Chen Qiannan and Zhang Qiang wanted to escape, but before they could get up from the ground, the sandbag-sized fist fell on them with a split face, screaming and screaming.

Although Chen Xu has always advocated not using violence to solve problems.

But in the face of these two beasts, he doesn't want to be reasonable now.

He framed his own cousin for his own selfish interests, and planned to bury a young girl in the flower season for her whole life.

It's just not as good as a beast.

Especially when he thought that Zhang Qiang might have helped Chen Qiannan send the girl to the house last night, Chen Xu looked at this Zhang Qiang and was inexplicably angry.

The fists and kicks almost fell on this cousin-in-law, especially the hands that might have touched the girl.

Zhang Qiang's whole person is almost suffocated!

Today, such a group of people rushed in, the idea is also Chen Qiannan, how can Chen Xu this spit, if you don't beat others, just beat him and Chen Qiannan, the fist is also just to greet him.

Chen Xu pressed the two to the ground and beat them for more than ten minutes before he could barely stop.

Before leaving, he grabbed one person's collar with one hand and looked at the two with blue noses and swollen faces and wailing constantly, "In the future, dare to hit Lao Tzu and the family, otherwise the legs will be broken for you!" His face was dull, hideous and terrifying, and his previously cloudy and dull eyes revealed a murderous aura at this time.

Chen Qiannan and Zhang Qiang were simply numb in their backs, trembling like a sieve, and nodded quickly.

"No, no, no. Zhang

Qiang was almost repentant, his face was full of shoe prints, his head was swollen, and he quickly nodded, "Wrong, my cousin-in-law is wrong."

Chen Xu snorted coldly, threw the two of them to the ground, "Get out!" If the two

were granted amnesty, they quickly ran back to their east house, closed the door, and there was a movement of a latch reaching the door.

The two left, Chen Xu clapped his hands, and then took a good look at the house.

This is a traditional two-story earthen house and tile house in this area of Yuzhou, and in his father's generation, his father and uncle separated the family.

Although the family is separated, the family lives in one house, one and a half, and the east house and the two pigsties next to the east house belong to Chen Guodong.

The Westinghouse side and the kitchen belong to Chen Guoliang, and the hall house in the middle is half used by the family.

However, the kitchen and pigsty, for convenience, are occasionally shared together.

"After tossing and turning last night, I'm still hungry, so let's get something to eat to fill my stomach, and then get some for the little one."

Chen Xu muttered, and went to the kitchen with his stomach touched.

However, when he came to the kitchen, he looked at the cauldron and cabinets on the stovetop.

Not to mention meals, not even a mouthful of lard, not a handful of rice.

It is only possible that half a ripe sweet potato was left in the pot when collecting something.

Chen Xu also reacted after realizing it.

In the past, the original owner often robbed Chen Guodong's family to eat in the kitchen, and over time, Chen Guodong's family did not often cook in this kitchen.

Yesterday, I was drinking and treating, and I needed a cauldron, so I had to cook some food in his kitchen.

It is estimated that as soon as the banquet is over, everything will be moved back to the east house as soon as possible.

Now there is not even a drop of oil in this house.

Chen Xu opened the last enamel basin and looked at the empty basin, with mixed tastes in his heart.

Just yesterday, he was eating big fish and meat, mountains and seafood.

In the blink of an eye, I arrived in this mountain village, and even my livelihood was in question.

However, although the beginning is more difficult, for Chen Xu, a businessman, even if the family is surrounded by four walls, it is not difficult to solve the problem of food and clothing at present.

He walked to the yard and looked behind the house, where the terraced fields connected by layers, and up to the halfway up the mountain, was the uncultivated forest.

Surrounded by rolling mountains and terraced fields, turn around, and look at the gate of the courtyard not far away, there is a river, and across the river, is the street of Fujitou Village.

Today is exactly the five-day gathering, although it is only seven o'clock, and on the road across the river, as well as on the side of the river in their "half-side street", there are already many pedestrians carrying baskets to catch the gathering.

Chen Xu touched his chin, combined with the memories of the two lifetimes in his head, thought for a moment, and had a way.

It's the ninth month of the lunar calendar.

This vine village is surrounded by mountains, and this season, in addition to ripe crops and grain, many wild fruits in the mountains are also ripe.

Especially on the top of the mountain behind his home, there is a location where a lot of August melon vines grow.

Now is the time for August melons to ripen, and this thing is popular even in the countryside.

Now the farmers are busy with the autumn harvest, the students have not yet had a holiday, there is no time to go to the mountains to pick, Chen Xu just happened to be the first batch of picks to sell at the market, and he can also sell it for a lot of money.

At least it can make today's little fish no longer hungry.

After staying in the yard for a while, Chen Xu went to the kitchen, took the remaining half of the sweet potato in the pot, went to the back room, put it next to Xiaoyuer's bed, straightened the quilt for the little guy, turned something at home, and then lifted his legs out of the house.

Come to the yard, carry the basket on your back, take the sickle, and walk towards the back hill.

Although he has not experienced this era, he also did business deduction from 80 years to decades in the last life.

Now the 80s are also a golden age.

As long as he fills his stomach first, and then returns to the peak of the previous life, it is not difficult for Chen Xu.

The peasants who were already working in the fields saw the scene of Chen Xu walking up the mountain with a basket on his back, and the expressions on their faces seemed to be ghosts.

"Hiss... I'm not mistaken, Chen Xu's melon baby actually carried the basket up the mountain

?" "I'm letian, what's the matter, this sun came out from the western sky today?"

"Oops!! Chen Xuke's direction, isn't it my uncle's bag grain?

Chen Xu was lazy and did not farm all year round, and now when he saw him carrying a basket up the mountain, he subconsciously thought that Chen Xu was going to break the corn in people's fields, and went down the mountain in a panic to shout for people.

At the same time, the three-wheeled bus from Fujitou Village to the town was staggering out of the village, and there was a sound of "knock knock" and black smoke.

In the bus made of simple sheds, five people were squeezed on the stools on each side, and two fair-skinned and cleanly dressed girls became the focus of the rest of the car.

Especially the girl who has long hair, white skin, and bright eyes, pure and moving, like a fairy under the ordinary, is so good-looking that people can't take their eyes off.

Qin Miao had long been accustomed to the likable things of her little sister, and she still had fine sweat on her forehead, so she glanced at Ye Qianyu angrily, "Whisper, you really are, you have a nightmare and call me, run out barefoot, I thought you..." Qin

Miao said this, thinking of the bully who was wronged by her, she felt a little guilty and afraid.

Fortunately, the bully was in a good mood today, otherwise she would have to beat her up if she was so wronged.

Ye Wanyu thought about last night, and his mood was inevitably lost, he reached out and ruffled the hair on the side of his ear behind his ear, and said absentmindedly, "I was scared at

that time..." She never expected that she would give the first time to a mountain bully.

No, it's the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth times, all given ....


Qin Miao heard this, he looked at Ye Qianyu with a puzzled expression, "Whispering you are not quite bold, what is it that will scare you like this?" Ye

Wanyu recalled the size of the mountain, as well as the eyes and black face that looked like he was going to eat people, and his heart was uneasy, and he almost blurted out, "One, big dog bear." "


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