Just after Jialing Pass, Bibi Dong came to visit.

Chapter 46 The Spirit Empire comes out in force, Juliana prepares the divine residence

"Nana, don't worry!"

"As a member of the golden generation and a saint of the Spirit Empire, I will definitely do my best to train you.

"When Xiaoxue's godhood is restored, I will make you the third god of the Spirit Empire."

"Of course, you have to work harder yourself and don't let me live up to my expectations of you."

Bibi Dong touched Hu Liena's head with a doting look on her face!

When Hu Liena heard this, her tail was raised with joy.

"Thank you, teacher, I will definitely practice hard!"

With Bibi Dong's promise, even if Hu Liena's talent is not enough to become a god, she will be fine.

With the terrifying power of the chat group, it would only be a matter of a thought to make an ordinary person become a god, let alone her.

"Seven worshipers, as long as you serve our Spirit Empire, I will still help you achieve the goal of becoming a god."

Comfort Hu Liena and Qian Renxue!

Bibi Dong turned to look at Di Tian and others!

The seven ferocious beasts in front of them who are famous in the mainland are all rare talents.

As long as it is used properly, the Wuhun Empire will be famous throughout the ages.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty the Queen, we will go through fire and water without hesitation."

A flash of fire flashed in Di Tian's eyes!

He knew that Bibi Dong was not trying to make a big deal!

As long as you perform well, the hope of becoming a god is right in front of you.

You must go all out on this mission.

Try to prevent Bibi Dong from finding any flaws.

Rakshasa God Bibi Dong: "Master, the elites of Wuhun Palace have been assembled. Please open the plane portal.

Ying Zheng, the first emperor of Immortal Qin: "Yes, she is worthy of being the queen of a country. Her work efficiency is even better than that of Immortal Qin."

Soul Emperor: "Jie Jie Jie, let's go to the theater and watch the theater!"

[Emperor Soul sent a red envelope to Rakshasa God Bibi Dong]

Soul Emperor: "This is the sub-fire of the Void Swallowing Flame, which can help you sweep across the entire alien world."

Rakshasa God Bibi Dong: "Thank you very much, boss!"

Immortal Immortal King An Lan: "Next time I will give you a piece of grass from a perfect world, and one piece of grass will eradicate all enemies in the world."

Unshakable Bilian Zhang Chulan: ∑ (O_O;)

"Brother Lan, where is the grass? Is it too late to get there now?"

Rakshasa God Bibi Dong: "Hehe...I will definitely work hard to complete the mission!"

Group leader Su Yu: "The door to the plane has been opened!"

With Su Yu's spiritual consciousness coming to Douluo World!

A huge plane portal instantly appeared in the sky above the Spirit Empire.

Di Tian and others were horrified. The void in front of them seemed to be torn into a big hole, and they didn't know where it led.

"Everyone, follow me to conquer the Royal Family of Ten Guys!"

Bibi Dong shouted loudly and entered the portal first.

Afterwards, a group of elites from the Wuhun Empire followed closely behind!

On the other side, the alien world, the Wang family...

"Grandpa, how long will it take for Zhang Chulan, a weakling, to deliver the Tongtian Ru?"

"I've inquired about him. He is willing to do any embarrassing thing in order to survive."

"I dared to disobey the Wang family before, just because of my relationship with Longhu Mountain. ₆₉ₛₕᵤₓ.cₒₘ"

"But the Heavenly Master has ignored him during this period. I think the relationship between the two has long since broken down."

Wang Bing was sitting in the lobby with an evil smile on his face!

He wanted to get the Tongtian Rui no matter what.

"My sweet grandson has really grown up!"

"I know the information about the investigation of Zhang Chulan!"

"Now the Heavenly Master really ignores Zhang Chulan."

"As long as the world will do good things, Zhang Chulan will naturally send it over."

Wang Ai had a smile on his face, as if he had everything under control.

"Tianxiahui? Does that old guy Feng Zhenghao know how to handle things?"

"He expressed his loyalty to the Wang family, and it was obvious that he had an agenda."

"I guess it's probably because he sent the general to swallow the spirit to arrest the spirit."

Wang Bing was extremely disdainful and couldn't see Feng Zhenghao clearly from the bottom of his heart.

So what if the other party is one of the top ten men now? What if he controls the world?

In front of the Wang family, there is still no comparison.

In order to get the complete Ju Ling Qian Jiang, you still have to kneel down to the Wang family.

"My dear grandson is really getting better and better!"

"It's immediately obvious that Feng Zhenghao has bad intentions!"

"However, the influence of the Tianxiahui is indeed not what it used to be. Using it to do things for the Wang family can save a lot of trouble."

Of course Wang Ai didn't truly believe in Feng Zhenghao!

They are all thousand-year-old foxes, how can they not be careful.

If Feng Zhenghao kneels down to him, then continue!

One more chess piece to serve the Wang family, why not?

Just when Wang Ai and Wang Bing were discussing when Zhang Chulan would give in, the surrounding void suddenly began to twist rapidly.

The next moment, a graceful figure walked out of the crack in the void.


Upon noticing the movement, their eyes became cold at the same time.

This is the inner hall of the Wang family. No one is allowed to enter without his permission.

Just when Wang Ai was confused, Bibi Dong and a group of elites from the Spirit Empire had arrived.

"Who are you?"

"Why did you come to my Wang's house without saying a word?"

Staring at the figures in front of him, Wang Ai's expression turned ugly.

The Wang family is heavily guarded and powerful!

In today's alien world, except for top masters like Lao Tianshi, they can easily enter the Wang family regardless of everything.

It is impossible for anyone else to have such ability.

"We are here to destroy your Wang family!"

"If you dare to threaten members of the chat group, you will be punished!"

Bibi Dong said word by word with a cold face.

As soon as these words came out, Wang Ai's expression changed drastically!

"Destroy my Wang family! You have such a strong tone!"

"In today's alien world, even Quanxing would not dare to be so arrogant."

"Which force are you from?"

"And I don't remember when I offended a member of the chat group?"

As soon as Wang Ai finished speaking, he looked at Wang Bing aside.

Could it be that his grandson is causing trouble outside?

"Grandpa, this matter has nothing to do with me!"

"I don't know anyone in the chat group at all!"

When Wang Bing saw Wang Ai looking over, he immediately explained!

The group of people in front of them were dressed in luxurious clothes, and they looked like they were no ordinary people.

There are also seven ferocious beasts headed by Di Tian to worship, all of them have ferocious auras.

Even if he was a playboy, he would not be stupid enough to provoke such a person.

“Old guy, you’ve done a lot of evil and you don’t even know it!”

"Since you asked, I'll make it clear to you."

"It's also good for you to know on the road to hell. Don't offend anyone in the chat group."

"Zhang Chulan is a member of my chat group, but you threatened to hand over the Tongtian Rui."

"Today, your Wang family will be destroyed!"

Bibi Dong was extremely domineering, and the power of the Rakshasa God in his body enveloped the entire Wang family in an instant.

The next moment, the seven ferocious beasts revealed their true forms!

Wang Ai and Wang He were immediately frightened until their pupils widened!

"This...how is this possible?"

"When did Zhang Chulan have such a background?"

"What kind of monsters are these people in front of me?"

Wang Ai was completely stunned!

As the famous Wang family in the alien world!

He had never heard of a ferocious beast cultivating a human form.

Even if the five immortals come out, they are just spiritual beings!

Even if you practice well, you still have to bow your head in front of Ju Ling's generals.

But these seven ferocious beasts in front of me are completely different!

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