
Early in the morning, Chen Xu stepped on the train to Guangcheng.

Nearly a day of tossing and turning.

At four o'clock in the morning the next day, I arrived at my destination.

As soon as I followed the crowd out of the train station, there was a greeting ahead.

"Brother Xu!"

Chen Xu followed the prestige, and at a glance he saw the fat man who was standing in the crowd, waving at him with a bright smile.

He nodded and strode towards the other party.


Hong smiled brightly, "Nothing is as important as Brother Xu's business!"

This is his God of Wealth!

And Chen Xu directly ordered more than 6,000 yuan this time, which is a lot of money.

Now he is in Kaiwei, and his face is much bigger.

Chen Xu looked at this diligent fat man, and also smiled and joked, "Then I am quite honored."

"Oh, you can't say that. Liu Hong continued, "It's still early, let's go have breakfast first, there is a good breakfast nearby."

Liu Hong took Chen Xu out of the square and raised his hand to wave to the taxi not far away.

Chen Xu rushed all the way, he was also hungry and panicked at this time, and he was not pretentious, nodded and agreed, and followed Liu Hong to the car.

People here in Guangcheng love morning tea.

Today there was plenty of time, and Liu Hong directly took Chen Xu into a large restaurant specializing in morning tea.

Exquisite refreshments soon filled the table.

"Brother Xu, last time you came and went in a hurry, I didn't have a chance to entertain and thank you properly, this time I came over, I have to eat this special snack in Guangcheng."

"This is a crab yellow bun.

"And the crystal shrimp dumplings, this puff pastry egg tart is also good."

Liu Hong introduced Chen Xu with a smile.

All are a table of special Guangzhou morning tea.

I really can't get down without a meal of fifty or sixty.

Usually, in this kind of place, he will not come alone, and only occasionally talk about projects with the leaders in the factory.

Today, I put down the blood book, and specially beckoned Chen Xu to come over and taste it.

The first is to thank Chen Xu for helping him recover the three hundred yuan, and the second is naturally to greet the God of Wealth and cooperate with him more in the future.

Chen Xu did not refute the other party's kindness, and after agreeing with a smile, he ate slowly and methodically.

However, I have to admit that the things of this era are more flavorful than those of later generations.

Liu Hong originally thought that Chen Xu was coming to the restaurant for the first time to eat, after all, he was dressed worse than him, a weaver of the sea.

But what he never expected was that Chen Xu ate these refreshments, slowly, what needs to be dipped in sauce, what to eat and how to eat, simply better than him, do not need his guidance at all, just like eating a homely meal.

Liu Hong smiled bitterly in his heart.

It seems that Brother Xu has not been here.

It's just low-key....

Eat morning tea.

Chen Xu followed Liu Hong to the factory.

More than one hundred and twenty horses of cloth have all been packed in the cargo box of Dadongfeng.

After inspecting the goods, Chen Xu did not delay, greeted Liu Hong, and left with the truck driver all the way to pull the goods back to Rongcheng.

Compared to taking the train.

The journey back on the national highway is a lot longer, at least two days, and the danger level is much higher than that of the train.

In the seventies and eighties, car bandits and road blockers were the characteristics of this century, and truck drivers had high incomes and were also a proper high-risk group.

It is better to have security teams patrolling the road during the day, but at night, robbers are rampant.

It was also because of this that Chen Xu specially followed the truck driver to transport this batch of cloth back to Rongcheng.

Otherwise, if something happens to the goods on the car or the driver on the way, he will lose blood this wave.

Not only Chen Xu, but even the truck driver was highly nervous, after all, he was indeed a good car.

Although he said that when encountering robbers, as long as the goods basically did not hurt people, he could also see that this car of goods may be the whole belongings of the boss next to him.

Otherwise, he would not risk danger and toss with him on this rugged national highway.

The good thing is.

The first night was a calm ride.

This made the two breathe a heavy sigh of relief, and as soon as dawn broke, they stopped next to a restaurant on the side of the road to take turns to catch up on sleep.

Only during the day, with the protection of the security team, can they sleep a little relieved.

The next journey was also a stop-and-go journey, and the truck driver was also a talkative person, often chatting with Chen Xu, which added a lot of fun to this boring driving journey.

After two days and one night, the car finally drove into Rongcheng Lincheng.

At this time, the sky was already dark, and Chen Xu and the driver's uncle fought with each other again.

As long as there are no accidents tonight, the goods on the car can arrive safely in Rongcheng.

In the first half of the night, the road was calm.

As soon as it was past two o'clock in the morning, the sky slowly lit up.

The driver's uncle drove the steering wheel, turned his head to look at Chen Xu, and said with a smile, "Boss, it seems that we have good luck this time!"

Chen Xu did not relax in the slightest, vigilantly observing the movements ahead, and said, "Now that the sky is not yet bright, we can't let our guard down yet." The

driver's uncle was noncommittal, "Harm, boss, you are still too young, I have been running the national highway for more than a year, generally this point will not..."

As soon as he was halfway through his words, on the road illuminated by the headlights of the truck, a figure suddenly burst out.

The driver immediately slowed down and looked at it, "Ah! "

On the main road, a woman with tattered clothes, disheveled hair and tear-stained faces is casting her gaze for help to this side.

Holding my arms in the cold wind, I shivered with cold, which really made people feel pity.

"Big brother, help me!" the woman shouted hoarsely as she stood in the middle of the road.

The driver saw the woman calling for help, and the speed of the car instantly slowed down, "This, this girl must be ——!

" Chen Xu saw that the driver seemed to be about to stop, and immediately spoke up, reminding in a tone that could not be refused, "Leave her alone, speed up, rush over!"

"Huh?" The driver's uncle glanced at Chen Xu in surprise.

"Listen to me, don't care, rush over!" Chen Xu spoke again.

The latter also saw something from Chen Xu's solemn expression, although he felt that it was impossible, but if he stopped, in case it was really as Chen Xu thought, this batch of things was gone, and he couldn't afford to pay for his life!

The woman in front saw the truck accelerating and rushing, her face full of surprise, and when the truck was less than three meters away from her, she immediately ran to the side of the road.

In the next instant, the rumbling east wind roared by, and the woman's face was full of confusion.

In the bushes on the side of the road, several burly men also appeared one after another.

"Damn, this trick only started to be used a few days ago, and tried a hundred times, why did it fail this time?" "

! I'm afraid I met a human spirit this time!" The

truck drove away, and the driver saw the person on the side of the road coming out of the road and staring closely at this side through the reversing mirror, only then reacted, and after a while, he turned his head mechanically to look at Chen Xu.

"Boss, you, how did you see that?" He

had encountered all kinds of robbers before, and today he really had never seen this trick.

Unexpectedly, this young man next to him actually understood better than him

, if he were alone, I am afraid that the goods of this car would really be gone....

Chen Xu was also relieved, closed his eyes and stared, and said, "This is not a village, no shop behind, a wild mountain, a woman runs so many kilometers, the shoes on her feet are intact, and even the mud is not stained, is it normal?"

When the driver's uncle heard this, he only felt that his old face was a little unbearable.

He just looked at the woman's face with rain, and he really didn't pay attention to these details.

"No wonder boss, you are doing big business at such a young age, and your heart is very careful! The

driver's uncle blushed and said embarrassedly.

Chen Xu smiled, "Be modest, uncle." "


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