Although Chen Qingshan's operation was very successful, he was not completely out of danger, and he needed to go to the intensive care unit for observation for a few days before he could be transferred to the general ward.

Chen Guodong did not plan to go home, so he only waited for Chen Qingshan to recover and go back together after being discharged from the hospital.

After a few days of getting along, Chen Xu also changed a lot about this uncle.

He even rented a guest house near the hospital for the other party, so that he could keep abreast of Chen Qingshan's situation and have a comfortable environment to rest.

The hospital is taken care of by Chen Guodong.

Chen Xu did not delay much, and for the next few days, he went out on time every day to sell spicy potatoes.

Although many people throughout the street followed him to sell potatoes, the teahouse opposite also changed the method every day to grab business.

But Chen Xu's unique taste of the potato stall has also conquered many loyal customers.

Many students from several middle schools and universities around will take the tram here on purpose, buying several copies at a time and bringing them back to their classmates.

Many workers from nearby factories would also come to Chen Xu's stall every day to buy one or two copies.

Although the earnings are not as hot as before, they are also stabilizing.

A week down.

Chen Xu calculated that the average daily income was about 250 to 300 yuan.

Even if his grandfather Chen Qingshan's daily expenses are twenty or thirty, this income is more than enough to sustain the family's livelihood, and he can also save some funds to prepare for the future.


It was Chen Qingshan's first day in the intensive care unit and transferred to the general ward.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Xu closed the stall early, brought the pigeon soup that had been stewed in the tea shop for half a day, and took the little fish to the hospital together.

Hospital wards.

Chen Qingshan was half lying on the bed, drinking sweet and delicious pigeon soup, which was simply happy.

Now there is no torture of illness, although the body shape is still very thin because of the surgical taboo, but the face is rosy and healthy.

In particular, there are many more smiles on my face than before.

After drinking the two bowls of pigeon soup, Chen Qingshan handed the bowl to Chen Xu and said proudly, "Your skill in cooking dishes and stewing soup is probably not comparable to this famous chef in China." "

Chen Qingshan is not nonsense.

The same dish, as long as it is made by his eldest grandson, is more fragrant than others, and the seasonings are very exquisite.

Take today's bowl of pigeon soup, he saw some ginger slices and Chinese herbs, which tasted sweet and delicious, and had no fishy smell at all.

Xiao Yu'er on the side heard Grandpa Tai's words, and nodded in agreement, "The rice made by Cao Fang is delicious, better than what Aunt Cuifang made!"

The stir-fried meat with green peppers has only green peppers and a few shredded meat.

The rice is also cooked into a paste.

Although living together for a few days.

But Wu Cuifang was really impressed that she could make the food taste like pig feed.

Chen Xu heard the words of an old man and a young man, put the bowl back on the table, and said with a smile, "In the future, let me cook all the meals at home." "

In his last life, he could start by catering, in addition to loving money, he was also interested in and researching this diet.

Since the old man and Xiaoyuer like to eat, he can make it for them every day in the future.

At this time, Chen Qingshan listened to Xiao Yuer mention Wu Cuifang, and pondered about his eldest grandson begging his wife.

"By the way, Xu'er, how did Wu Cuifang do there?" These

days have been in the intensive care unit, and it is difficult for Chen Qingshan to meet Chen Xu, let alone ask this question.

Now that he has the opportunity, he will definitely ask well.

Chen Xu packed up the things on the table and replied casually, "Sister Cuifang went back a long time ago, and she didn't do it with me now." "

Ah, go back?" Chen Qingshan was quite surprised.

When the matchmaker came to the door, didn't it mean that this Wu Cuifang also had the intention to be with Chen Xu?

When Chen Qingshan thought of this, he seemed to suddenly react to something, and frowned unconsciously.

He looked at Chen Xu and asked, "She won't be, she will leave after I come to Rongcheng, right?"

When Chen Xu heard the old man's words, he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

How do you feel that his grandfather is overly concerned about Wu Cuifang.

In particular, as soon as he came out of the intensive ward, he kept asking about Wu Cuifang.

Xiao Yuer's little head was pulled up on the side of the bed, seeing that his father did not answer at the first time, thinking that he couldn't remember when his aunt left, and said in a loud voice, "I know, it's Grandpa Tai who came to Rongcheng the next day." "

She has always had a good memory, and these things, as long as people ask, her little head can answer them once they go through."

When Chen Qingshan heard the little guy's answer, his face sank almost instantly.


Because of his illness, the daughter-in-law of the eldest grandson who almost got his hands ran away!!

He was not angry that Wu Cuifang would leave Chen Xu at this time.

After all, his old bone is indeed a burden.

At this time, others will definitely not be willing to marry into the Chen family and follow Chen Xu to earn money to treat him.

The more Chen Qingshan thought about it, the more depressed he became.

It's been almost three years, and just when someone took a fancy to his eldest grandson, he got sick, and he scared people away!

Now Chen Xu is dragging a little fish, and he wants to raise this old bone, how can he find a wife?

He looked at Chen Qingshan in surprise and asked, "Master, you won't be... I want Sister Cuifang..."

Chen Qingshan sighed heavily, and said depressedly, "What use do you want, you see my disease, my daughter-in-law and children are all sick for you."

Chen Xu looked at the old man who was dejected at this moment, and he couldn't laugh or cry.

He really didn't know the old man's calculation before, if he knew, he would have pinch off the old man's thoughts.

"Master, don't mess with the Mandarin Duck Tree, it's good that she is gone, otherwise it will be really troublesome to drag it out until now." Chen Xu said happily.

Chen Qingshan raised his eyes, "You don't like Wu Cuifang?" Chen

Xu immediately replied, "I don't like it." "

Since he was hurt by a woman in his last life, he has no feeling for the relationship between men and women, let alone Wu Cuifang, who nags all day.


Qingshan saw that Chen Xu answered so resolutely, and his heart was a little relieved, and he couldn't help but wonder a little, and said, "Then Wu Cuifang I have also seen, it looks like it is good to be born and raised, you still don't like it? In Chen

Qingshan's cognition of the older generation, if you marry a wife, you have to marry a fat, this Wu Cuifang looks round and easy to raise, and capable, this kid doesn't even like it?

When Chen Xu heard the old man's words, somehow, it appeared in his mind, even if he was afraid of death, he pretended to be a calm girl...

Xiao Yu'er was also very interested in finding a wife for Cao Ceng, and immediately spoke in a milky voice, "Grandpa Tai, Cao Chong definitely likes beautiful big sisters like that." Chen

Qingshan and Chen Xu were both stunned when they heard the little guy's sudden words, and looked at the little milk ball of the little ghost next to the bed.

Chen Xu was even more confused.

Chen Qingshan lit up hope again, and quickly asked out loud

, "Which big sister?" Xiao Yu'er's eyes were big and bright, and he replied with a smile, "That is, the big sister who gives Yu'er candy to eat." When

Chen Qingshan heard this, he paused, and soon, he had an impression in his mind.

After all, when he saw the little girl giving Xiaoyuer candy, he was also very impressed, and felt that the little girl was not only good-looking, but also kind-hearted.

However, after reflecting who Xiao Yuer said, Chen Qingshan raised his head and looked at his tall horse, although he was not ugly, but he was not a handsome grandson.

Thinking about the handsome and beautiful little girl who was born Sven, the appearance of a lady in the city, her brows were tightly wrinkled, looked at Xiao Yuer, for the sake of the face of her eldest grandson, and said with a hard mouth, "That... That's not okay, it's too thin. Chen

Xu on the side: "???? "

Who are these grandfathers and grandchildren talking about?"

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