Yu Ailian was originally in a good mood, and when she heard Chen Xu ask about her family, her face visibly sank.

Her face was dark, and she said lightly, "I haven't been in touch for so many years, so you should have no family members." Chen

Xu saw that Yu Ailian's mood turned sharply, even if he felt that Yu Ailian's attitude when talking about her family was obviously wrong, he did not dare to continue to ask.

"Okay, listen to mom, mom said that if you don't contact us, we won't contact."

Chen Xu hurriedly cooperated and said.

When Yu Ailian heard her son's words, she raised her eyes to look at him, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, "Anyway, now you are living well with Whisper and the children, relatives who have not been in contact for a decade or two, suddenly go to contact everyone who is half-baked, my mother thinks it's good like this."

Chen Xu nodded in agreement, "Well, I listen to my mother." "

The heavens and the earth are big, and the is the healthiest now.

However, even if Chen Xu saved it in time, Yu Ailian's mood seemed to be affected by this topic.

I didn't have the mind to talk to Chen Xu about other topics, and I smiled and told Chen Xu that I was sleepy.

Considering that Yu Ailian really had more rest, Chen Xu did not bother anymore, adjusted the angle of Yu Ailian's bed, and retired out of the ward.

Came to the door of the ward, greeted Chen Zhaodi, let the help look at Yu Ailian, and went straight to the hospital's phone booth.

Now that his mother has rescued him, he still bears such a big risk of recovery, Chen Xu has free time, and he will definitely not let go of Lu Caiyun, who caused this consequence.

Although he is not a native of the magic capital, it is too easy for him to make Lu Caiyun feel bad now.

After all, as long as Director Wu, who is now befriending him, gives a little order, Lu Caiyun's side will definitely not have a good end.

Probably, he didn't need to take the initiative to say this, Wu Wenjun's side had already helped deal with it.

After all, when rescuing Yu Ailian, Wu Wenjun arranged for contacts to come over and know how Wu Ailian's life was fished out of the ghost gate.

Without the girl, this would have been intentional homicide.

In this era, when reform has just opened up, many places are not peaceful, criminal cases have soared in various places, and at the beginning of this year, orders were issued from above to crack down on criminals.

Lu Caiyun committed this murder in broad daylight, isn't it just right to be caught and made a typical case, kill chickens and monkeys, and punish him heavily?

"If you have time to call me, then your mother's situation should be almost better, right?"

On the phone, Wu Wenjun asked gently.

Because of physical reasons and a lot of affairs on his body, Wu Wenjun has not been able to come to the hospital, but he has thoroughly understood the affairs on Chen Xu's side.

Chen Xu was not surprised that Wu Wenjun knew that he had a relationship with Yu Ailian.

After all, it is impossible to sit in that position without some skills.

Besides, there is a simple eldest sister next to him, who often walks around this old fox, even if he does not have the heart to gossip with people, he can vomit everything in the family when he meets Wu Wenjun.

"Tired of Wu Bureau, you are worried, although rescued, but the physical condition is not very good, the current recovery situation is not optimistic, I did not expect that our magic capital side under the governance of Wu Bureau, security has always been better than other cities, there are people who dare to take a knife in broad daylight, seek personal vendetta, and maliciously commit murder."

"And my mother is a well-known person in the magic capital and even other cities, she almost died in the magic capital this time, maybe the news will soon reach other cities, her old man suffers not to say, the security management of the magic capital side may be greatly affected, so in public and private, this Lu Caiyun, I suggest hoping that Wu Bureau you will be resented."

Although it is an attempted murder, Lu Caiyun cannot be sentenced to death, but since she has entered, it is impossible to let her come out alive!

Wu Wenjun was actually thinking about this case, and when he heard Chen Xu's words, he was silent for a moment before he spoke, "Don't worry, Lu Caiyun's side, I will definitely give it to you, give your mother a satisfactory result, remember to greet Ms. Yu for me, let her rest assured of her body."

As soon as Wu Wenjun's words came out, a smile appeared on Chen Xu's face, "Okay, then I'll wait for the good news from Wu Bureau." "


Having said that, a case from investigation to trial to results, a set of processes, less to say, takes half a month.

In the following days, while Chen Xu waited for the results, he spent most of his time in the hospital with Yu Ailian.

Now that the revitalization feed is on the right track, even if the quail feed market has completely declined, the pig feed in the factory is still in full swing, and accidentally snatched most of the Chia Tai pig feed orders.

It is not to revitalize malicious competition, after all, the feed of revitalization is more expensive than Chia Da.

But the quality is better.

Farmers are like this, whoever has more feed for pigs will grab from whomever they want, they all want to get out of the pen early, raise a batch of fat pigs to fill up the purse, and live a fat year.

The revitalization is like the sky, the employees' salary bonuses are soft, and Zhenxin, which is only one name away from the revitalization, is a black smoke miasma, chickens fly and dogs jump.

Lu Meiyun, one of the factory owners, has been in for more than ten days now, and the creditor cannot find anyone, so he can only come to the factory to move things.

Li Shengming, who is also one of the bosses, is also the same, hundreds of thousands of inputs, not a penny of fishing, only a few hundred tons of quail feed that no one wants!

There is no money, so I can only watch the workers go one by one, and the equipment in the factory is directly pulled to sell second-hand debts.

That is, because they could not pay back the money, many creditors went to several stationery stores under his hands and went in two heads in three days to make trouble.

In more than ten days, his factory was empty, there were only a few hundred tons of feed, the stationery store was completely closed, and he even owed 890,000 yuan!

In the warehouse of the revitalization factory, Li Shengming's hair was messy, and the clothes around his body had been stained with various stains, looking at this mountain of fodder, his expression had fallen into sluggishness, and he had long lost his original spirit.

He originally wanted to open a feed factory and grab the revitalization business.

Who would have thought, if the business was not rushed, the feed factory would collapse, and a few stationery stores that had already risen were lost!

When Li Shengming thought of this, he only felt that his life was hopeless, sitting on the ground, he cried out with an "ah", crying bitterly at the same time, a pair of hands kept slamming his face!

"Li Shengming, you fucking idiot! Why, why do you think you can fight Chen Xu! Fool, fool! "


After half a month of waiting.

At three o'clock this afternoon, Chen Xu had just settled Yu Ailian to rest, and Wu Wenjun had news from his side, and the phone called the hospital.

"Chen Xu, Lu Caiyun's crime has been decided, intentional homicide, although the murder was attempted, but the circumstances are bad, and the impact on society is serious, especially when it is now cracking down on criminal offenses, so the punishment is heavier and sentenced to life imprisonment!"


ps: Ladies, there is a delay today, just one chapter Ang, why did the two chapters wait so long yesterday, in fact, they were posted together, it may be triggering something, so it came out early today.

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