Liu Aiguo and Su Qinglian have only one daughter in this life, and Ye Qingyu has almost accompanied the New Year over the years, and their home looks much deserted every year compared to the lively neighbors.

In the past few days, Chen Xu also discussed with the second elder and Ye Wanyu, instead of living coldly, it was better for the family to go directly to Fujitou Village together to give this year lively.

Liu Aiguo and Su Qinglian also felt that this idea was good.

After all, let Whisper follow Chen Xu during the New Year, they are too lonely.

Don't let her come together, and I'm afraid that these little two can't be separated, without Chen Xu and Xiao Yuer, the home is not lively.

Anyway, I have to visit Chen Xu's house, so it's better to take this opportunity to meet people on both sides.

The family hit it off.

Today, it is twenty-seven.


Chen Xu spent 2 yuan to call a tractor, and the enthusiastic Liu Aiguo couple almost moved all the New Year goods prepared at home and put them all on the tractor.

The family was bustling and drove off the street on a tractor.

The popularity of Liu Aiguo and his wife on this street is also excellent.

The car passed by the street, and many neighbors heard the movement and came out to greet them.

"Uncle Aiguo, Aunt Qinglian, this is a big New Year, where are you going

?" "Yes, you still bring so many things, move

?" "I don't think so, this won't be, going to Boss Chen's house to send the New Year?"

Ye whispered to Chen Xu's matter, and everyone on the street guessed it.

After all, the two hugged by the river in the town a few days ago, and discerning people could see at a glance that the two were everywhere!

Liu Aiguo heard the greeting of the neighbors and smiled brightly, "It's not exactly to send the New Year, we will go directly to Xiaoxu's house for the New Year this year!" Su

Qinglian hugged Xiaoyu'er, and also replied with a smile, "Just meet with Xiaoxu's family and talk about the marriage of the two children." The

neighbors in the town confirmed the news from the mouth of the second elder, and they were shocked one by one, and they also quickly smiled and congratulated.

Although the big guys feel that Chen Xu's family conditions are definitely not comparable to Ye Qingyu's family.

But Chen Xu can make a girl like Ye Qingyu willingly marry him, especially Liu Aiguo and his wife are still satisfied, which shows that people are definitely not bad!

Especially every time he returns from Rongcheng, Chen Xu's big bag of things is brought to Liu Aiguo, and he knows at a glance that he has made a lot of money in Rongcheng.

The tractor was bubbling with black air, banging away, and an aunt put her hands on her cuffs, and said quite enviously

, "Oh, I look at this little Boss Chen, the more I look at it, the more it is not simple, maybe, in the future, our Wenxing Town can still produce a son-in-law of 10,000 yuan!"

In this town, the richest people and families do not have more than 5,000 cash in hand.


aunt's words fell, and many people nodded in agreement.

"Indeed, Boss Xiao Chen is a bright mind, and it is estimated that in less than a year, he will be able to rise to the level of a 10,000-yuan household.

"But no, unlike us, who are timid, afraid to go out and do it, and guard this small place all our lives."

"I can't say that, you look at that Zhang Qiang, it's not bold once, as a result, the leg is broken, I heard that it takes 500 yuan to cure, and the old man doesn't have so much money, so he took it back." "

Shhhh Isn't it, doesn't it mean that Zhang Qiang is Boss Xiao Chen's cousin-in-law?

"This is not clear, I am afraid that there is a contradiction, what kind of person Zhang Qiang will we not know?" The

tractor walked away, and the melon-eating masses on the street gradually chatted about the building.

Today I want to go out, Ye Whispering got up early, plus I have always been sleepy in the past few days, and the car is shaking on the road for an hour, and the whole person is a little drowsy.

Chen Xu saw that the heads of the people next to him were little by little, and his eyes were almost unable to open, and he frowned and pondered whether to let her sleep against him for a while.

However, the second elder was there, and he thought that Ye Whispering might not be happy, so he didn't mention it.

The car walked a few kilometers forward, and Ye Wanyu couldn't bear it, and his head couldn't help but lean on his arm.

Chen Xu noticed the head leaning beside him, and his body froze, and he didn't dare to move.

At this moment, the tractor was walking a muddy and potholed section, shaking a lot.

Chen Xu was afraid that this would shake too much, and if Ye Wanyu didn't fall out steadily, he would be furious.

Seeing that Ye Qingyu was sleeping soundly, he thought for a moment before turning slightly sideways, holding her head with one hand, pulling out the arm that was pillowed by her, moving gently and slightly stiffly, and carefully holding her in his arms.

At this time, Ye Qingyu leaned in the broad and powerful arm, that is called a comfortable ~

beautiful eyes opened slightly, glanced at Chen Xu, a little embarrassed, but very sleepy, and finally failed to defeat Zhou Gong, and fell asleep in his arms.

Chen Xu just saw Ye Qingyu open his eyes, but he was inexplicably a little weak-hearted, afraid that she would mind.

However, seeing the girl close her eyes, and rubbed in his arms to adjust a comfortable position and continue to sleep, he was completely relieved, and the action of holding her was slightly more natural.

He looked down and looked at the girl's eyelashes that were as long as a fan, the skin that could be broken by blowing, and the beautiful face, and he couldn't take his eyes off.

At this moment, he was really happy.

Although the money is gone, it is still the beginning of hell, but I picked up such a beautiful daughter-in-law.

At this moment, the second elder saw Chen Xu looking at his granddaughter like a peerless treasure, and the corners of his mouth were almost upturned into the sky.

Liu Aiguo was originally quite worried that after a hundred years with his wife and children, what if no one in their granddaughter was in pain?

This kid really hurts.

Whispering to marry him, the future life will definitely not be sad.




Zhang Qiang lay on the bed, looking at his leg, which would be crippled without surgery, and looked at Chen Qingshan and Chen Guodong by the bed with help.

"Master, Dad, I really don't want to be crippled, can you save me?"

Zhang Father and Zhang Mother, who sent Zhang Qiang back together, were also anxious.

Zhang Mu even plopped down directly and knelt down in front of Chen Qingshan and Chen Guodong.

"In-laws, father-in-law, we have all come to your Chen family as a son, and now that something has happened to do business, you have to do your best to cure it!" Mother Zhang cried while beginning the moral kidnapping.

She naturally knew that these two people could not cure her son, but Chen Qingshan's grandson can, didn't Zhang Qiang say that Chen Xu made a lot of money in Rongcheng?

My own mother, you, don't be like this, I have paid Zhang Qiang for more than 100 yuan for medical expenses, I really have no money, otherwise I would not have been left alone. "

How to say that Zhang Qiang is the son-in-law who entered his family, he has money, how can he not be cured.

Mother Zhang couldn't bear it, crying a handful of snot and tears, "You, you don't, your nephew Chen Xu must have it! If Zhang Qiang of our family hadn't seen him go to Rongcheng to sell chickens to earn money, he wouldn't have followed to sell it!"

She blew a handful of snot with one hand, flicked it aside, and continued," This matter, it can be regarded as because of him, he is also Zhang Qiang's cousin, we can't pay the two hundred yuan to buy chickens, Zhang Qiang's leg let him give some money to cure it, and then help us pay back the two hundred yuan, our family will not pursue it. "


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