Just after Jialing Pass, Bibi Dong came to visit.

Chapter 48 The Angel God breaks through the God King, the pride of the Seraphim

"President, I saw a dragon, a real 100-meter dragon!"

"There is also a giant bear that is more than ten meters tall and can fly away a tall building with one claw!"

"The holy angel god was bathed in golden light and killed hundreds of strangers from the Wang family with one move.

"There is also a guy who calls himself Rakshasa God. The black flames she releases can devour all things and energy in the world."

"The entire Wang family was engulfed in black flames, leaving no one alive."

The world will...

The spy responsible for surveillance reported what he saw with a look of horror on his face.

In order to make Feng Zhenghao believe that he is not talking nonsense!

He even recorded several shocking videos with his mobile phone!

The golden-eyed black dragon king Ditian slapped Wang Bing with one claw.

With a roar, the earth cracked and Wang Bing's seven orifices bleeded.

There is also the Seraphim Qian Renxue, the sacred martial spirit avatar, which can be blinding.

The Rakshasa God Bibi Dong suppressed it with one palm and ended the entire Wang family with the Void Swallowing Flame.

The black flame cannot be extinguished by any means!

When the Wang family was burned to ashes, the flames disappeared automatically.

Feng Zhenghao's mouth was dry, and he seemed to be frozen in place as he looked at the scene in front of him.

Zhang Chulan had previously said that there was a god behind him, but he was still a little skeptical.

Unexpectedly, what the other party said turned out to be true!

And in addition to gods, the legendary dragon also appeared.

This is simply the resurrection of myth, and the glory of ancient times comes into reality.

Feng Zhenghao believes that he has been knowledgeable enough in this life.

But now that he saw all this, he realized how much of a fool he really was.

Tianxiahui has always wanted to recruit Zhang Chulan.

But the things Zhang Chulan came into contact with already involved legendary creatures such as gods and dragons.

No wonder the other party looks down on Tianxiahui!

Compared with these ancient things, the world is nothing.

If only I could join in!

Feng Zhenghao is willing to serve the other party for the rest of his life!

"Dad! The Wang family has been destroyed!"

At this moment, Feng Shayan rushed in anxiously.

A fire had just destroyed the Wang family, which had already alarmed the alien circle and the company.

Relevant personnel are investigating and have cordoned off the entire scene as soon as possible!

After all, the Wang family ranks among the top ten, so being wiped out in one day is no small matter.

And according to some nearby onlookers, they saw dragons and angels at that time!

"Sha Yan, look at this thing!"

Feng Zhenghao's eyes were deep and he handed over a mobile phone.

When Feng Shayan saw the above video clearly, her expression was the same as when Feng Zhenghao saw it for the first time.

Shock! Hesitant! sluggish!

"Are there really gods and dragons in this world?"

"Isn't that a legend made up by the ancients?"

When Zhang Chulan mentioned the concept of God before, Feng Shayan scoffed at it.

After all, this is modern society, and educated people know that there is no god in science.

But now, the facts are before her eyes, which makes Feng Shayan feel slapped in the face.

"Sha Yan, starting from today, the world will use any means to make friends with Zhang Chulan."

"His identity is my identity to Tianxiahui, and what he explains to Tianxiahui is what I explain."

Feng Zhenghao was silent for a moment!

A solemn look suddenly appeared on his face and he said!

Feng Shayan did not dare to question at all and nodded repeatedly!

She had wondered before, why her father was so optimistic about Zhang Chulan's Bilian?

I am also dissatisfied with many of Feng Zhenghao's decisions.

Now it seems that I am still too young!

Compared with Feng Zhenghao, his vision is far different.

An existence with legendary creatures like gods and dragons as its backers.

In today's alien world, except for the supreme master who has the ability to touch it.

I’m afraid no one else is qualified!

"Go! Invite Zhang Chulan to the world to talk about it!"

Feng Zhenghao couldn't hold it any longer and asked for more information!

Feng Shayan did not dare to neglect and quickly went to invite Zhang Chulan in person.

On the other side, Douluo World...

With limited time thug mission completed!

Su Yu also came to Wuhun Hall again!

This time, he personally brought the mission reward!

"See the group leader!"

Seeing Su Yu arriving, Bibi Dong couldn't hide the happiness on her face.

A low-level person like Douluo could see Su Yu's true appearance!

It is absolutely unprecedented among unprecedented things!

So Bibi Dong cherishes every meeting!

If it weren't for her status in the chat group, she might never have been able to meet so many powerful people in her life.

"Is this the group leader of the chat group?"

"As expected, he is very majestic and talented!"

Ditian and other ferocious beast worshipers stood aside and looked at them silently.

The temperament of a strong man can be described as detached.

In front of the other party, no matter how strong the god is, it will look dim.

"Xiaoxue, come here quickly!"

"The group leader will help you restore your godhead!"

Bibi Dong said hello, and Qian Renxue, who used to be fearless, suddenly became shy.

She didn't know what was going on, but Qian Renxue felt a little nervous standing in front of him.

Maybe it's because the other party's identity and strength are too high!

"Don't be nervous! It will be fine soon!"

Su Yu gently touched Qian Renxue's head!

A vast divine power surged into the limbs and bones in an instant like a vast ocean.

Qian Renxue's whole body is blooming with golden light!

The originally broken godhead is being repaired quickly.

Not only that, the aura on her body is still rising crazily!

In a short time, the angel god evolved from a first-level god to a god king.

"I...this is a breakthrough!"

Qian Renxue's little face was full of horror!

She simply couldn't believe that she could still break through after inheriting the Divine Mansion.

"How is this going?"

Di Tian and others were shocked. They had never heard that Shen Di could evolve.

There is a huge difference between a first-level divine residence and a divine king!

When Tang San inherited a Shura God King, he could defeat the two first-level gods Bibi Dongdong and Qian Renxue.

This is enough to show how huge the gap between them is.

"Group leader, is this your reward for Xiaoxue?"

Bibi Dong reacted and knew that Su Yu must have done all this.

With the opponent's methods, it would be easy for the angel god to break through the god king.

"Maybe it was when I restored my godhood that I instilled a little more power."

Su Yu didn't pay much attention to this kind of thing!

After all, whether it is a first-level divine residence or a divine king, they seem to be just dust to him.

"Thank you, group leader, for the big reward!"


Qian Renxue jumped up happily!

The angel god broke through the god king from the first-level god's mansion, which simply brought the angel clan to a new level.

If Qian Daoliu knew this, he would definitely be proud of himself.

"Instilling a little more power turns the first-level god into a god-king."

"This group of masters is indeed the supreme power!"

"Following people like this in Wuhun Palace, why should I, Emperor Tian, ​​worry about not becoming the Dragon God?"

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