wife, are you waiting for me again?"

Chen Xu rested his chin on Ye Qianyuxiang's shoulder and asked softly.

Ye Wanyu was ruthlessly debunked by Chen Xu, and he didn't pretend, turned around, and said to the man next to him, "There is something I have to tell you before waiting for you." "

In the past, every time I waited for Chen Xu, I would be trained by him in bed, but if I admit to waiting for him now, maybe this man will take advantage of the problem again."

"What's the matter?" Chen Xu was about to start, when he heard Ye Whisper's words, he consciously put his hand on the girl's slender waist.

Ye Qianyu's head naturally rested on Chen Xu's arm, "Didn't I tell you a while ago that the seamstress in Jiangcheng wanted to come over and I wanted to make clothes for you? Today, Sister Chu Hong's friend went over and told her, the tailor said that the size we sent is not counted, she has to measure it herself, and then look at your appearance, and make you a suit according to your characteristics, do you have time on Friday?

When Chen Xu heard this, he calculated the time, and just five days later, he pondered that he should have time, and immediately nodded and agreed, "Yes, this tailor sounds quite professional."

Ye Wan was noncommittal, "Sure, this is a craft recognized by many foreign merchants and young ladies, and it is definitely not bad." After

the two agreed, Chen Xu held the soft person in his arms, and he became more and more ape-like.

"Okay, that's the end of it, let's do something we like. Saying

that, he reached out to remove the shoulder straps on Ye Yuxiang's shoulders, and his movements were sophisticated and natural.

Ye Wanyu's shoulders were half-exposed, and he glanced at Chen Xu coquettishly, "Who, who likes to do this?" Chen Xu

smiled wickedly, looked at the duplicitous person in his arms, and said cooperatively, "Well, my daughter-in-law doesn't like it, I like it, then wronged my daughter-in-law today, let me do something I like to do."

As Chen Xu spoke, he had already rushed up and buried his head in the girl's white neck.

How could Ye Wanyu not hear the teasing in Chen Xu's tone, but did not push the man away, but just punished Chen Xu's neck and bit down.

"Stinky dog bear. "

Shhhh Bite again, it seems that we like to whisper more excitingly, just right, I also like it.

"Your neck is too tender for me to dare, I'll bite somewhere else."


... Stinky Dog Bear..."


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