Just After Graduation, The School Girl's Girlfriend Is Pregnant

Chapter 84 Everything Is Ready! Embarrassed By The Club

Chapter 84 Everything is ready! I was embarrassed by the club

After repeated confirmation, it became clear that Chen Ze really wanted to spend one billion on the wedding.

This is what my son said at the beginning, a super big customer of one billion is really super big.

The couple fell silent.

Just now Chen Ze showed them the balance of the bank card, it was really one billion, which frightened the couple.

They do weddings, and they handle a lot of money a year. The market is better, and the money they handle can exceed 100 million.

And the annual net income may also exceed tens of millions.

However, this is the first time they really saw a deposit of one billion, and it was in Chen Ze, a young man who was only 22 years old.

Twenty-two years old, with more than one billion savings, what is the concept?

It's just unbelievable.

But Chen Ze really has that much money.

The scariest thing is that Chen Ze wants to spend all the billion.

In fact, the one billion that Chen Ze showed is the one billion wedding fund arranged by the system, although in his bank card, except for wedding expenses, he can't use a single cent of the one billion

"Xiao Chen, have you really thought about it?"

"You mean that the wedding should be grand, but I feel that there is really no need to spend so much money."

"The arrangement of tens of millions is very large, enough for the cards."

Ma Lu is really worried about Chen Ze, what do you think, one billion must be spent?

Save it for something else?

Can't understand the thinking of young people.

At the same time, he was shocked in his heart that Chen Ze actually had so much money.

"Think about it, I just want to give my girlfriend the most perfect and grand wedding."

If this kind of thing happened, if he went to another wedding company, he would definitely fool Chen Ze into spending all the money.

However, He Jinyang's parents tried their best to persuade him to spend less.

Naturally, it was a good intention.

However, Chen Ze must spend it all, otherwise he will lose one billion.

The wedding fund is the money rewarded by the system, so you don't need to care about spending it casually, but the money rewarded to him is different, you should get it, and you can't lose it.

At this point, He Yongchao gave a helpless smile.

"Xiao Chen, you really scared us."

"One billion, such a list, we really have never done it."

"But since you're sure you want to spend a billion yuan, how about this, I'll give you a design, how to spend the money, and give you some plans."

"You don't care about your money, but you can't spend it carelessly, right?"

At that moment, Chen Ze discussed with He Jinyang's family.

As a wedding company, the He family naturally knows what items are needed for a wedding.

The first is to build the event site, which is the easiest, but according to Chen Ze's requirements, the ostentation needs to be large, which naturally costs a lot.

"To build the event site, according to your requirements, a budget of tens of millions is completely enough, and it can be done within 50 million."

947 He Yongchao just made a rough calculation and told Chen Ze that even if it is operated according to the highest specification, it can be done within five thousand cities.

Chen Ze frowned suddenly.

Within fifty million?

How will the billion be spent?

No, too little.

Then he said: "The layout of the event site is an investment of 100 million. The hotel must be decorated inside and outside. It is best to build a stage."

Taking a deep breath, the three members of the He family are very sure that Chen Ze will spend a billion dollars.

Don't stop until one billion is spent.

He Yongchao nodded: "Okay, we will try our best to make the site layout according to your budget."

"Let's talk about other things. According to what you said, the on-site decoration is not enough. Young people are pursuing romance, and there are many projects that can be done."

"Ordinary motorcade wedding teams may not be enough for you, so an all-supercar team will welcome you."

Getting married requires a wedding car.

But Chen Ze definitely needs a huge fleet of wedding cars.

Chen Ze added: "We can add some more projects, use sports car teams to form subtitles, and the fleet, at least 1,000 cars.

A thousand supercars?

The three of the He family were dumbfounded.

Well, with a budget of one billion yuan, one thousand supercars can be easily achieved.

It's just a little difficult to find a thousand sports cars.

"A fleet of 1,000 sports cars might not be able to gather in the entire Jiangcheng."

"Besides, if you want to get so many sports cars, you have to go to those sports car clubs. Ordinary car rental companies can't rent so many sports cars.

"Sports Car Club, I don't know anyone. It may take some time to find a relationship."

He Yongchao has been doing wedding celebrations for many years and has a wide network of contacts, but he has never seen Chen Ze such a grand wedding celebration.

And Chen Ze's request must be a sports car team, but he doesn't have any contacts in the sports car club.

Others are easy to say.

But he tried his best.

Ma Lu added: "It is also popular to form subtitles with drone groups, and it is quite romantic at night.

Another costly item.

The group of drones forms subtitles to express their love. Of course, many drones need to be rented, and the rent will not be low.

Of course, this is also very easy, just find a drone company, and most of them are willing to rent it out.

"This is acceptable."

Chen Ze was delighted, as expected, he still needs professional people to help him spend money.

He really didn't expect the drone to confess his love at first.

"Besides, there is also a fireworks show, using fireworks to express love has been a very romantic way since ancient times, suitable for you young people.

Yet another project.

Chen Ze nodded, he also thought of this, a lot of fireworks, set off on the night of the engagement.

