
Near mealtime.

In a special restaurant on Modu Street, Liuna is dressed in shop clothes and an apron, and is neatly cleaning up tables and chairs to welcome guests during the peak season.

However, it was also at this time.

At the door of the restaurant, a group of people carrying cameras and microphones in their hands suddenly walked into the restaurant.

The person in charge of the store happened to be in the lobby, saw the crowd pouring in, and immediately stepped forward to greet him.

As soon as Liuna finished wiping the table, she stepped back to wipe another one, and from time to time she would secretly glance at the crowd curiously, wondering if they were going to be on TV or newspapers in this restaurant?

If it is actually on TV or newspapers, will the employees in the store be arrested to take pictures?

Although Liuna is not bad-looking, and even her beautiful and clean face is much better than most girls, she is very reluctant to focus on others' attention, let alone be pulled together to take photos.

As soon as Liuna's idea came up, the movements of her subordinates suddenly accelerated, and they just wanted to quickly wipe this table, quickly retreat to the back kitchen, and then find a reason not to come out.

However, what she didn't expect was.

Her table had not yet been cleaned up, and the person in charge of the hotel had already looked surprised and reached out to her side.

"Reporter friend, this is this, this is our hotel employee Liu Na, I'll take you over!"

After the manager finished speaking, he quickly greeted Liuna's side, "Comrade Liuna, there are reporter friends who want to visit you."

Liu Na was burying her head in hard wiping, the manager's voice came, telling her to wipe the table suddenly stopped, and the whole person froze directly.

What the? Did she hear you right?

The reporter is coming to interview her?!

Without waiting for her to react, five or six people had already come to her, and two of them saw Liuna and took the initiative to say hello.

"Comrade Liuna, hello, I am the director of the Public Security Department, Zheng Guoqiang, I came here this time to especially commend your spirit of saving people by seeing righteousness and bravery, and thank you for allowing me to avoid a tragic criminal case in the area under my supervision!"

The man was dressed in a police uniform, and Liuna didn't dare to look at people squarely, so she didn't notice this man just now.

Next to Zheng Guoqiang was a young man wearing a hat and dark skin.

He looked at Liuna, grinned, and showed a neat mouth of white teeth, "Hello, Comrade Liuna, I am the morning news of the magic capital, I heard that you saw righteous deeds a while ago and took back a wounded person who was stabbed in the artery from the hands of the god of death, I want to interview you today, is it convenient now?" The

manager was very positive, and quickly responded, "Convenient, how inconvenient, the opportunity to be praised on TV, that is what many people dream of!" However

, to the manager's surprise, Liuna really didn't want to be on TV.

She stood up, and even deliberately avoided the camera, embarrassed that she did not dare to turn around to look at the people who came over, and spoke very unnaturally, "No, excuse me? Me, I'm not convenient.

After Liuna finished speaking, she turned around, wanting to escape the feeling that everyone was in the spotlight and making it difficult for her to adapt to, but she felt that it was too impolite for her to leave directly.

Liuna's reaction greatly exceeded the expectations of several people.

Especially the hotel manager.

This girl is the most beautiful one in the hotel, if she really goes on TV, maybe she looks better than many stars, even if she is introverted on weekdays, even the TV interview is embarrassing?

Reporter Li Kang has been dealing with all kinds of people for many years, and when he saw Liu Na's reaction, he understood that the other party might be afraid of the camera and was more shy, so he smiled and said to her, "Comrade, you relax, if you don't want to show your face, we will deal with you at that time to protect your privacy, we just want to interview you more than half a month ago, at the door of the Red Sleeve Company, stood up to rescue the injured, and brought a positive guidance to our magic capital and even other masses." Hearing

that she didn't need to go on TV, Liuna's heart was inexplicably relieved.

Although I feel that people like myself are not worthy of giving positive guidance to others, but the reporters are here, it is not impossible to say a few words to others, lest others run for nothing.

Liuna really didn't have the courage to turn around and face everyone, so she could only turn sideways and nod slightly.

"That's okay, I'll cooperate."

"Okay, then let's sit down and say, you don't have to be nervous, I'll take a few photos of you while interviewing, you don't have to face the camera, we can still deal with it later."

Li Kang is very professional in this regard, repeatedly emphasizing to Liuna that she can be casual and do not have to face the camera, and soon let Liuna relax, sit on a stool, and accept interviews.

Li Kang also officially began to conduct interviews, asking mostly questions about Liuna's feelings and thoughts when she saved people.

Liuna was still somewhat restrained, although her answer was not very natural, but it was smooth.

She rushed out to save people at that time, just to see that the injured were in an urgent situation, out of instinct, and did not think about any reward.

Now this interview is also unexpected. It even reminded her of Chen Xu, wondering if this was arranged by Chen Xu.

Although she knew that this might be Chen Xu's kindness, she felt that she did not want to be in the limelight.

If she really went on TV and was seen by that person, Liuna couldn't imagine what that person would say to her again.

Or rather, she herself was the person that person said she was....

Recalling the incident in Hangcheng, Liuna's mood became a little unstable again.

She suddenly regretted accepting today's interview and wanted to end it quickly.

Li Kang also sensed Liuna's emotions and decided to end the interview early and asked the other party the last question.

"Okay, Comrade Liuna, thank you for your cooperation today, I have one last question, I heard from the person who provided us with the information, you are a medical university student, why are you working in a restaurant now?"

Liuna was bent on ending quickly, and said to the reporter, "I didn't read it, I stopped studying." When

the manager on the side heard this, he sighed, "Oops! What a pity! It must be that the conditions at home are not good, and this child can't even afford to eat now, let alone go to college! When

everyone heard this, they turned their attention to the manager.

The manager noticed everyone's gaze, sighed again, and said, "When this child came to us, she was so hungry that she ate two large bowls of noodles at a meal, and begged us to let her work here and manage the food."

"We happened to be short of people in the store, so we kept her, and her meals and wages were the same as the rest of the employees in the store."

"But I really didn't expect that this kid is a student of a medical university and comes to our restaurant to do the work of serving dishes, that's really Qu Cai!"

What the manager said had already been recorded by the camera aimed at him.

The reporters and everyone on the side listened with solemn faces.

Li Kang immediately turned around and said moist to the camera, "This is Comrade Liuna who makes us proud and admired, Rao is in a difficult situation, but still does not forget his original intention and has the courage to save people!" Such spirit and behavior deserve our praise, and more people should express their sincere respect!!

Liuna, who was preparing to flee on the side: "......"......

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