Several babies saw Chen Xu and recalled the psychological shadow that Chen Xu had left them since they could remember, even if they heard their mother's greeting, they stopped one by one and looked at him timidly.

Chen Xu looked at the pile of babies in the second sister's house, Rao had already been mentally prepared, a bunch of babies standing in front of him, also a little numb scalp.

His second cousin is only 35 years old, married for 15 years, and has given birth to seven, and has hardly stopped.

However, in this era, family planning has not yet begun to be implemented, ordinary people do not know how to use contraception, and basically every household on the street is up to two or three.

Chen Laidi's family is okay, both men and women stay.

In other families, the sons who were born were raised, and most of the daughters were given away.

What's more, the family can't feed this extra mouth, and it is directly thrown into the cave.

At this time, Chen Laidi saw that several children did not move, and hurriedly stepped forward to urge, "Oh, what are you afraid of! Uncle will not eat you!" Hearing

his mother's urging, a few slightly older children stepped forward slightly, not daring to look at Chen Xu at all, and opened their mouths to greet the New Year.

The eldest child took the lead, and the younger one hid behind his brother and sister, timidly praying to Chen Xu.

When Chen Xu heard the little guys greeting, he was not idle, with a smile on his face, and took money into the pocket of the inner lining of his clothes.

After staying in this era for a long time, the place where he put money was also habitually transferred from the pocket of his pants to the pocket of his clothes, which was relatively safe.

A few children didn't expect Chen Xu to send them red envelopes, and Chen Xu would be fine if he didn't rob the red envelopes sent to them by his grandfather.

As soon as the New Year greeting, one by one, they hurriedly prepared to leave, and even the second and fourth elders, who were faster in their hands and feet, had already run away quickly, preparing to go to the East House to find their grandfather.

They pointed to the two cents of the grandfather's elders to make a few days of pocket money a year.

Chen Xu saw the second and fourth elders running away, and hurriedly greeted out, "Why run so fast, uncle don't want the money here?"

Chen Xu had already taken out a thick stack of money in his hand as he spoke.

The two adults and a few children in the courtyard looked at the thick money in his hand, and their eyes were bright

! The two and four who ran away immediately ran back to the team!

They really never expected that their uncle would give them red envelopes this year.

So much money, each person is at least 1 cent!

Even if they are snatched away by their mother, ah no, if they hand in 5 cents, they can still have 5 cents!

A group of children were immediately excited.

However, when they saw Chen Xu pull out a piece from a pile of money and then hand it to the boss, they all widened their eyes in unison!

Chen Xu handed the money to the boss Jiang Jia, "Come, Happy New Year, Jiang Jia." The

little girl was originally quite afraid of Chen Xu, but when she saw her uncle hand over a huge amount of money, she was not afraid in an instant, and quickly reached out to take it.

"Thank you

, uncle!" "You're welcome!" Immediately

afterwards, Chen Xu gave each of the little guys of Hewanshi Xingwuwen a dollar of money, but it made the babies in a yard happy!

Wow, wow, this year, uncle didn't rob

us of money, but also gave us money for the year, a dollar! "Uncle finally grew up, and he was sensible, and he knew that he was giving money to children!"

Chen Xu: "..."

Although Chen Laidi did not have the heart and eye and no emotional intelligence, listening to the words of a few children, she also felt that something was wrong, and quickly reprimanded a few words, all of them went into the East House, and did not forget to let them keep the money well and not lose it.

After all, when she leaves the Chen family's yard later, she will put it away and "keep it".

A few children entered the house, and Chen Laidi did not delay, and quickly handed a bag of biscuits and sugar in her hand to Chen Xu and gave him a New Year's greeting.

Jiang Qingguo is a stuffy gourd, from entering the courtyard to leaving, he honestly said "Happy New Year" to Chen Xu.

The family was lively on the east house side for a while, and then came out to pay homage to the beautiful aunt for a New Year.

Ye Wanyu was also generous, and also gave each child a dollar of money, and made a few little guys happy!

"Oh, why is the yard so lively!" A

few little guys just cheered for a while, and the third elder Chen Yindi lifted his feet into the yard, carrying a bag of peanuts and white sugar in his hand.

Seeing the cheering children in a courtyard, they were disgusted in their hearts, but they greeted with a smile on their mouths.

Chen Laidi saw the third man, looked behind her, did not see anyone else, and asked, "Just you, brother-in-law and your family did not come?" Chen Laidi

walked into the yard, and said with a smile, "There are many relatives at home today, he can't leave, it rained a few days ago, the road is not good, I won't bring the two little ones, wait for a while to bring them over." "

The main thing is to bring Chen Qingshan, Chen Guodong is so far away from the one or two cents of money, the two children really can't look at it.

I can't get used to the noodle rice here, so I don't like to come over.

Of course, she doesn't force it.

If it weren't for the fear of the neighbors around her, she wouldn't want to go back to this house if she wanted to go back to the second year of junior high school.

Chen Yindi walked into the courtyard, and at a glance she saw Ye Wanyu under the eaves, her eyes lit up, and she was even more surprised.

This girl knew at a glance that it was in the city, how could she be in the Chen family at this time? Chen

Qianan got married, Chen Yindi did not come, and she was very unfamiliar with Ye Wanyu.

She hurriedly pulled away a few children, walked to Ye Wanyu, and asked with a smile, "Sister, are you?" Looking

closer, this girl simply looks like a fairy, there is no flaw on the skin, and the temperament is not to be said!

Chen Xu saw Chen Yindi staring directly at his daughter-in-law, and a sense of unhappiness arose in his heart, walked to Ye Qingyu's side, and introduced her, "Whisper, this is my third cousin, Chen Yindi." When

Ye Qingyu heard this, he immediately nodded politely to her, "Happy New Year, third sister, I am Chen Xu's girlfriend, Ye Wanyu." "

Huh?? Girlfriend?"

exclaimed Chen Yindi.

She looked at Chen Xu on the side, and then at Ye Wanyu, neither of them seemed to be joking, the white sugar and peanuts in their hands almost fell to the ground in shock!

Chen Xu actually found a fairy-like girl in the city?

After a while, Chen Yindi was able to react, still feeling unbelievable, "Really, really?" Chen

Laidi laughed and laughed, "It's not true, this sister-in-law also gave Jiahe Wanshi Xing Wenwu a dollar of money each!" When

the babies heard their mother's words, they became excited again.

"Yes, yes

, my uncle also gave a piece!" "Well, this year, my grandfather

also gave more, two Mao!" "Grandpa also gave more! Five Mao!" A

few little guys said, and there was another cheer, and the little fish mixed in it, followed the brothers and sisters for a while, and their hearts were also happy.

Mom and dad each gave her ten yuan, grandparents also gave five yuan each, and

grandpa and uncle gave her, she is super rich now!

At this time, Chen Yindi was completely dumbfounded.

Chen Xu not only found a girlfriend in the city, but also a family with top conditions!


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