Just After Graduation, The School Girl's Girlfriend Is Pregnant

Chapter 51 Old Chen And His Wife Talk About Bride Price

Chapter 51: Lao Chen and his wife talk about bride price

In order to clean up his father, Chen Ze booked a box in a five-star hotel in advance.

So after resting at home for a while, I went straight to the hotel.

It was already ten o'clock in the evening when I came back from the hotel.

In the room, Chen Quan sighed: "This Jiangcheng is indeed a consumer treasury. We just had a simple meal tonight, and it cost more than 20,000 yuan."

Although he ate very well, he was dumbfounded when his son paid the bill in the end. The meal cost more than 20,000 to nearly 30,000.

"It's not that my son specially ordered dishes that you haven't eaten for you."

"After eating, you will know that you love money."

Zhang Li rolled her eyes, old guy, it's expensive only after eating well, why did you go so early.

Hehe smiled and looked at the spacious room.

Chen Quan was very happy in his heart. In the past, he never dared to think about owning a house in Jiangcheng, and buying it with a loan was also very stressful.

With the conditions of their family, this house of more than 160 square meters is really unaffordable.

Now his son bought it in full.

In a blink of an eye, it is also a family with a house in Jiangcheng, so it is naturally very comfortable.

When I go back to my hometown, the predecessors and queens also have a lot of face.

"I didn't see it before, our son will be so promising."

He continued to sigh.

"You are worthless, so can't your son be worthwhile?"

Zhang Li complained about Lao Chen, her son is promising, but Lao Chen is really worthless.

"Don't turn the corner and scold me, I'm promising too, okay?"

"It's because I am promising old Chen that my son is successful."

At that moment, Lao Chen was unhappy. I am worthless, how can I give birth to such a promising son? What a joke.

This woman doesn't understand sequence logic.

Rolling her eyes, Zhang Li was too lazy to argue with Lao Chen.

Obviously, Lao Chen is in a good mood now, talking a lot, and said again: "Honey, it seems that we have met a good in-law. Feifei's mother is not at all like a rich wife of a rich man, she has no airs at all."

For this, Zhang Li very much agrees.

"I spent a few days with Feifei's mother, and she is very nice."

"In the past few days, I bought seven or eight sets of international famous brands. Look at my Prada bags. They are all bought by her."

"Every time you take me to the mall, buy this and that for me."

Zhang Li was indeed brought by Qian Linlin to buy a lot of good things.

Zhang Li didn't even look at those big names with tens of thousands of dollars before, because she was reluctant to buy them.

Now there are seven or eight more sets, clothes, shoes and bags.

For such an in-law, she can only say good, that's great.

"You are really in the light of your daughter-in-law."

Chen Quan took a look, and sure enough, the clothes, shoes, and bags were all brand new international brands.

Added up, it definitely cost hundreds of thousands.

He just arrived today, and he also felt Qian Linlin's enthusiasm. He treated them so well, so it can be seen that he treated their son well.

The girlfriend the son found satisfied them from the inside to the outside.

"The Song family is a big family with strong assets, but our family can't do it."

"To be able to form a relationship with the Song family, our old Chen family is really high."

Even though Chen Quan has always been proud, but now, compared with the Song family, he still consciously feels that he is superior to the Song family.

Originally this is also true.

Immediately, Zhang Li had a whim and asked curiously, "I wonder how much the bride price Feifei's family will ask for?"

Their son is going to get married, this is a problem that must be faced.

As for how much dowry to get, it's really not a small problem.

In the county town, maybe they can come up with a gift of one hundred thousand or two hundred thousand to marry a wife.

But facing the Song family now, it might not be enough to spend two hundred thousand.

Two hundred thousand, no cards at all.

If they took out one million yuan, they would only have more than one million yuan in deposits. If they took more than one million yuan in gifts, they would almost go bankrupt.

Suddenly, Alexander.

And the bride price of one million yuan is still not on the table.

"I don't know either."

"Anyway, there are more than one million yuan at home. I brought them all. The two families will meet tomorrow and see what Feifei's parents say."

"Now we don't have the initiative. Feifei's parents can do whatever they want."

Chen Quan knew that it was their old Chen family who wanted to marry their daughter, no matter what, the woman had the final say.

Even if the other party makes excessive demands, they can't help it.

Fortunately, according to the current rhythm, the Song family will definitely not embarrass their old Chen family.

Zhang Li nodded in approval.

They can only follow the Song family's request.

At this moment, Chen Quan suddenly thought of something and asked, "Honey, have you seen my Huazi?"

He's back to smoking.

When Zhang Li heard this, her eyes widened and she angrily said, "If you dare to smoke now, get the hell out of here."

In normal times, Chen Quan could still reply with a few words, saying that a cigarette after a meal is better than a living god.

At this moment, he bitterly said: "I just smell it, I don't smoke, I really don't..."

When he thought of his four grandchildren, he didn't dare to smoke.

But the addiction to smoking made the thief uncomfortable.

"Hold on, I can't die."

"Also, quit smoking as soon as possible. How many smokers are there on the street now?"

"Not to mention polluting the environment, it's a waste of money. If you save the money you smoked all these years, it would be enough to buy a BMW III."

This time, Zhang Li didn't criticize Lao Chen in the slightest.

"But there are not so many people who smoke, and I don't see many people buying BMW......"

Old Chen was helpless.

Forget it, bear with it.

For the sake of our four grandchildren, we risked everything!

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