"I made it! I did it! "

Chu Feng can be regarded as witnessing a research and development talent who has developed a special drug.

Such drugs, promote it.

Chu Feng was naturally able to make a lot of money.

At the same time, those patients can also buy specific drugs at a lower price.

It's everyone's joy!

Five minutes later, Old Qin calmed down.

Tell some of your assistants about what you just did.

After the explanation, Lao Qin had to prepare non-stop to develop drugs to treat leukemia.

Old Zhou slowly pulled him.

"Old Qin, wait a minute!"

"Old Zhou, didn't you see that I was busy?"

"No matter how busy you are, you have to find time to come out now."

Old Zhou whispered to remind Old Qin that the big boss is coming!

Old Qin was a little impatient: "It's trouble, then give him a minute." Old

Zhou Sheng was afraid that Old Qin would offend Chu Feng, so he hurriedly said again:

"Old Qin, if you offend the boss, you won't have such a good laboratory to develop drugs for you in the future."

"Then... Give him three minutes. "

Chu Feng, who took the gene optimization liquid and also took a body strengthening pill.

All aspects of the body are far beyond ordinary people.

He basically heard the conversation between the two.

There is nothing unhappy about this.

On the contrary, for Old Qin, who would make a body strengthening pill for himself, Chu Feng was even more satisfied.

Old Zhou pulled the impatient Old Qin and came to Chu Feng.

After a simple greeting, Old Qin directly said that he could not speak.

However, he will continue to develop new drugs to prove his worth.

After that, he was ready to go back and continue to develop drugs.

Chu Feng called out to him.

"Old Zhou, you go out first, I have something to talk to Lao Qin alone."

After Lao Zhou left, Chu Feng said to Lao

Qin: "Old Qin, you don't have to worry about the hospital's affairs in the future."

"I have given full authority to Lao Zhou for the management of things."

"And you're in charge of this lab, you're in charge of developing drugs."

In the future, there is no need to be the dean, old Qin is happy.

"Boss, it's really good."

"In the future, I can be more invested in research and development!"

"Okay, I know now, I'll go back and continue research and development!"

Looking at Old Qin who was ready to leave again, Chu Feng smiled and stopped him again.

"Old Qin, I still haven't finished speaking."

"Since you like to develop drugs."

"Then I will give you an important matter."

"Developing a drug that keeps you fit."

Old Qin immediately frowned.

He told Chu Feng that he was in the drug research and development area.

Drugs that not only strengthen the body have long been proposed.

In fact, hundreds of years ago, people began to continue to develop it.

However, little has been achieved and progress has been slow.

At most, it is still to make something with health effects.

At best, it is a health supplement, not a medicine.

"Old Qin, if I tell you that I have a finished product, and I also have a prescription, will you be able to make it?"

"Finished product? And the prescription? Boss, what you said is true? Old

Qin's face was shocked and surprised!

Chu Feng took out a delicate and quaint small bottle.

Poured out a dark red body strengthening pill and handed it to Old Qin.

By the way, Chu Feng also said about the effect and effect after taking it.

"The effect is so strong?!"

"It's incredible!"

"If it can be made, then everyone can be a little superman in the future!"

Hearing Old Qin's irrepressible exclamation, Chu Feng said solemnly: "Old Qin,

you can't pass on a word of this prescription and medicine to me."

"Otherwise, I won't give you this medicine and prescription."

"Moreover, you will still offend me, and you will pay an extremely painful price!"

Although Chu Feng was very satisfied with this old Qin, he also believed in him very much at present.

But some words, it is still necessary to say them in advance and make an agreement.

Chu Feng was unwilling, and the Body Strengthening Pill was passed out.

Who knows, what kind of trouble will happen when it gets out?

"Boss, I... I went to the bathroom first, I was so excited!

"And it seems like I haven't eaten, drunk or toilet for a long time!"

Chu Feng just wanted to go to the bathroom, and Suo also followed Old Qin and walked outside.

I changed my isolation gown and put water comfortably.

Chu Feng saw a box containing a paper drawer on the side.

Suddenly, he thought of the Banzai Treasure Chest he had obtained not long ago.

"I don't know, what will be inside my Banzai treasure chest?"

"I don't know, what kind of surprise will it give me?"

In this independent bathroom, Chu Feng directly silently recited and took out the treasure chest of Banzai Ye.

Suddenly, a treasure chest emitting a golden yellow light appeared in front of Chu Feng.

At the same time, the system told Chu Feng that this treasure chest could not be seen by anyone except him.

This was the first time that Chu Feng had obtained this kind of treasure chest.

And this treasure chest is still called the Banzai Treasure Chest.

Chu Feng was very curious and looking forward to it.

He reached out and opened the chest.

Ding dong!

"Host, congratulations, you opened the Banzai Master treasure chest."

Ding dong!

"Host, congratulations, you opened the Banzai Master treasure chest."

"Host, congratulations, you have obtained the Jade Seal of the Kingdom!"

"Host, congratulations, you have obtained a box of royal gold and silver jewelry."

"Host, congratulations, you have obtained the Imperial Pupil Technique!"

The pleasant system prompt sounded in Chu Feng's mind one after another.

Chu Feng opened the Playing Follow Treasure Chest and obtained three rewards.

Three rewards, equivalent to three times happier!

Chu Feng looked at the first reward... The Jade Seal of the Kingdom.

Chuanguo Jade Seal: Abbreviated as "Chuanguo Seal".

It was engraved by Lantian jade by the order of the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty, which is the evidence of the orthodox emperors of the previous dynasties.

It is four inches in circumference, with five dragons on the top, and the front is engraved with eight seal characters written by Li Si "Appointed by Heaven, Both Life and Yongchang".

