With the reminder of the arrival of the train, when I arrived at Guangcheng Railway Station, it was already past four o'clock.

The two followed the flow of people and followed the crowd out of the station, and the wide square immediately appeared in front of them.

Compared with the railway station in Rongcheng, the railway station on the Guangcheng side is at least ten times larger.

Looking back, I can see the neon lights still lit on the railway station building, showing the big words "unify the motherland and revitalize China".

This is a slogan with the imprint of the times, standing at the exit of this train station, looking at the row of bright red characters, the mood has become particularly exciting.

The two walked through the square, and some uncles and aunts who were holding signs to solicit customers rushed up.

"Two little ... "

Our shop has special services, do you want to come over for one night?"

Chen Xu almost didn't think about it, and directly refused to leave.

At the railway station in this era, the security is not perfect, if you really follow, I am afraid that even the clothes on your body can be stripped of you.

Liu Hong has traveled south and north over the years, and he has also suffered a lot of losses, refused, and left with Chen Xu in big strides.

Chen Xu is not very familiar with Guangcheng, but Liu Hong lives in Guangcheng all year round and is very familiar with the traffic routes here.

The sea weaving textile factory is about 20 kilometers away, and the two walked out of the square, got a car and headed for sea weaving.

In this era, many guest houses are public in nature.

Clean, hygienic, and the people who come from all over the world on business or the relatives of employees are safe.

Like Liu Hong's sea weaving and spinning factory guest house, the cost performance is particularly high, if the general factory employees come to many distant guests, the family room is not enough, will arrange to live in the guest house.

When the two arrived at the guest house, it was already past five o'clock.

Chen Xu took the initiative to pay 3 yuan for accommodation, and the front desk took the key and took the two to a room upstairs.

Back in the room, the two who had been sleepy for a long time sat down on the bed, said hello, and fell asleep.

Although Liu Hong is not at work today, he is also worried about going to the factory to talk about really good things.

I don't know how long I squinted, opened my eyes, saw that the sky outside the window was already bright, quickly climbed out of bed, and dressed and pants neatly.

After all, when he negotiates this business today, he can earn at least 150 yuan, which is almost worth his two-month salary, so he can't be positive.

Chen Xu just went to the toilet outside, pushed open the door, and saw Liu Hong, who was putting on a suit on his body and preparing to go out, and said hello, "Just about to come over and call you, I have already got up." "

Hehe, you must be positive about making money!" Liu Hong put on a suit jacket, "Brother Xu, there is breakfast downstairs, I will remember to buy it and eat it later!"

After saying hello, Liu Hong went out in a frenzy.

Chen Xu also lost his sleep, washed his face with hot water, and prepared to go downstairs to buy some breakfast to fill his stomach.


Two hours later.

Liu Hong ran back to the guest house with a spring face.

"Brother Xu, the single business is done! 25 horses of cloth, 51 pieces each, I earn two cents per meter here, and I can take you to get the goods later." "

Although I rubbed a lot of lips with the director of the factory, I also sent a package of 3 pieces of Hongta Mountain.

But this single is done, he can directly earn 150, the price is still Chen Xu's ideal price of one piece seven, but he and the director of the factory offer a piece of six, change hands to earn 150

! At this time, Liu Hong looked at Chen Xu, his eyes were shining, Brother Xu was simply his lucky star wealth god

! Let him recover more than three hundred yuan from the thief, not to mention, but also let him earn more than a hundred in one go

! ! Chen Xu looked at this happy fat man, and also smiled, "Yes, but in the past, before taking the goods, let's go have a meal." "

Those hundreds of pounds of things, but strength work, how can you do it without eating."

There is a good state-run hotel nearby, I'll take you there." "


By the time Chen Xu followed Liu Hong to the factory, it was already past one o'clock in the afternoon.

25 horses add up to at least 500 pounds.

Chen Xu was not good to bring on the train alone, so he took advantage of the lunch time to specially ask Liu Hong to help contact a man with a similar size to Chen Xu, and followed him to move things back to Rongcheng, 3 yuan a day, including a round-trip fare of 15 yuan.

The three entered the factory area and came to the corner of the factory warehouse, Liu Hong took a piece of cloth on the shelf and handed it to Chen Xu, "Look, our sea weaving is indeed good, it must be better than many textile factories on the market."

Chen Xu reached out and took the cloth, wiped it, the color was bright, the hand felt smooth, and nodded with satisfaction, "It's really good." "

No wonder this sea weaving can become a leader in the textile industry, this quality, there is no need to say.

Originally, Chen Xu planned to sell eight pieces per meter, but now he saw this fabric and decided to sell ten pieces directly.

After the inspection, Liu Hong called two workers to start packing.

Chen Xu opened his coat, took out more than a dozen bundles of great unity from the inner pocket of his clothes, and settled the payment of 1,275 quickly.

Liu Hong took the money with a smile and said while counting, "Brother Xu, if you want to buy cloth in the future, you must find me again!"


Handing over the payment, taking the cloth, Chen Xu did not delay, immediately greeted Da Zhuang who came to move the goods, each carrying more than two hundred pounds of goods, and officially left.

Liu Hongsheng was afraid that Chen Xu would not be able to call a car with the goods, so he also followed him out of the factory, called him in the car, and enthusiastically sent away his God of Wealth.


When Chen Xu and Da Zhuang arrived at Guangcheng Railway Station, it was already half past three in the afternoon.

Chen Xu did not delay, bought two train tickets, waited for more than half an hour, and beckoned Da Zhuang to carry the cloth and get on the train to and from Rongcheng.

Da Zhuang is a man with great strength, but he is quite stuffy.

A dozen hours of driving is a bit boring.

During this period, Chen Xu took the initiative to find several topics, all of which were interrupted by the other party within three sentences.

"Are you married?"

"So what kind of girl do you like?"

the big man scratched his hair shyly, "just a woman." Chen

Xu: "..." "

What are you thinking, it's all out of your mind."

"Ah, no, it's just in a daze."

Chen Xu: "... Oh. "



Nine o'clock in the morning.

The train finally arrived.

Chen Xu called Da Zhuang, carried the goods, and followed the crowd off the train.

After about ten minutes of walking, I came to the door of the tea shop.

Tang Guoshan had just finished greeting a wave of guests, and when he saw Chen Xu returning, he still had something on his shoulder, and quickly threw down the shovel in his hand and stepped forward to help.

"My God, Chen Xu, what are you pretending to be here, so big?" asked Tang Guoshan while helping Chen Xu put things in the clean open space.

Chen Xu put the things down, turned around and helped Da Zhuang unload the things on his shoulders, exhaled a breath, and wiped the sweat from his face.

"It's 25 horses of cloth, and it seems to be quite lively on Ruyi Street these days, so I bring these cloths in the afternoon to see how the market is doing."

When Tang Guoshan heard Chen Xu's words, he was immediately stunned, "Ah, you're going to sell cloth again, and how did you get it?"

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