Chen Xu collected his stalls from Ruyi Street and quickly returned to the village.

Come to the gate of the yard, jump out of the car, carry the tricycle into the yard, close the courtyard door, and run under the eaves in a few steps.

He wiped the rain from his face before he lifted his feet and entered the house, intending to replace the clothes that were already soaked on his body first.

Stick cold to the body, don't mention how uncomfortable.

After spending a few minutes in the back room, Mari changed into clean clothes and came out, and the whole thing was much more comfortable, but it was a little thinner.

It's a sweater with a shirt and trousers underneath.

It was the new clothes that Chen Qingshan bought for the original owner last autumn, and the sweater knitted for him by his eldest sister Chen Zhaodi.

The original owner was uncomfortable dressed and hardly wore it.

Fortunately, there is still this dress, otherwise there is really no clothes to wear.

After several days of rain, his last set had not yet dried, and today his body was wet.

Walking directly from the hall house to the kitchen of the east house, Chen Xu took the basin, took out the pickled sour radish from the earthen pot, and began to make lunch.

Today is also an appetizer at noon.

Fresh sour radish soup, fried cucumber vegetables with black fungus, sweet and sour eggs.

Fortunately, it is winter and the food is easy to preserve.

Chen Xu would prepare the next day's ingredients one day in advance every day, so that it was not easy to delay time, and he would not be hungry Ye Whispering and the little one in her stomach.

However, selling cloth today is really delayed.

By the time Chen Xu finished the meal, it was not early.

There are no clocks in the house he rented, and now the watch is a rare thing, and there is no way to sell it here in Rongcheng.

He immediately packed the soup in several canned glass bottles, closed the lid, and put it in the aluminum box on the side.

Close the lid and see the row of small words "Serve the people" on the lid.

Chen Xu smiled unconsciously.

He is not serving the people, but his future daughter-in-law and children.

After loading the food, Chen Xu did not delay, lifted the dark green strap on the food box, hung the food box on his body, took the oil-paper umbrella and hurried out.


When Chen Xu arrived at the gate of Rongcheng Normal School, he learned from the school security guard that it was already eleven fifty-eight.

Chen Xu did not delay.

The old rule, hand the security uncle a cigarette, put down the lunch box and explain to leave.

However, as soon as he put his things down, before he could lift his feet, the uncle's rather anxious voice came out.

"Big man, you come over on time every day to deliver food and food, don't you plan to meet your girlfriend?"

Not to mention, it really inexplicably reveals a mature and introverted demeanor.

When Chen Xu heard this, he was stunned, and looked back at the security guard, "How do you know that she is my

girlfriend?" The security guard: "..."

This is when he is blind!

The two deliver food every day, one can't see the loss of people, isn't it boyfriend and girlfriend?

He took a deep breath and continued, "You don't care how I know, I see that your girlfriend seems to have something to say to you in the past two days, anyway, it's almost after class, you wait for her here, say two words before leaving." "

The two should have just been together now, the love period in the novel!

The security uncle was no longer satisfied with eating melons silently, and even began to take the initiative to worry about it.

Chen Xu was amused by this uncle, "Uncle, what are you speculating, what does she have to say for you to bring to me." "

Security guard: "???"

he began to suspect.

Ye whispered what the little girl liked about this big man.

At his age, it was the first time he had seen such an incomprehensible man.

The security

uncle sighed silently, lowered his head, and said to Chen Xu seriously, "I also guess, because every time she doesn't see you, she doesn't seem to be very happy, maybe there is something I want to say to you, it's not easy for me to convey."

When Chen Xu heard this, he pondered for a moment, and felt that Ye Wanyu might really have something to say to him about the child in his belly.

"Okay, then I'll wait for her. "

Seeing her once in a while at the school gate, keeping an appropriate distance, should have little impact.

As long as no student knows about his relationship with her, it will not make her difficult at school.

Although Chen Xu is quite confident in himself, he is also a second marriage, and he was still a village bully fool before, if he let her school know his relationship with her, he was afraid of affecting her.

