The more he tried, the more he was defeated.

Hua Tianyang never expected it.

There are such cruel people in the world.

Plus what happened just now.

Gu Changsheng used thunder magic to bombard for nearly a minute.

Is this something a human can do!

What he didn't know was.

After this bombardment, Gu Changsheng's mana was only consumed by one drop of spiritual liquid.

If he wanted.

He could have another five minutes.

As for why it was five minutes.

After the red light ball entered his body, Gu Changsheng condensed another drop of spiritual liquid.

His spiritual liquid limit has reached six drops.

"Not bad."

Gu Changsheng showed a trace of satisfaction.

"I have done a good thing, I saved them."

Gu Changsheng glanced at the Ten Thousand Souls Banner, and then suddenly thought of something.

The next second.

He grabbed the Ten Thousand Souls Banner fiercely.

"You...what do you want to do?"

Hua Tianyang opened his mouth in surprise, as if he had thought of something extremely terrifying.

"You guessed it right, the reward is a luxurious villa."

Gu Changsheng grinned and pointed the Ten Thousand Souls Banner at Hua Tianyang.


Hua Tianyang screamed in horror and was directly sucked into the Ten Thousand Souls Banner.

Blind Li and Yuan Chongshan were stunned.


Why are you playing with the magic weapon of evil cultivators?


Judging from your expression, you seem to be quite satisfied with this thing?

Blind Li swallowed his saliva instinctively.

Why does he feel that this thing is more terrifying in Gu Changsheng's hands than in Hua Tianyang's hands?

Yuan Chongshan muttered to himself.

"This... this method is too cruel."

"After all, you are a righteous person. It is not appropriate to use the Ten Thousand Souls Banner, right?"

Blind Li quickly covered his mouth.

"Shut up, do you want to go in too?"

Yuan Chongshan shook his head repeatedly, his face pale.

At this time.

Gu Changsheng had already approached the trembling Hua Tianxiong.

Hua Tianxiong was terrified.

He never thought that the magic weapon that his elder brother had refined to deal with others would eventually become his own burial place.

"Mercy... Spare my life..."

He screamed in fear.

Gu Changsheng ignored him and smiled at him.

"I am a kind-hearted person. I hate to see brothers separated."

"You should go into the Ten Thousand Souls Banner and continue to be brothers."

As he said, Gu Changsheng aimed the Ten Thousand Souls Banner at Hua Tianxiong and sucked him in.


A shrill scream sounded.

Hua Tianxiong and his good brother reunited in the Ten Thousand Souls Banner.

Blind Li instinctively took a step back, sweating profusely.

Why didn't I see before that this kid has some potential for magic cultivation.

It's a good thing you didn't join those magic sects.

Otherwise, you would be a saint-level.

"Why are you two so scared?"

"Would I eat people?"

After Gu Changsheng dealt with the Hua brothers, he looked at Blind Li and the others in confusion.

Blind Li: "..."

I can't say.

Was it a plant that you swallowed into the Ten Thousand Souls Banner just now?

"Okay, everyone, the matter has been completed, and we should leave."

Gu Changsheng said.

Yuan Chongshan nodded quickly, and then quickly untied the restraints on his grandson.

The four of them returned to Jiangzhou City.

Several people came to Yuan Chongshan's home.

An independent villa.

However, the first floor was completely opened up and turned into a weapon refining workshop.

"Master Changsheng, if it weren't for you this time, our grandfather and grandson would really be finished!"

"I really don't know how to thank you!"

Yuan Chongshan was full of gratitude and knelt down to Gu Changsheng.

"You're welcome."

"I saved you because I need your help."

Gu Changsheng helped Yuan Chongshan up and told him the purpose of this trip.

Yuan Chongshan agreed without thinking.

Blind Li took out the materials that Gu Changsheng gave him.

Gu Changsheng also took out the demon pills of the silver-backed ape.

"These demon pills are of good quality."

"Is this... the horn of Reggae?"

"This is a good thing!"

Yuan Chongshan's eyes lit up all of a sudden.

When it comes to things related to refining, he became excited all of a sudden.

"Let me think about it. This reggae horn can be used like this, like this, like this."

"Combined with that demon pill..."

Instantly, he came up with several plans and even became obsessed with them.

It was hit.

It took him more than ten minutes to react.

He had left his lifesaver aside.

"Sorry, sorry, I was a little obsessed with how to use it to refine the best magic weapon."

Yuan Chongshan smiled awkwardly and hurried to make tea for Gu Changsheng and the others.

"This old guy has this problem. He loses his appetite when he mentions refining equipment."

Blind Li laughed.

Gu Changsheng didn't care.

This is the quality of a true craftsman, and it's a good thing.


Yuan Chongshan discussed the refining plan of several materials with Gu Changsheng.

"The horn of this Lei Gui is an excellent material for refining weapons. If you inject mana into it, it can stimulate lightning."

"I see that you, Taoist Changsheng, also know the thunder method. If you refine it into your magic weapon, it will be perfect."

"When the two kinds of thunder and lightning intersect, they may collide with unexpected effects."

"As for the shape, let me think about it. How about making a few palm-sized flying swords with this size?"

Yuan Chongshan asked.

Gu Changsheng nodded, very satisfied with this plan.

Lei Gui's demon pill can also be used on flying swords, which is considered to be the best use of it.

"As for the other demon pill, I think this demon pill has some special properties."

"It should be born from a very strange evil ghost, right?"

Yuan Chongshan asked.

"That's right."

Gu Changsheng nodded and told him the characteristics of the opera ghost.

Yuan Chongshan listened and thought about it.

"This kind of special ghost, the demon pill usually contains a trace of its power."

"I'll think about it and give you a surprise later."

Yuan Chongshan said.

As for the materials for refining this second magic weapon, Yuan Chongshan paid for it directly out of his own pocket.

Gu Changsheng wanted to compensate him, but was seriously rejected.

"Master Changsheng, you are looking down on me."

"You saved our grandfather and grandson's life, I can still take out this little thing."

Seeing Yuan Chongshan's insistence, Gu Changsheng stopped forcing it.

"By the way."

Gu Changsheng suddenly remembered something, and then took out the Ten Thousand Souls Banner.

Blind Li and Yuan Chongshan looked at it, and their expressions changed slightly.

"Boy, you are not planning to take this thing, are you?"

Gu Changsheng nodded.

"This magic weapon is quite useful."

"Don't worry, I'm not killing innocent people."

"Whether the magic weapon is good or evil depends on how the owner uses it."

Yuan Chongshan wanted to refuse.

But after hearing this, he felt that it made sense.

Just like a kitchen knife.

In the hands of a chef, it is a tool for making delicious food.

But in the hands of a murderer, it is a murder weapon.

"However, I don't know how to sacrifice this thing."

Yuan Chongshan shook his head.

Hearing this, Gu Changsheng took out the things he had looted from the Hua brothers.

Maybe there is a way to sacrifice the Ten Thousand Souls Banner in it.

Yuan Chongshan searched for a while, but found nothing.

"Hey, this is..."

He suddenly picked up a silver-gray ring.

The appearance is very simple, with mysterious patterns carved on it.

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