Just After Graduation, The School Girl's Girlfriend Is Pregnant

Chapter 79 The Date Is Finalized! Family Reunion, Celebrate With The Country

Chapter 79 Engagement and marriage finalized! Family reunion! Celebrate with the country!

As the Hilton Hotel is an international five-star hotel, this time, the Song family made arrangements.

So at night Chen Ze went to the Hilton Hotel with his family.

"Dear family, that's great, I finally met you, and we hit it off right away."

Outside the hotel, as soon as Song Donghai saw Chen Quan, he immediately came up and hugged him.

Obviously very enthusiastic about this in-law.

"Old Song, hello, hello."

Although they met for the first time, the two were very friendly.

"Walk around, go to the hotel and chat slowly."

"How are you doing in Jiangcheng these days? Are you still used to it?"

Song Donghai asked Chen Quan to walk in front, chatting and laughing.

Later, the two sisters Zhang Li and Qian Linlin also exchanged pleasantries and jokes.

Chen Ze had no choice but to follow behind with Song Ruofei.

"Why do our parents look like brothers and sisters?"

Song Ruofei slightly complained that her parents and Chen Ze's parents are really interesting. Basically, when they meet for the first time, they are like old friends who haven't seen for many years.

Regarding this, Chen Ze also smiled, it's a good relationship, and it would be troublesome if the two families disagree.

"Ding, the parents of both parties met for the first time, and rewarded with a piece of good news (on July 26, Dingshang Industrial announced its latest semi-annual financial report, and its performance rose by 40%, achieving a net profit of 600 million. Once the news was released, the stock price rose by the limit for eight consecutive days !)”

Suddenly, a system prompt appeared in Chen Ze's mind.

He froze.

Immediately reacting, this system prompts, people are caught off guard.

However, when he thought about it, the system naturally recommended a stock to him.

Dingshang Industrial, the stock price has risen by the limit for eight consecutive days.

This is definitely great news.

Chen Ze has been thinking about how to toss around in the stock market and rationalize his source of funds.

At this moment, his heart moved, and he suddenly had a solution.

What Dingshang Industrial does, Chen Ze doesn't know, but now he knows that the stock of Dingshang Industrial will continue to limit up for the next eight days.

This is undoubtedly an opportunity for him to make a lot of money.

Today is July 25th, and tomorrow is July 26th, which is the date when Dingshang Industry announces its semi-annual financial report.

As long as tomorrow, Chen Ze buys Dingshang Industrial's stock in a big way, and after eight consecutive days of daily limit, his funds can be doubled directly.

If he buys 10 million shares of Dingshang Industrial, then, after eight days, his funds will become more than 21 million.

Earning 10 million yuan in eight days is absolutely explosive.

Of course, this is what he knew about the system prompt in advance.

But others will not have such an opportunity.

"If I add leverage, wouldn't I earn more?"

Chen Ze was moved.

He wants to turn the system's rewards into reasonable income, and the stocks recommended by the system this time are the best breakthroughs.

As long as you make a lot of money in stocks, no one will doubt your own funds in the future.

Especially my family and my father-in-law and others.

During this time, Chen Ze has also downloaded stock software, opened a stock account for himself, and researched stocks.

As long as the market opens tomorrow, he can directly buy Dingshang Industrial's stock in large quantities. This time, he can make a fortune lying down.

Without thinking too much, he entered the hotel holding Weiruo's hand.

In the box, a family of six gathered, talking and laughing.

Originally, Chen Ze still had grandparents, but grandparents were usually at his second uncle's house and knew about his affairs, but this time it was considered a marriage proposal, so they didn't take over.

When you get engaged, you must bring your grandparents to join in the fun.

As for Song Ruofei, because the Song family was in business, the Rong family's property was also owned by Song's grandparents.

It's just that Song Ruofei's grandparents had a car accident once, so Song Ruofei's grandparents died early, before Song Ruofei.

Chen Quan and Song Donghai chatted enthusiastically about the household chores, and finally, they got to the point.

"Old Song, how do you calculate the bride price?"

"Are there any rules?"

Because he didn't understand the Song family's requirements for the bride price, Chen Quan naturally wanted to ask.

Otherwise, if the old Chen family didn't arrange to understand the other party's request, that wouldn't work.

"Talking about dowry, as long as Feifei is willing to marry Chen Ze, the two young people can live on their own. Our family doesn't care about dowry."

Song Donghai shook his head, the betrothal gift, he married his daughter, and planned to pay more dowry, never intending to ask his son-in-law's family for a betrothal gift.

Fortunately, the conditions of the Chen family are not bad. If the conditions of the Chen family are not good, and they still open their mouths to ask for a gift, will my daughter survive after marrying?

He also echoed: "Old Chen, we don't need a bride price when we marry our daughter."

"It is our greatest wish that our two children live well."


Chen Quan and Zhang Li did not expect that they would meet in-laws who did not want a bride price.

It was really unexpected.

After all, whoever does not want a bride price when marrying a daughter-in-law now, I am afraid that there will be fewer bride gifts.

In their hometown county, everyone was not rich, but the betrothal family was higher than the family.