In his

last life, he went to set up a stall part-time in college, and his girlfriends disliked him in every way, for fear that people in the school would know that she couldn't raise her head.

Even when I came over with my classmates, I pretended not to know him, and I didn't say a word to him after shopping for things with the accompanying school.

The mind drifted away for a short time.

Within a few minutes, the school bell rang, and three or three students walked out of the school gate one after another.

Ye Qingyu also held up umbrellas with Qin Miao's little sisters and walked towards the security room.

Several little sisters were also curious about who the person who delivered food to Ye Wanyu every day was, but they had followed and arrested them for two days, and there was not a single figure.

In addition to the female classmates, Ye Qingyu and Qin Miao were also followed by a male classmate of the same age.

Sanqi's hair is meticulously combed, his facial features are beautiful, and he is wearing a cutting-edge sweater and shirt, and with a popular suit, Sven is handsome.

The boy held the umbrella in one hand and put the other in his pocket, his gaze crossed Qin Miao, looked at Ye Whisper, with a confident smile on his face, and said, "Whisper-classmate, I can get the second place in the grade in this test, thanks to your guidance as the first place, anyway, there is more time at noon, how about I invite you to eat out?" "Wow

, then can we dip the light of Whispering classmates together?"

Several girls around heard that Qin Junsheng's university bully was going to invite Ye Whispering to dinner, and they immediately followed one by one.

You know, Qin Junsheng is the son of the deputy director of the Rongcheng Meat Factory in Rongcheng, and I heard that his family still has few 10,000 yuan households!

Although Ye Qingyu did not specifically disclose his family lineage, just from dressing up, he also knew that she must not be a girl from an ordinary family.

Qin Junsheng was obviously interested in Ye Whispering, they couldn't get it, but they could coax and eat melons.

Ye Qingyu ignored the coaxing of these little sisters, with a slight smile on his face, but he had a sense of distance, and said, "Classmate Qin, I'm sorry, I already had someone bring me lunch at noon today."

Qin Miao also held an inexplicable hostility towards Qin Junsheng, and said with a smile, "Yes, recently, people have been sending food to Whispering every day, and those meals are quite delicious!"

A while ago, she couldn't eat anything, but now she eats more than she every day.

If you stand in line, compared to Qin Junsheng, who always looks down on people with a dog's eyes, Qin Miao certainly chooses to support this man who is very good at cooking and whispering and delivers food to her on time every day.

Although Whispering has not revealed to her who the other party is.

Only said that she knew.

Several girls listened to Ye Wanyu and Qin Miao say this, and they looked envious.

"Yes, there is also a person who delivers food to Ye Wanyu every day, who changes his patterns every day and delivers it on time, and I envy that I am tired."

"I just don't know who it is, when will the whisper bring us to meet?" "

I want to see me too!"

The more the girls spoke, the more interested they became.

After all, they could also see that Ye Qingyu preferred to deliver food.

The other party must be a tall, handsome and intimate rich man, right?

Qin Junsheng's face suddenly turned cloudy and gloomy.

Their family is in Rongcheng, and it can be regarded as a large family with very good conditions of 10,000 yuan.

My own conditions in all aspects are also among the best in the school.

Ye Qingyu was fancying which rich child in Rongcheng was so disdainful of him?

She also wants to formally introduce them.

But the situation does not allow it. It was difficult for her to even see people.

At this time, the security uncle saw Ye Whispering a few people coming, and immediately got up, walked to the door of the security room, and greeted Ye Whispering from a distance.

"Classmate Ye Whisper, someone is looking for it outside the door. "

Who?" Ye Wanyu didn't react for a while, and asked aloud.

The security uncle grinned, "You go out quickly, today's meal has arrived, and people are waiting for you!"

Ye Qingyu was stunned for a moment, reacted, almost his body was larger than his brain, and immediately rushed into the continuous drizzle.

"Alas, whisper, umbrella!" Qin Miao reacted after realizing it, and quickly chased after him with the umbrella.


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