Just After Graduation, The School Girl's Girlfriend Is Pregnant

Chapter 62: Meeting Mother-In-Law By Coincidence

Chapter 62: Meeting Mother-in-Law by Coincidence

Outside the crowd, Qian Linlin saw the only love star through photos and videos posted by others.

The only love star series is very amazing, especially the huge diamonds and rubies, sapphires, and even emeralds are very eye-catching.

This is a rare treasure in the world.

After being carefully carved and embellished by the master, it is even more eye-catching.

Added a lot of value to gemstones.

"The only love star this time is higher and unattainable than before."

"Such a large gemstone, a diamond, cannot be less than one billion."

Qian Linlin also knew about the Only Love Star series.

The value of Luosifu's first few love star series has doubled time and time again.

So far, Luosifu has created a total of four sets of the only love star series, counting this time.

The first time, the only love star series, was priced at 150 million at that time.

That was twenty years ago.

And the second time of the only love star series, the selling price reached an astonishing 500 million.

Almost tripled.

After the release of the third Weiaizhixing, it was directly sold for a price of 950 million.

Therefore, judging from the previous value judgments of the only love star series, each time it almost doubled.

So this time, if it is doubled, the value will definitely reach nearly two billion.

As expected, after a while, someone made the remarks made by Mr. Ji, and the valuation of Weiai Star was between 1.5 billion and 2 billion.

This price was about the same as what Qian Linlin had guessed.

As for the specific price, no one really knows.

In the end, Qian Linlin looked at the dark crowd and smiled wryly: "Forget it, just look at the photos."

"Let's go to eat first. There should be fewer people after dinner. I'll go see it later."

So, Qian Linlin decided to visit after dinner.

The only worry is that after the meal, the only love star series might not be there anymore.

But there was no way, she couldn't get in anyway.

Besides, the price of 1.5 billion has long exceeded their family's purchasing power, so they can only give up the idea of ​​buying.

As for the wedding items for my daughter, I can only choose other brands.

Anyway, it doesn't matter, it's impossible for their old Song family to go bankrupt and buy such an expensive Only Love Star series.

Now, go directly to the upstairs restaurant for dinner.


Chen Ze and his family looked on the first floor. There were too many people, and they all rushed to the Cartier counter.

Feeling helpless, Chen Ze looked at the time, it was past eleven o'clock, and Song Ruofei was a little tired after walking around for a while.

Then he said: "Dad, Mom, let's go to eat first, and then we will go get the things I bought after eating."

Chen Quan looked back at the huddled crowd and nodded: "Then go eat."

"There are too many people here, more than the market people in our county town."

Outrageous, people in big cities are outrageous.

The appearance of joining in the fun is more speechless than the people in the county seat, and the entire first floor is crowded with people.

So Chen Quan remembered the scene of going to the market in the county town, and it seemed to be the same.

"It's quite a bit."

Song Ruofei had been to Chen Ze's hometown, and she was shocked when she saw the scene of going to the market in her hometown.

What she saw right now was even worse than the scene of going to the market.

So the family went upstairs to the restaurant for dinner.

At this time, everyone is focused on joining in the fun, so there are still many vacancies in the restaurant.

Because Chen Ze is from the north, his family eats more noodles. It happened that there was a noodle restaurant in the restaurant, which looked good, so all four of them ordered noodles and a few side dishes.


"Feifei, isn't that our mother?"

Suddenly, Chen Ze caught sight of a familiar figure.

It seems that it is my mother-in-law, Qian Linlin......

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