As a token of "imperial power, orthodoxy and legality".

After the Qin Dynasty, successive emperors took this seal as a symbol, and they were treasured, and the country's heavy weapon was also a heavy weapon.

If it is gained, it symbolizes that it is "ordained by heaven", and if it is lost, it means that its "qi has been exhausted".

Those who ascended the throne without this seal were ridiculed as "white emperors", showing lack of confidence and contempt by the world.

The jade seal of the kingdom, this is the special seal of the emperor many years ago, that is, the banzai master.

Some of the edicts that were passed out needed to be stamped with this jade seal.

It is said that this heirloom jade seal has long disappeared.

Chu Feng didn't expect that he actually obtained this thing!

He went up and down, left and right, and took a closer look.

It was found to be exactly the same as previously rumored.

"In the future, if the daughters want to eat walnuts, maybe the jade seal of the kingdom can come in handy."

Chu Feng casually placed the Chuanguo Jade Seal on the washing table and began to check the second reward.

A box of gold and silver jewelry for royal use.

The box is not large, but the portions are not light.

And the statue of the box is very simple, you can see at a glance that it is a valuable antique.

After Chu Feng opened it, he saw many antique gold and silver jewelry!

Dragon wrench!

Phoenix Jade!

A natural pearl the size of a pigeon's egg!

A night pearl a little bigger than a pigeon's egg!

Chu Feng was dazzled!

The system said that this was gold and silver jewelry exclusively for the royal family.

On each piece of gold and silver jewelry, there are marks representing the imperial family.

The value of any item will make ordinary people smack.

Even Chu Feng, who was worth more than 100 billion and was almost 200 billion, couldn't help but marvel!

These gold and silver jewelry if all shot.

Chu Feng didn't know how rich he would be!

For the time being, Chu Feng was not short of money, and naturally did not plan to sell.

He looked at the box and pondered the precious jewelry.

Naturally, it is to give it to his own superb woman.

And their well-behaved baby daughters!

After seeing the second reward, Chu Feng began to check the third reward... Imperial Pupil Technique!

This bonus is very special.

It has no entity.

It looks like just a fist-sized photophore.

The system told Chu Feng that as long as he touched this small light mass, he would have the Imperial Pupil Technique!

The emperor sits on thousands of rivers and mountains.

There are many military generals under his command, and there are thousands of troops and horses further down.

Some well-known emperors have been able to become emperors for thousands of years. ,

in addition to his own personal abilities and luck of chance.

Knowing and employing people is also a very important aspect.

The ancients are the most ruthless imperial family!

Sometimes, emperors are not really ruthless.

He just didn't dare to be affectionate.

He was afraid of himself and could not maintain enough sanity.

It is impossible to tell who is truly faithful to oneself.

If you are not careful, you will not only die.

All of his own children will follow the disaster.

And the imperial pupil technique is a very mysterious art of reading people and checking loyalty.

Generally, truly successful emperors have their own set of methods for understanding people.

They all have a vision that surpasses ordinary people.

Chu Feng opened the Banzai Master treasure chest and obtained the Imperial Pupil Technique.

It is a magical ability to see whether a person is faithful to himself or not!

No tests, speculations, etc., etc., etc., are needed.

It only takes one glance to see if he is faithful to himself.

The level of loyalty will be revealed!

Understanding the role of the Imperial Pupil Technique, Chu Feng was amazed!

"That's really a good thing!"

Just now, Chu Feng was very satisfied with Old Qin.

But I still didn't dare to fully trust him.

After all, strengthening pills are not ordinary things.

If it is accidentally passed on, it will bring unpredictable changes to yourself.

Most likely a huge trouble!

If he could see Old Qin's loyalty.

If he is loyal enough to himself.

Then, what Chu Feng was worried about before, there was no need to worry at all!

With this imperial pupil technique, I will not worry about it in the future.

Their own industry will be secretly engaged in trouble or even destroyed by some people with ulterior motives.

Chu Feng smiled, and the index finger of his right hand poked towards the fist-sized light mass.

Soon, the fingertips touched the photophore.

The moment the light mass came into contact, it directly disappeared into Chu Feng's fingertips.

Chu Feng could see a golden yellow light.

From your fingertips, constantly moving fast.

In the blink of an eye, it came to his own eyes.

Chu Feng felt his eyes heat slightly.

Chu Feng closed his eyes.

When he opened it again, he found that what he saw quietly changed.

Everything around seems to have become clearer!

Of course, this is not the main thing.

The main thing is that he really has the Imperial Pupil Technique now!

Being able to see first-hand how faithful a person is to themselves.

If it is not your own subordinates, then you will see friendliness!

"I don't know, is it good to use?"

Chu Feng couldn't wait to try it.

However, Chu Feng looked at the jade seal of the kingdom on the washing table, as well as a box of royal gold and silver jewelry.

Chu Feng was a little crying and laughing.

"I don't have a separate storage space right now, and I don't have a storage ring or anything."

"This jade seal and jewelry are not easy to place!"

"I don't know, will there be a god-level choice related to storage space next time?"

Although Chu Feng felt that there was a little trouble now.

But it didn't bother him at all.

Soon, Chu Feng found a large stack of black plastic bags in the cabinet under the sink.

These plastic bags were originally used to put in the trash and store garbage.

It is now used to house national jade seals and royal jewelry.

But invisibly, it increased its value.

Chu Feng put it in a bag and carried it in his hand.

The black bag, outsiders can't see what's inside.

Out of the bathroom, Chu Feng saw Old Qin who had just come out of the other bathroom.

Chu Feng's heart moved... Imperial Pupil Technique!

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