Before I knew it, it was already past eight o'clock.

Yesterday or in the past, Liu Ruyan and her precious daughters had already eaten breakfast.

In the face of Chu Feng's punishment, Liu Ruyan loved and feared.

"Chu Feng, Chu Feng, don't make trouble!"

"The daughters are still waiting for us to have breakfast!"

"If we don't go again, they will be in a hurry."

Chu Feng also did not forget what time it was.

A small punishment for his own big baby.

Chu Feng pulled the beautiful president Liu Ruyan and began to wash together.

Sure enough, when the two came to the restaurant.

Everyone who was about to open the meal was ready to call Chu Feng and Liu Ruyan.

Liu Ruyan angrily gave Chu Feng a good-looking white eye.

Fortunately, it came in time, otherwise, it would be a big embarrassment!

The time was a little tight, and Liu Ruyan didn't have time to comb her shawl long hair properly.

Casually draped behind him, there is no kind of domineering president style in the company.

More like and feminine.

Chu Feng looked at Liu Ruyan, who was all good-looking, and blinked.

The bad smile on his face made Liu Ruyan feel that he was changing men, which was a reminder to himself... The punishment does not end.

"What a scoundrel!"

With a slight smile, the country is like smoke.

Even Yu Lingyue, the beautiful housekeeper who came from the kitchen with breakfast, was amazed.

Bright eyes and teeth, the national color is fragrant!

It's really beautiful!

Yu Lingyue had already changed into a set of cherry blossom-patterned cheongsam at this time.

This beautiful butler with a slim figure seems to be very fond of the cheongsam, an extremely figure-testing costume.

Fortunately, her figure is good enough to perfectly handle this extremely picky body dress.

"Boss, Liu Ruyan, you guys sit down quickly."

"I'm still preparing to let Miss them and go see you."

Yu Lingyue looked at it, her pretty face was red and delicate, and the willow was like smoke, and the smile in her eyebrows was almost overflowing, and she was even more envious.

"Liu Ruyan is about the same age as me, but she is really happy!"

She shook her head slightly, not daring to continue thinking about some things.

"Today's breakfast, there are millet porridge, pure milk, xiaolongbao, shrimp dumplings, crab yellow buns..."

"I got up in the morning to exercise, and I delayed some time, so the breakfast in the morning is relatively simple."

At the dining table, Liu Cui looked at the eight kinds of breakfast on the table.

I can't help but sigh in my heart: This is also simple? What is the average person's breakfast called?

Thinking that in the past, I used to cook some porridge and eat some salted radish, even if it was already very good.

If you add another steamed bun, or vegetable buns, it is even a meal!

People are more than people, than dead people.

Can't think anymore.

While eating breakfast, Chu Feng chatted with his superb woman Liu Ruyan and three little loli carved in pink jade.

As he spoke, Niannian suddenly said.

"Dad, we didn't buy the wooden pile I wanted at Yida Plaza yesterday."

"Then can we get some wood and make it ourselves?"

Do it yourself?

Good idea!

Chu Feng glanced at his daughter Niannian dotingly, and immediately said that there was no problem.

At this time, the beautiful housekeeper Yu Lingyue suddenly said:

"Boss, Niannian, if you do it yourself, it is time-consuming and laborious, and after all, it is not made by a professional person, and the effect may not be good."

"I know somebody is going to customize these things."

"And the distance is not far, let's finish eating, we can go and see it then."

"Niannian, you can still do it at that time, put forward the appearance you want, and directly let people give you live production."

Chu Feng was not afraid of time-consuming, laborious and costly.

She spoiled her daughter and didn't care at all.

But Chu Feng cared about one thing, that is, he was not professional in this after all.

It's like a person who can make a nine-turn pig's intestine may not kill a pig.

There is a specialization in the art industry.

Professional things, or leave it to professional people to do well.

"Niannian, your sister Lingyue's proposal is good, let's go and see after breakfast."

"Okay dad, thank you Sister Lingyue."

Through Yu Lingyue's description, the person she knew should be a craftsman.

The things made by the craftsman, because they are specially customized, can fit very well.

It's like a tailor-made suit.

The most expensive suits in the world are not those international first-class brands.

It's those designers, tailor-made, handmade.

"If that person's craftsmanship is really okay, then the eldest daughter Sisi, those sandalwood ornaments that she wants."

"You can also directly let that person customize it."

"Anyway, as long as it is a problem that money can solve, it is not a problem."

After the meal, Chu Feng took everyone and got on his Mercedes-Benz Big G.

There was an extra beautiful housekeeper in the car, who could still sit down and did not seem crowded.

Luxurious, tough, domineering, and absolutely large space!

Comfort, burst!

"Lingyue, where is the person you said, you show the way, we will go now."

"Okay boss, go out of the Nine Houses Community, and then go to the right."

"He is in a mountain forest, surrounded by mountains and waters, and the environment is very good."

Chu Feng's second daughter Niannian, this martial arts wizard with amazing roots.

I have heard my mother Liu Ruyan and my grandmother Liu Cui tell some martial arts stories before.

At this time, his eyes lit up, and he said excitedly:

"Sister Lingyue, an old man, lives alone between the mountains and forests... Do you say he will be a martial arts master? "

A martial arts master?

This precious daughter of herself, she really thinks!

Chu Feng almost couldn't help it and laughed out loud.

This year, martial arts masters will only appear in some novels, or some martial arts TV series and movies.

In reality, that's the way it is.

If you learn five consecutive whips, you will be able to beat the invincible masters in the world.

It's just that these masters are directly knocked out in three seconds when they go to the ring.

After all, the daughter is still young, only four years old.

With his own beautiful dreams, Chu Feng did not fight her.

Just smiled and told his little baby:

"Niannian, whether others are martial arts masters, Dad doesn't know."

"Dad only knows that as long as my daughter practices well, you will be a martial arts master in the future!"

Hearing Chu Feng's words, Niannian immediately smiled.

"Dad, I must practice hard... Cluck, in the future, I will be a martial arts master who flies and walks the wall! "

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