Fortunately, the ambulance came faster than everyone expected.

In more than 20 minutes, the professional ambulance team came to the scene, bandaged and treated Yu Ailian, and then transferred the person to the ambulance.

Only two family members were allowed to accompany, Chen Xu and Ye Wanyu were two young people with flexible brains, naturally two people followed.

Before the two got into the car, Chen Xu noticed the large area of skin exposed under the girl's clothes, and then reacted and took off the coat on his body.

Ye Wanyu also reacted at this time, she didn't wear a coat, just about to tell Chen Xu, seeing Chen Xu take off his clothes, she quickly took it and sent it to the girl.

"Comrade, thank you very much today, wait for someone to rescue you, our family will come back and thank you well."

After speaking, without waiting for the girl to refuse, he stuffed Chen Xu's coat into the girl's hand.

Chen Xu also nodded to the girl, then took Ye Whisper, and the two got into the ambulance together.

The girl held the coat in her arms, covering the exposed skin, until the two walked away, and then whispered "thank you".


Yu Ailian's aortic artery was cut and her condition was very critical.

The hospital equipment and manpower on this side of Jing'an District were not enough, so they did not dare to delay Yu Ailian's treatment, and directly sent people to the First Hospital of the Magic Capital.

Half past twelve.

The door of the emergency room of the First Hospital of Modu.

Chen Xu sat on the chair in the corridor, Rao is psychologically strong, at this moment, he seems to be a little broken, constantly rubbing his tight eyebrows, trying to relax himself.

If it weren't for Yu Ailian, the person lying in the rescue room now would probably be himself.

He never expected that at that moment of crisis, Yu Ailian would put herself in such a dangerous situation in order to protect him.

If Yu Ailian really had something to do, Chen Xu didn't dare to think about what kind of attitude he would face Yu Ailian's family in the future.

In particular, Yu Ailian has not yet completed her goal, found her family, and reunited the family.

The more Chen Xu thought about it, the more he felt a headache.

He even began to wonder if he was doing things too much, which caused Lu Caiyun's spirit to lose control and caused the current situation.

In the last life, his parents left early, there was no wife and children around him, and he always paid attention to the most ruthless results in doing things, and never left a means.

But everyone who goes against him, he has to calculate that others will lose their fortunes, leaving no one for the other party to live.

At that time, he had no weakness and was not afraid of anything, even if someone was forced by him to jump off the building, he only felt that he had stained the company.

Chen Xu kept rubbing his eyebrows, and the more he thought about it, the more his head hurt, and he felt that his whole head could explode at any time.

At this time, Ye Wanyu also recovered a lot, sensing Chen Xu's state, and he could also understand Chen Xu's mood.

She stretched out her hand, took the man into her arms, gave him a dependency, and gently rubbed his hair to comfort him, "Don't worry, Aunt Lian is a very blessed person, she will definitely be fine." The

girl's soft voice came, which made Chen Xu's restless mind gain a trace of calm, and only then did he react that he seemed to ignore the daughter-in-law beside him for a long time.

Today he was frightened, Ye Whispered how could a girl not be frightened.

He stretched out his hand, hugged the person tightly, and buried his head in her neck, "Wife, today's special situation, I didn't take care of you."

Ye gently caressed his back and said softly, "Whatever, if it weren't for Aunt Lian, it might be you who would be lying in it now, Aunt Lian is not only your benefactor, but also mine, the benefactor of our family, and her safety is the most important." When

Chen Xu heard his daughter-in-law's words, he hugged the person in his arms a little tighter.

How can he meet such a good woman, and let Aunt Lian block the knife for him regardless of his own safety.

The two waited in the rescue room for nearly an hour, during which the nurses were rushing in and out, sending large bags of blood to the rescue room.

Chen Xu was afraid of delaying the rescue, and did not dare to ask, so he could only follow Ye Wanyu and wait anxiously at the door of the rescue room.

A little closer.

Qi Renyuan, who learned the news of Yu Ailian's accident, also hurried to the rescue room and asked Chen Xu about the general situation, and almost fainted on the spot without stimulation.