He Yongchao smiled wryly: "Even these projects can't spend your one billion (chfj).

"I still have to add items."

"Do you invite celebrities? Hiring celebrities costs money very quickly, and the appearance fees of ordinary celebrities are several million.

Invite celebrities to give him extra points for his wedding with Song Ruofei, this is definitely possible.

"Please, it would be best to invite those super popular celebrities."

"The appearance fee doesn't matter."

No matter how exaggerated it is, a star's appearance fee of tens of millions will be exhausted.

What Chen Ze is most worried about is that the one billion yuan will not be spent, not how high the appearance fees of stars are.

The He family can only say that this young man, Chen Ze, really doesn't treat money like money.

In the end, He Yongchao made a total calculation and made a plan.

"Now we are expecting five projects including on-site construction, wedding car fleet, drone, fireworks show, and inviting stars."

"And you need it for both engagement and marriage, so it's calculated based on two events, which is equivalent to doubling the project."

"Even so, I'm worried that it won't be able to spend a billion yuan."

He Yongchao said that only one on-site construction is needed, and two events can be held with a budget of 100 million.

The rent for one drone is 1,000, and there are discounts if you rent more. Renting 10,000 drones is only 10 million. Of course, plus the other party’s service fee, the budget is 100 million before and after, and 200 million for the two events. .

Super sports car team, 1,000 cars, rent 50,000 per day, and only 50,000,000 for an event, plus some messy fees, it feels like 100,000,000 is the limit.

Two activities worth 200 million yuan.

Fireworks show, spending 100 million to buy fireworks, is absolutely unimaginable, and the rhythm of putting it on in Jiangcheng for one night?

Invite stars, a star has an appearance fee of 10 million yuan, and 100 million can invite a super big name to appear on the stage, which will definitely cause a sensation in the whole country.

The two events are also 200 million, these twenty super big names.

Therefore, according to the budget of the highest specification, maybe one billion yuan cannot be spent.

In order to help Chen Ze spend one billion yuan, the three members of the He family really struggled with their brain cells.

I really don't play like this.

At this time, the customer with a budget of 800,000 yuan called again.

"Boss He, where are you?"

"I've been waiting for you for half an hour."

He Yongchao smiled wryly, and then apologized on the phone: "Well, I'm very sorry, I may not have time today."

"Besides, our company probably won't be able to afford it recently, why don't you find another wedding company, I'm really sorry......

With 800,000 customers, I had to give up.

This time, we will prepare a billion yuan event for Chen Ze. For this event of Chen Ze alone, everyone in the company needs to work together. There is not enough manpower, and a lot of temporary workers have to be recruited.

Therefore, other wedding activities can only be postponed first.

Because of the successful wedding celebration, the ostentation is too big, and the whole process must be filmed as a wedding commemoration.

I have never encountered such a large workload.

This time, they went all out to meet the biggest challenge since the company opened.

"What the hell......... Grass.........

The other party hung up the phone angrily.

He Yongchao was a little embarrassed, but he didn't care, he couldn't take care of it.

He Yongchao quickly adjusted his status: "Xiao Chen, we are very professional in the on-site construction. For the fireworks show, we have contacts in the fireworks company. Drones are easy to handle, and celebrities are relatively easy. They come as long as they spend money. "

"What I'm most worried about is the wedding car team. With a thousand sports cars, I can only find sports car clubs, but I have no contacts."

"Wait, I'll find someone to contact first."

There is no way, the car rental companies they cooperate with the most, and they know that the car rental companies don't have too many luxury cars, at most a dozen luxury cars are enough to support them.

So if you really want to find a team of 1,000 luxury cars, you have to find a sports car club.

He Yongchao made a phone call and started looking for connections and people.

Half an hour later, He Yongchao finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Xiao Chen, you are lucky, I have already contacted the people from our Jiangcheng Sports Club."

Immediately, He Yongchao called the other party to communicate.

"Hi Young Master Qin, I have a wedding here, and I need to rent a wedding car fleet. May I ask if your club will accept such an event?"

When calling the other party, He Yongchao is still very polite.

After all, in order to finalize the sports car team for Chen Ze, it would be troublesome not to offend the other party.


Qin Shao sneered: "Since you know we are a sports car club, do you think we are short of money?"

"No rent, our club is not a car rental company, you are looking for the wrong person."

Isn't that right, sports car clubs are basically composed of the rich second generation, the family has money, and they are not short of money at all.

It only costs a few dollars to rent a car, and no one is short of money.

After speaking, I hung up the phone.


He Yongchao was embarrassed, and said to Chen Ze: "Xiao Chen, I was rejected."

"Sports Car Club, it's really hard to rent a car, and the other party doesn't even ask for it."

He Jinyang, who was next to him without interrupting, said: "The people in the sports car club are all rich second-generation sons, and their families are all super rich."

"I definitely won't do wedding car team activities for others."

"But I know one thing, they are more loyal, they will organize activities for their own friends in the club, and whoever gets married, the whole club will be dispatched.

Although He Jinyang is not a real rich second generation, he has also known about those legendary rich second generations.

