"You get along well with the person in charge of this silk factory, and people who come to the magic capital will come to you on purpose."

On the bed, Ye Whispered nestled in Chen Xu's arms, chatting with Chen Xu every day before going to bed.

Chen Xu originally thought that Xu Donglai would not come over in a few days, but after talking to Yu Ailian about the meeting this morning, he didn't have time to tell the other party that his mother was his old friend.

It's late now, Xu Donglai has to catch the train tomorrow, and he should have already rested, so it's not good to call again.

At this time, when I heard the news that the other party was coming over tomorrow, I was also crying and laughing.

He put his arm around his daughter-in-law in his arms and replied, "Uncle Xu can be so good with me, most of the reason is because of our mother." "

Ah, do the two of them know each other?" asked Ye Whispering curiously.

"I know, my mother's old friend, but Uncle Xu had suspected that the person I knew was my mother, and my mother was unwilling to contact my former acquaintances at that time, so I didn't admit it, and I estimated that I would come to meet my mother tomorrow, maybe I wanted to say a word or two about me."

Ye Wanyu stretched out his hand, gently pinched the man's cheek, and teased, "Scold, who told you to lie and deceive people."

Chen Xu pretended to be aggrieved and lowered his head to top the girl's forehead, "Do you have a daughter-in-law like this, support others to scold your husband?"

Ye said with a soft smile.

However, the smile on his face did not last long, and the man on the side had already bullied him.

"It seems that there has been no in-depth communication for too long, and the relationship between the husband and wife has faded a little, so have a good in-depth communication to maintain the relationship."

Ye Whispered and sensed the danger, and a pair of jade hands went to the man's strong chest, "You talk nonsense, it's not a genius... Here it is again.

Chen Xu ignored this vain resistance and laughed wickedly, "You see, if you don't communicate for a day, you fade into this, supporting others to scold your husband, I think we still have to communicate every day."

Ye whispered: "..."

Chen Xu's words fell, and after a while, the quiet bedroom room gradually became ambiguous, and the peach-colored aura of the air gradually spread...


On the car to and from Hangcheng.

Xu Shirong sat in the back row, with a dark face, and had not said a word since he was on the road.

There was a depressing aura in the air of the entire vehicle, which made the driver in charge of driving and Shi Yuzhen, who was next to Xu Shirong, dare not breathe.

Until, when the car drove out of the magic capital, Xu Shirong's face was gloomy, and he spoke to Shi Yuzhen on the side, "Tomorrow, I will put aside the things at hand, you prepare, we will go and tear up the marriage certificate." Shi

Yuzhen has been preparing to meet Xu Shirong's anger since she got on the car.

Even as soon as Xu Shirong opened his mouth just now, he subconsciously shook his body.

But never expected, Xu Shirong not only did not get angry, but even offered to pull the marriage certificate with her?

Shi Yuzhen was stunned for a moment, reacted, overjoyed, looked at Xu Shirong on the side excitedly, and quickly nodded.

"Okay, okay, I'll go prepare tomorrow!" After

waiting for more than ten years, she finally waited for today

! She can finally be the mistress

of the Xu family! However, before Shi Yuzhen could be happy, Xu Shirong, who was still dark and composed, spoke again, "When the marriage certificate between the two of us is pulled, I will bring you and Liuna's household registration to my side as soon as possible, I will become her guardian, and I will personally go to the Liu family to pick her up." "

Although Shi Yuzhen and Liu Tianyang have divorced, Shi Yuzhen and Liu Na's household registration is still in Liu Tianyang's village.

He is not Liuna's guardian yet, and it is really easy to go wrong if he is really tough to lead someone.

But if he becomes Liu Na's guardian and leads Liuna's household registration to his Xu family, and he goes to take his rebellious daughter back to Hangcheng, no one can stop

him! Even if Liu Tianyang and that young boy go to find the people above, there is no reason to stop him!

As soon as Xu Shirong's words came out, Shi Yuzhen understood the purpose of the other party, and the smile on his face froze.

Although there was a trace of reluctance, when he thought of becoming the mistress of the Xu family, he finally nodded his head in cooperation, "Okay, after applying for a marriage certificate, I will come with you to pick up Nana." "



Magic Capital Western-style Building.

It was only after six o'clock in the morning, and Chen Xu got up in good spirits to wash up.

I went to the bedroom and kissed Ye Wengyu, whose tossed whole body was about to fall apart, and went downstairs in the spring breeze to prepare breakfast for the family.

After the in-depth communication last night, the couple has been very effective in improving their relationship.

The daughter-in-law who had originally turned her elbows out had already turned to his side from the heart, helping her relatives or not, and made her position clear.

Chen Xu was very satisfied with the change in his daughter-in-law's attitude, plus she really tossed yesterday, and planned to make something to make up for her today.

However, when he came to the kitchen, he found that Yu Ailian and Su Qinglian were already busy in the kitchen.

The pots on the stove were already steaming hot, wafting a burst of fragrance, and there was no need to think that the two of them must have been busy in the kitchen for a while.

Although he had deliberately got up early today, he still couldn't get ahead of these two people after all.

But it just so happened that Xu Donglai was coming over, Ye Wanyu didn't tell Yu Ailian yesterday.

Chen Xu came to the kitchen, greeted the two, naturally took over the work in Yu Ailian's hands, and also told Yu Ailian and Su Qinglian about Xu Donglai coming over this afternoon.

Su Qinglian stood on the side and listened for a while, and heard that the person who was coming over today was Yu Ailian's old friend, and immediately said positively, "Since it is Ailian's old friend and business partner, people are coming, we can't snub people, I'll go to the backyard to catch two chickens to kill and entertain the guests later." "

That's right, it's going to the backyard to kill chickens.

Now in the backyard of Chen Xuyang Building, in addition to the few flowers and plants left, there is a large vegetable field, and there are chicken and duck breeding circles circled by several old people.

Chen Xu has not cared about it, after all, several old people like rural life, and now he can't take care of them in the countryside with them, let them grow vegetables and raise chickens and ducks here, as long as the old people are happy.

In particular, guests like today, chickens and ducks do not have to go to the vegetable market, and it is very convenient to directly catch and kill.

The whole family attached great importance to Yu Ailian, an old friend, and unanimously discussed to make a table of delicious hospitality.

Chen Xu didn't go out today, so he followed a few old people to wash and cook, and took the baby to walk around.

Ye Qingyu only had classes in the morning, and came back in the afternoon to work with him.


It was past five o'clock in the afternoon.

The table in the Western-style restaurant is already filled with hearty meals.

Xiao Nianyu lay in her grandmother's arms, looking at the table of delicacies, looking at the long hara.

The family waited for a while, and finally, before half past five, the doorbell of the Western-style building was rang from outside.


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