"How are you?"

Yu Ailian and Chen Xu greeted each other almost at the same time as they recognized each other.

Zhong Chuhong saw the reaction of the two, and only reacted after half a beat, the expression on his face was a little incredulous, and asked, "Sister Lian, Chen Xu, do you two know each other?"

Chen Xu also reacted at this time, raised his foot and went out, walked to Zhong Chuhong and Yu Ailian, and said with a smile, "I know, when I returned to Rongcheng before, I knew Aunt Lian, and I can be regarded as an old acquaintance."

Chen Xu said this, looked at Yu Ailian, and continued to speak, "Aunt Lian, I know that you are good at making clothes, but I didn't expect you to be so powerful, my daughter-in-law and Sister Chu Hong whispered and Sister Chu Hong said that the seamstress who was difficult to meet was actually you." When

Yu Ailian heard Chen Xu's words, she also smiled unconsciously, and said to him, "Then I didn't expect to meet the owner of the thousand-mile melon seed shop in Rongcheng in this magic capital, listening to what Chu Hong said, you have also developed very well in the magic capital."

During the casual chat, she heard Zhong Chuhong say that this Chen Xu is very powerful, and in more than a year in the magic capital, he has opened several stationery stores, a housekeeping company and a feed factory.

Before she didn't know that Zhong Chuhong, the neighbor's brother, was Chen Xu, the owner of the melon seed shop, and she didn't pay too much attention to the other party.

Now that he knew that the person Zhong Chuhong was talking about was Chen Xu, his eyes looking at Chen Xu were full of appreciation.

She even thought to herself if the child she gave birth to back then was a son, would she be as capable as Chen Xu's child now?

Several people greeted each other at the door, Yu Ailian knew that Chen Xu had urgent matters at hand and needed to go out in a hurry, so she didn't plan to delay Chen Xu too much time, and said, "Xiaoxu, in this way, since you are in a hurry to go out, I will ask you about your usual dressing hobbies today, and I have seen you twice, your face and body shape I also have in my heart, and I probably know my preferences, and I should be able to make clothes that suit your style."

"I'll come over today, just measure the size that your wife gave me before that is not perfect, how about you go to your business?"

When Chen Xu heard this, he didn't think about it for too long, and immediately nodded cheerfully, "Okay, Aunt Lian, Sister Chu Hong, and this girl, please in the room."

Chen Xu said, and took Yu Ailian Zhong Chuhong and his group into the courtyard of the Western-style building.

Anyway, just measuring the size on his body will not be delayed for him.

Especially a while ago, those farmers one by one, now want to come over to compete to buy revitalized feed, let them wait a little is not harmful, the more people who want to buy feed gather, the greater the movement, his advertising of revitalized feed can rely on these farmers to help fight for free.

It was past four o'clock in the afternoon, and Ye Qingyu and Xiao Yuer had not yet finished class.

There were only Liu Aiguo and his wife and Chen Qingshan in the family, and Si Xu and Xiao Nianyu were still taking a nap in the room.

In the living room, after Yu Ailian greeted a few old people, she immediately took a leather ruler and measured it on Chen Xu.

Chen Xu was very cooperative and raised his arms so that Yu Ailian could measure him.

The movements on Yu Ailian's hands were very sharp, and after a while, she recorded Chen Xu's waist collapse, stood on tiptoe, and measured Chen Xu's shoulder width sharply.

Today, Chen Xu's intimate clothes are sweaters, vests and shirts.

The neckline of the shirt was left unbuttoned, and a large area of skin was exposed on the neck.

Yu Ailian stood behind Chen Xu, while measuring the width of her shoulders, her gaze fell on two black moles on Chen Xu's neck behind her ears, and a sense of familiarity suddenly surged in her heart.

Her hand movements paused slightly, her eyes stared closely at the two moles on Chen Xu's neck that made her feel extremely familiar, and she subconsciously searched for this familiar feeling in her blank memory.

But before she could find a similar memory, a headache exploded in her head, causing Yu Ailian to suffer from unbearable pain, and her steps were slightly unsteady, so she stumbled back several steps, while reaching out and holding her head that was about to split in pain.

Fortunately, Chen Qingshan on the sofa always felt that Yu Ailian's eyes were familiar, and he had stared at her, and the first time he noticed that Yu Ailian was wrong, he stood up from the sofa and reminded Chen Xu in a loud voice, "Xu'er, your Aunt Lian seems to be uncomfortable, quickly hold her."

Chen Xu also reacted quickly, and at the first time Chen Qingshan reminded him, he turned his head and saw Yu Ailian, who was stumbling and about to fall, and quickly stretched out his hand to help the person, "Aunt Lian, what's wrong with you?" "

Ah, what's going on, Sister Lian, are you uncomfortable?" Zhong Chuhong was also taken aback by Yu Ailian's sudden appearance, and quickly got up and stepped forward to help people with Chen Xu.

Several old men also hurriedly came forward and quickly helped Yu Ailian to sit on the sofa.

Yu Ailian's headache came and went quickly.

After sitting on the sofa for a moment, he eased up.

She slowed her breathing as much as possible and waved to everyone around her, "I'm fine, I'm just an old problem." It

wasn't the first time she had had this headache, and every time she tried to find that lost memory, it was accompanied by severe pain.

Yu Ailian responded to everyone, and unconsciously focused her gaze on Chen Xu's neck, and her eyes were a little complicated.

Chen Qingshan stood on the side, looking at Yu Ailian on the sofa, and the more he looked, the more familiar he felt, but he couldn't remember who it was.

He saw that Yu Ailian's face softened, and then he couldn't help but ask Yu Ailian, "Comrade Ailian, take the liberty to ask, where are you from?" I always feel a little familiar when I look at you, and I don't know if I have met you before, or if I know your parents.

As soon as Chen Qingshan's words came out, Chen Xu and Yu Ailian were stunned.

Especially Yu Ailian, after a brief stunned, a pair of eyes suddenly lit up, quickly got up from the sofa, it was difficult to hide the excited tone, and asked Chen Qingshan, "Chen Bo, I don't know where I am, but you think I'm familiar, maybe you know where I'm from!"

As soon as Yu Ailian's words came out, everyone in the living room except Chen Xu was full of confusion.

Chen Qingshan's mouth opened slightly, and for a moment, he asked Yu Ailian in bewilderment, "Comrade Ailian, what do you mean by this?"

Chen Xu saw that Yu Ailian was a little excited, so he took the initiative to step forward and spoke to Chen Qingshan, "Master, this Aunt Lian had a train with us to Rongcheng before, and I also saw her in Rongcheng, she just has amnesia and wants to go to Rongcheng to find relatives."

"Since you think she is familiar, do you really know Aunt Lian's family and friends, do you want to think about it carefully, where have you met Aunt Lian?"

Chen Xu could see Yu Ailian's desire to find a home and say hometown and family, and if Chen Qingshan's side could provide useful information, maybe he could really help Yu Ailian find her family.


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