People are not short of money, they are talking about loyalty.

Chen Ze frowned slightly.

Although he can spend money to buy sports cars and form a wedding car fleet, it doesn't make much sense.

Even if it is one billion, it can only buy dozens of sports cars, which is not enough for his needs.

Besides, the system also restricts the way of use. He can only consume the wedding fund, and cannot buy fixed assets such as sports cars.

After much deliberation, it is better to find a club.

Ma Lu looked at her disappointing son. This time, this disappointing son seemed to have helped him a lot.

She immediately thought of the crux of the problem.

"What you mean is that the club only organizes activities for people in its own club. As long as we join the sports car club, this matter will be easy to handle."

That's right, according to what He Jinyang said, as long as you join the supercar club, you are one of your own.

People from the club will offer to help.

"That's about it."

He Jinyang nodded, but he was not very sure.

However, several people looked at each other in blank dismay.

Joining the supercar club is definitely not that simple.

First of all, there must be a sports car. Naturally, the He family does not have that condition. A sports car costs several million. Although they can afford it, they are reluctant to buy it.

Therefore, the family of three looked at Chen Ze.

"Xiao Chen, your conditions are fine, if you join the supercar club first, your wedding car team may be easily arranged.

He Yongchao suggested.

After all, after much deliberation, there is only one way to implement it.

Suggest Chen Ze to join the supercar club.

Chen Ze has money, so he can definitely afford a sports car, and he is also young. The supercar club is full of young people, which is suitable for Chen Ze.

Chen Ze is a little speechless, for the wedding car team, he has to join the supercar club?

He didn't even think about it before, after all, he is not a qualified rich second generation, and basically has no intention of playing supercars.

Not interested either.

But now, it seems that we have to get in touch.

Even so, there are absolutely conditions for joining the supercar club.

Seeing that Chen Ze was hesitating, He Jinyang suggested: "Why don't you go to the supercar club to see the specific situation first?"

He Yongchao nodded: "Chen Ze, what do you think?"

"If you want to go, I know the supercar club in Jiangcheng, so we can go and have a look together."

No way, for his own wedding, Chen Ze decided to go to the supercar club to see the situation before making a decision.


After an agreement, Ma Lu was left at the company, while Chen Ze, He's father and son, and Rixing went straight to the supercar club.

The Sea Eagle Club is the only supercar club in Jiangcheng, with hundreds of members.

Of course, every member is a super rich second generation, or the second generation of top officials, and ordinary people are not eligible to enter this club.

Qin Feng is a member of the club, because his family has over 10 billion assets, he has been playing sports cars since he was a child, and he was a member of the club very early.

And the phone call just now, actually wanted to rent their club's car as a wedding car team.

After hanging up the phone, he smiled dismissively.

"I really use our club as a car rental company......"

"Let our club have a wedding team, do you deserve it?"

Just kidding, they are a group of super rich second generations, who is qualified to let them form a wedding car team?

Of course, only the brothers of their own club are eligible, other than that, they don't give face to anyone.

And even if they formed a wedding car team, it would not be for money, but for brotherhood.

Don't think too much, today the club organized a car race.

At this moment, all club members have arrived at the scene.

Even the owner of the club, Yan Wenyu, the son of the richest man in Jiangcheng, also arrived at the scene.

Previously, the Seahawks Club was founded by the richest man in Jiangcheng, so now it has been successfully inherited by his son Yan Wenyu and has become the owner of the club.

Of course, as the owner of the club, Yan Wenyu is also a supercar enthusiast, and his racing skills are also quite good.

Everyone in the club is convinced.

When Qin Feng came to the rest area of ​​the club, he saw a group of people chatting and laughing around Yan Wenyu.

He also walked over and greeted everyone.

Everyone is from the club, and they are very familiar with each other, just nodding to each other as greetings.

However, Qin Feng was going to tell Yan Wenyu what happened just now: "Young Master Yan, someone called me just now and wanted our club to form a wedding car team......

Many people nearby laughed and said, "What are the conditions, dare to say such a big word?"

"That is, please invite us to form a wedding car team, and also match?"

Everyone dismissed it with disapproval.

Yan Wenyu also chuckled lightly: "I really don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth."

"In our club, we only give cars to our own brothers, and don't care about other outsiders.

While speaking, someone suddenly teased Qin Feng.

"Qin Feng, I heard that you pursued Song Ruofei in college and were rejected. Is it true?"


Qin Feng's face is ugly, this is definitely a big stain in his life, and everyone in the club knows about it.

He said indignantly, "Shut up, what is there to say about the past."

Everyone laughed.

Even Yan Wenyu sneered: "You are really a waste, you lost to a boy with a flat head."

"Recently, I heard that Song Ruofei is getting married........."

The Song family is also an influential family in Jiangcheng, and Song Ruofei will naturally be included in the scope of the rich second generation. The big families generally know each other better.

Song Ruofei, among the rich second generation, also has some fame, because of her good looks!

At that moment, Qin Feng was dumbfounded.

Song Ruofei is getting married?

He didn't know?

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