"Sister Hu, I suspect that Cai Kun will still come looking for trouble."

"Yes, that Cai Kun is a womanizer. Anyone who knows a little about him knows that he changes girlfriends twice in three days. "

Compared with Chu Feng, he is really too far behind."

Yu Lingyue asked Autumn Tiger to think of a way.

If you really can't avoid Cai Kun's entanglement.

Then you can only continue to change places!

Autumn Tiger nodded: "Okay Lingyue, I want to find a way." "

The nearest door out of the zoo is where Yu Lingyue came in before.

She and Qiu Laohu, in order to leave faster, returned the same way.

It's just that their speed has accelerated a lot.


Chu Feng had the intention to fly the helicopter gunship, and he directly landed in the zoo.

It's just that Chu Feng found that there are really many tourists here~!

For a while, there really wasn't a suitable location to land.

Finally, Chu Feng found that the location of the entrance was because it limited the number of people entering the zoo.

So the wide position of the doorway, on the contrary, there are no people.

Chu Feng directly parked the plane at the gate of the zoo.

Soon, some of the zoo's management and security guards approached tremblingly.

They couldn't figure it out, who was this big guy who actually drove an armed helicopter here?

I saw Chu Feng with a noble beautiful president and three little loli who looked almost identical, and got down from the plane.

They are even more confused!

"This young guy, did you bring your wife and children to see the panda?"

The speculation was quickly confirmed.

Chu Feng directly told these trembling people that he came to see the giant panda and the red panda.

He told the people around him not to pay too much attention.

Just think of yourself as just an ordinary tourist.

The more Chu Feng said this, the more the people around him did not dare to think so.

As a result, the management and security of the zoo became more cautious and trembling.

Chu Feng was also speechless about this.

Directly take the big baby and the little baby and go to the ticket center.

"Hello, you don't need to buy a ticket, you can go in directly to see the pandas."

"I will arrange for our best commentator to guide you to the giant panda's park."

Soon, a young and beautiful woman also trembled and came to Chu Feng.

Lead Chu Feng and the others into the zoo.

More than a dozen security guards followed Chu Feng and the others, ready to protect Chu Feng and the others at any time.

Of course, they are also ready to disturb the tourists who disturb the big guy at any time and invite them to other places for the time being.

Chu Feng, who possessed the talisman and wore the title of National Art Master, did not worry about the safety of himself and the others at all.

Directly let more than a dozen security guards, love where to go, don't follow yourself.

However, the woman who guided the way still stayed.

After all, Chu Feng was not familiar with this zoo.

When Chu Feng took the family and entered the zoo.

Yu Lingyue and Qiu Hu left through the small side gate next to them.

Of course, Chu Feng and the others were still surrounded by more than a dozen security guards and a crowd watching the excitement.

Yu Lingyue and Autumn Tiger, who were in the position of the small side gate, did not see clearly.

Yu Lingyue, who just turned back inadvertently, vaguely saw Chu Feng's back.

She immediately exclaimed involuntarily:

"Sister Tiger, I see the boss!"

"Really? Isn't that a dazzle?

"Probably not, I've seen the boss's back many times, and the boss has a temperament that no one else has."

Yu Lingyue said that she can be 90% sure.

The person I saw just now was Chu Feng!

"Sister Tiger, let's go back and take a look again?"

"Please, Sister Tiger!"

"It's really not possible, let's just watch from afar."

Autumn Tiger shook his head.

"Lingyue, I promised your mother to protect you well."

"After all, you are not an ordinary ordinary person."

"There are some words, you don't need me to say it, you understand."

"Don't get too deep into feelings, otherwise it's you who will be hurt later!"

Yu Lingyue nodded, indicating that she understood.

"Sister Tiger, I understand everything you said, but I just want to go back and see it now."

At Yu Lingyue's insistent request, the two were ready to enter the zoo again.

was told to restrict entry.

It seems that in order not to affect Chu Feng and the others to watch the animals, the number of people is more strict.

In the end, it was Qiu Laohu who thought of a way, and the two were able to enter again.

The zoo is huge.

But Chu Feng, who was surrounded by everyone, had a very obvious goal.

Yu Lingyue and Autumn Tiger were not difficult to find Chu Feng.

When the two quickened their pace and came to the pavilion before, they saw Chu Feng and Liu Ruyan, as well as the backs of the three little loli.

"Really the owner! It's really him!

"I didn't expect such a coincidence."

"I just left him yesterday, but I didn't expect to see him again today."

"Moreover, the boss gave me a new surprise today!"

"He was able to fly a helicopter gunship!"

"And drove directly to the magic capital!"

"I really can't imagine how special the boss has and abilities!"

Yu Lingyue, who was shocked in her heart, suddenly heard the reminder of the autumn tiger beside her.

"Lingyue, I think that if you ask your boss for help, it is the best way for you to get out of the predicament at present!"

"Ask your boss for help, huh?"

This question Yu Lingyue had also thought about before.

However, in the end, she vetoed the idea.

She knew that Chu Feng was very powerful, and he was the most powerful, the best, the best and the man she cared about and was attracted by all the people she had seen.

At the same time, it is also the man who has the best chance of helping himself!

But, she also knew.

His own help, most likely, would make Chu Feng very embarrassed.

At the same time, there is also a great chance that it will make Chu Feng fall into a difficult predicament!

Yu Lingyue didn't want to burden Chu Feng, so yesterday she left Yangcheng and came to the magic capital.

And now....

The big man Chu Feng, who can fly the helicopter gunship, gave Yu Lingyue more confidence!

Just when Yu Lingyue had not yet made up her mind.

Little Lori Chuchu, who was walking in front to see it, suddenly turned around.

I saw Yu Lingyue wearing a cheongsam!

She immediately shouted in surprise: "

Dad, I seem to see Sister Lingyue again!"

Chu Feng and Liu Ruyan, as well as the remaining five little loli, looked back one after another.

Sure enough, they all saw the back of a woman wearing a black cheongsam.

The cheongsam woman was moving away.

The figure is slim and the back is graceful.

It is very similar to the beautiful butler they are more familiar with.

"Dad, it seems to really be Sister Lingyue!" "

I feel like that too!"

"Dad, if it's Sister Lingyue, then why did she see us leaving?"

"I miss the food made by Sister Lingyue..." The

little babies all wanted to catch up very much.

They were only four years old, and they didn't understand why Yu Lingyue left.

In fact, even Chu Feng and Liu Ruyanlai couldn't figure it out for a while.

Liu Ruyan glanced at Yu Lingyue's back, turned back to Chu Feng and said:

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