Two men crouched in the corridor at the door of the rescue room, anxious and embarrassed.

As time passed, there was one more person waiting at the door of the rescue room.

It seems that in a few hours, Chen Qingshan, who is many years older, is old.

Chen Qingshan and Qi Renyuan came over this time, and also used the best relationship in their hands, plus Chen Xu's friend Wu Wenjun.

The energy of the three men alarmed the top experts of the First Hospital of the Magic Capital and even the president himself, and went all out to rescue Yu Ailian.


After more than four hours of rescue, the door of the rescue room was finally opened from the inside.

As soon as a few slightly tired experts came out, Chen Xuye and Sun and Qi Renyuan surrounded and inquired about the situation.

One is the newly appointed president of the Modu Space Technology Research Institute, the other is an old hero with great combat achievements, plus a large self-employed person in Modu who has a lot of connections with Wu Bureau, and the grandson of the old hero.

Several experts did not dare to delay any of the three men's problems, and they also did their best to save this rescue.

The chief surgeon, who was the leader of several people, calmed the emotions of the three for a while, and spoke, "Don't worry, we have performed precision suturing of the patient's cut artery as soon as possible, and the person has been rescued." The

chief surgeon said this, glanced at a few colleagues next to him, his face was slightly heavy, and continued, "It's just that the patient lost too much blood at that time, the situation was not optimistic, and it was likely to be a serious complication of cerebral infarction, resulting in quadriplegia, hemiplegia, and even slow response, memory loss, aphasia, and even 20% mortality, hoping that several people would be prepared for a worse psychological preparation in advance." "

If it wasn't for the timely stopping of bleeding when the patient's aortic artery was punctured today, even if it was delivered, they would not have been able to save people."

Now that they have done their best, the next thing they can only see is the creation of the other party.

Chen Xu and several people heard that Yu Ailian had rescued, and before they had time to rejoice, when they heard the doctor's words, their hearts suddenly sank.

"Doctor, what are the chances of her returning to normal? Is it to revert to the same as before? Chen Xu was still holding on to hope and asked a few people.

The latter heard Chen Xu's question, and glanced at several people next to him before he spoke, "We don't dare to pack tickets for this, but there are also opportunities, everything depends on the situation after the patient wakes up, a few people wait patiently."

After several doctors finished speaking, they greeted Yu Ailian and sent Yu Ailian to the intensive care unit with the nurses who pushed Yu Ailian out of the operating room.

Chen Xu's family had just seen Yu Ailian a few times, and Yu Ailian was pushed into the intensive care unit, and helplessly separated, waiting at the door of the monitoring unit.

Qi Renyuan was so anxious that he paced back and forth in the corridor, glancing at Chen Xu from time to time with a complicated expression.

Although Chen Xu was uneasy at this time, he was much better than Yu Ailian when her life and death were unknown in the rescue room.

His head was a lot clearer, and Chen Qingshan was beside him, so that he suddenly remembered what Chen Qingshan said to Yu Ailian when he was at the door of the clothing company today.

He turned his head to look at Chen Qingshan and asked, "By the way, Master, you said that Aunt Lian didn't tell me anything at that time?" What are the words?

As soon as Chen Xu's words came out, Chen Qingshan and Qi Renyuan were slightly stunned.

Qi Renyuan glanced at Chen Qingshan, hesitated for a moment, although he didn't want to, but considering that Yu Ailian had done this, he said to Chen Qingshan, "Uncle, I don't think there is any need to hide this matter from Chen Xu, Ailian definitely wants him to know, if you tell him, two people... Maybe it will be better for Ailin's recovery. As

soon as Qi Renyuan's words came out, after Chen Xu's brief doubts, he suddenly sensed a subtle meaning in his heart, and after realizing it, he reacted and felt unbelievable, and immediately looked up at Chen Qingshan.

Qi Renyuan's meaning was too obvious.

But he didn't say he was sick....

Chen Qingshan noticed Chen Xu's gaze, raised his eyes to look at Chen Xu, hesitated for a moment, and then said, "You go out with me, I'll talk to you alone." "


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