Marrying a daughter-in-law in a county town means that many people lose their fortunes.

Even so, many people can't get married with money.

Those with a high betrothal gift will marry a daughter-in-law, but in the end, the family will be in trouble, and the daughter will marry, and life will be difficult.

They have seen too many, they really feel that marrying a daughter-in-law is gambling their lives.

If the fate is good, the bride price may be less.

If the fate is not good, after marrying a daughter-in-law, the whole family will have to tighten their belts to live.

As for the couple, they were also worried that it would be difficult for their son to marry a wife in the future, so they made money day and night, and they were reluctant to spend it and save it.

I have saved more than one million yuan, and I am worried that there will not be enough time for my son to marry a wife.

In fact, after the bride price, buying a new house, a new car, and other messy expenses, more than one million yuan is really barely enough.

Fortunately, now, I met in-laws who don't want bride price.

My son was lucky and met a good family.

"In that case, let's make arrangements at home."

"To get married, after all, you have to marry Feifei through the family. According to the rules of the ancestors, you will get a dowry gift."

The Song family doesn't want a bride price, so their family has to arrange some.

More or less, this is also a rule.

What's more, this time my son is ready, the bride price of 9.99 million, plus gold ingots, gold leaves, and jewelry for Song Ruofei are also part of the bride price.

That's enough.

"Alright, you can figure it out.

Song Donghai nodded, they didn't care how the Chen family arranged for the bride price.

It doesn't matter if there is a bride price or not.

"Then let's choose a good date, let's fix the date of engagement and wedding."

Now Song Donghai mentioned engagement and marriage, these two times are very important.

As a big family, the Song family must make some cards. When the daughter gets married, relatives and friends can be asked to attend on the engagement day, which will be beneficial for the future.

Not to mention getting married.

"Yes, it is indeed necessary to choose a good date."

Chen Quan agrees.

So, the parents of both sides began to discuss.

Chen Ze and Song Ruofei basically didn't interrupt, just waiting for the result.

What the elders should worry about, they don't care.

How the elders arrange how to come.

"There are still twenty days until the Mid-Autumn Festival, how about we set the date of engagement on that day, what do you think?"

Song Donghai made a suggestion.

Because the Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon, the Mid-Autumn Festival is a good day for family reunion, which is very suitable for engagement.

There are many holidays in the second half of the year.

Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day are in the second half of the year.

And choosing a holiday is not only auspicious, but also, at that time, most of the relatives and friends are on holiday, and wedding banquets can be held to celebrate, and there are more relatives and friends who can attend, which is naturally more lively.

Things like engagement and marriage are happy events, and the more people there are, the more lively the better.

The other three parents nodded one after another: "It's a good day."

"In the beginning, I also thought that Mid-Autumn Festival was suitable for getting engaged."

"Yes, get engaged during the Mid-Autumn Festival, and if it catches up with the National Day, you can get married.

Just after the Mid-Autumn Festival is the National Day, getting married on the National Day is the best choice.

Because Song Ruofei is already pregnant, the marriage cannot be delayed.

Half a month after the Mid-Autumn Festival is the National Day.

National Day is also an auspicious day, which is very suitable for marriage.

"Yes, we can catch up with these two good days."

"That's right, that's it."

The two sides made a decision and set the date.

Engage on Mid-Autumn Festival, family reunion, get married on National Day, and celebrate with the country.

After setting the date of engagement and marriage, Qian Linlin looked at Chen Ze and Song Ruofei: "Do you two have any objections?"

The two said at the same time: "I listen to you."

Engagement on Mid-Autumn Festival, wedding on National Day, on this day, no one can fault it.

"You two seem to be quite obedient."

Qian Linlin was overjoyed, these two little fellows are very well-behaved today, they do what they say, and they are rare like obedient children.

But Qian Linlin still wanted to complain secretly, although they didn't interfere with their daughter's feelings, but at the beginning, they still suggested not to fall in love in college, but as soon as they entered college (chci) fell in love.

Not obedient at all.

Look at her belly again.

They also said that they were still young and took the main protective measures. As a result, they became pregnant just after graduation.

No matter how you look at it, you are not an obedient person.

"Also, Old Chen, we can arrange the hotel. You are not familiar with Jiangcheng, so you may not know much about the hotels here.

"So it's okay to leave these things to us, right?"

Song Donghai is going to take care of the hotel matters for Chen Ze's marriage with his daughter Song Ruofei, because he still has a relatively wide network of contacts in Jiangcheng.

There is no need to make an appointment in advance to arrange a hotel, and you can arrange it on any day you want.


Chen Quan and Zhang Li hesitated a little.

Originally, the hotel booking must be done by their old Chen family.

It is unreasonable for the Song family to do it now.

However, they were really unfamiliar with the hotels in Jiangcheng.

"It's okay, it's okay, don't get entangled, everyone's arrangements are the same, we are all a family, so don't worry about it.

Song Donghai knew what Chen Quan was hesitating about.

Whoever arranges it will have to pay for it.

But their family doesn't care how much it costs, and there are hotels familiar with the local area.


"My son marries your daughter, and you have to trouble him......

Chen Quan smiled wryly.

It seems that their own son got married, but let the woman take care of everything, and their old Chen family took advantage of it.

Those who didn't know it thought that the Song family had recruited a son-in-law.

"Old Chen, you've met outsiders like this. We're all a family now. What about your son and my daughter? Even though Chen Ze is our son-in-law, we treat him like a son.

"Our daughter is also your daughter...

Song Donghai corrected Lao Chen's mistakes.

After the two families got married, Chen Ze was also regarded as their son.

After all, Song Donghai and his wife only have such a daughter, and they don't treat Chen Ze as a son, unless they don't like Chen Ze.

"You're right, I was wrong."

"I punished myself with a cup and replaced wine with tea.

So Chen Quan made a cup of tea by himself.

Indeed, I am still too far-fetched.

Looking at the two in-laws, they really treat their old Chen family as a family.

You have to change your mind.

After eating and drinking in the hotel, the whole family seemed very relaxed, talking and laughing.

Suddenly, Song Donghai thought of something, and he looked up at Chen Ze, the son-in-law.

"Chen Ze."

Hearing his father-in-law calling him, Chen Ze raised his head hastily.

"Dad, what's the plan?"

Now it's easy to call Chen Ze Laozhangren's dad.

But he didn't know what the father-in-law suddenly told him to do.

Soon Song Donghai gave him the answer: "You said that you are very good at stock trading.

"I want to follow you in stock trading, how about recommending stocks that you are optimistic about?"

Song Donghai knew that Chen Ze was speculating in stocks, and even Chen Ze's money was made by speculating in stocks. They didn't know how much he made, but Chen Ze bought the only love star series this time.

Just know that Chen Ze earns a lot.

Therefore, at the moment when the family was chatting and chatting, he also thought of exchanging stocks with Chen Ze.

You can ask the son-in-law to help recommend stocks. Since the son-in-law can make money, he will definitely make money if he follows the son-in-law.

So let Chen Ze recommend stocks to him.

As soon as this remark came out, let alone Song Donghai.

In the box, Chen Quan, Zhang Li, and even Qian Linlin all looked at Chen Ze.

Chen Ze's money has always been a mystery to them.

If stock trading is really that profitable.

Chen Quan and others all want to follow Chen Ze to make money in stocks.

Song Donghai's words moved the hearts of the four elders.

Not to mention people who do big business like Song Donghai, they have long been familiar with stocks.

Even Chen Quan and Zhang Li know about stocks, they just haven't bought them before.

But there is already a heart that is just around the corner.

The couple worked hard day and night, so it would be better for their son to make more money and quicker money by speculating in stocks.

So, I also thought about making money with my son in stocks.

Only Song Ruofei seemed not interested in stocks for the time being.

Seeing that the four elders were all staring at him with fiery eyes, Chen Ze secretly thought it was dangerous.

If Song Donghai asked him to recommend stocks before, he might not be able to tell, and he would not know which stock is good.

But now, the system just recommended to him a good stock that can reach the daily limit for eight consecutive days.

While making money by yourself, it is also very fragrant to bring your family to make money.

At the same time, I also showed my family members my ability to trade in stocks, so they will no longer doubt the source of their funds.

Seeing this, Chen Ze nodded: "No problem."

He readily agreed.

I plan to tell my father-in-law about the stocks recommended by the system, and bring my family members to trade in stocks to make some money, as much as I can earn.

With systematic recommendations, it is obvious that he only makes money but not loses, and the risks are controllable.

"Chen Ze, take me too, I want to trade stocks with you too."

The mother-in-law also has fiery eyes and is full of interest in stock trading.


As long as his family is willing, he is naturally willing to bring his family to make a fortune.

This wave of Dingshang Industrial has made the whole family a fortune.

"Son, get it for me too, and I'll follow you in stock trading to earn some pocket money.

Old Chen also looked at his son eagerly, and he couldn't help it anymore, really couldn't help it.

Spending his son's money is not as fragrant as spending his own money.

"And me, my son, my mother also wants to learn how to trade stocks.

Zhang Li didn't hold back either, and looked at her son with hope.

The whole family wants to trade stocks?

"Okay, but you and my dad haven't opened a stock account, you must have an account to buy stocks.

Chen Ze readily agreed, but his parents had never opened a stock account and could not operate stocks.

"Tomorrow we will open an account."

Lao Chen said anxiously, feeling a little impatient.

"Come on, Chen Ze, come and sit with me......

Song Donghai waved to Chen Ze, motioning for Chen Ze to sit beside him.

Chen Ze had no choice but to sit beside Song Donghai.

The whole family moved closer to Chen Ze, ready to listen to Chen Ze talk about stocks.

Although Song Ruofei couldn't laugh or cry when she saw this, the whole family wanted to trade stocks with Chen Ze, and she was also drunk.

However, she was equally curious.

This guy Chen Ze has been dating her for four years, and she doesn't even know that Chen Ze is secretly trading stocks and earning so much money.

Today is the time for Dad to test Chen Ze's stock trading ability.

I don't know if Chen Ze will let Dad earn some money?

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