Just became a beast tamer: At the beginning, he was contracted by the cold school beauty

Chapter 26 Tiger Tribe? Just a joke from thousands of years ago

The moon outside was extremely cold, and at this moment, the turtle... ah no, Xuantian was very uncomfortable.

What sin had I committed! Why was my contracted beast such a stinky gorilla! What kind of cow and horse was that stinky gorilla! Why was the second under my command so stupid!

The originally good dream was about to reach the last step.

He dreamed that he wanted to use the projection theorem, but the schoolgirl thought that it was not easy to solve the math problem that way, so she decided to use the function formula. What is this called?

A young boy with a pig head would not dream of a bunny girl schoolgirl.

It was about to start, snap!

The dream was shattered! The previous side of his face had been beaten red by the bunny girl schoolgirl, and now this side of his face! It was burning and painful!

Forget about the pain, just imagine, when you open your eyes, you see a stupid chimpanzee appear in front of you, and say with a silly face that it's your turn, damn, it's chilling! My heart is flying!

His sweet dream was disturbed by this idiot. Now he can't sleep well. The main reason is that the slap was too fierce. He now hopes that he is a physical cultivator, and then give the whole chimpanzee team one by one!

Thinking that there is nothing to do, Sun Xuantian turned on the networked TV and entered

Entered the learning website. He opened the learning courses made by the island country in the past. He usually likes to watch them and learned a lot of useful knowledge in them.

"Kameta, what are we watching? Why is there a red warning?"

"This is to tell us that children should not imitate casually. After all, a lot of knowledge learned is very dangerous to use in life. For example, someone in our school saw the teacher doing experiments with sodium before, and he secretly took some away. When he went to the toilet, he didn't pay attention and the sodium fell directly into it."

"What will happen then?"

"People are sitting in the classroom, and Oli Ge Tian will come!"

Looking at the learning materials of this island country, Sun Xuantian couldn't help but sigh.

The products of the island country are either fine products or banned products.

A few days later, colleges and universities from all over the country have successively brought students to the mysterious place.

That's where the Beast Taming Competition is held every year. This competition is very confidential. The purpose is to select the best beast tamers of this generation, give them super rich resources, and let them defend Jiuzhou!

In Mingzhu, Xu Yan was wearing a sexy queen outfit and helping Xiao Ningxue adjust her clothes. She was still a little disappointed. She originally dressed like this for Su Chen to see.

Of course, she wanted Su Chen to feel that he valued her enough. After all, she was still recovering from her injuries and couldn't appear at the Beast Taming Competition.

What's more, she didn't know how many alien spies there were in Jiuzhou. Once they knew that she was seriously injured and hadn't recovered yet, they might take some action.

To be on the safe side, she could only stay in Mingzhu and not go anywhere. This time, Wu Xingtian would still take them to the competition.

But after hearing what Xiao Ningxue said, Su Chen seemed too lazy to come out now, saying that he would torture them when he got there.

Xu Yan felt that Su Chen was too confident. The prodigy in the beast control competition was not something that a silver-level beast control could easily deal with. She just hoped that this time would not affect Su Chen's Dao heart.

However, she didn't know that after the competition began, the beast controls of other players were about to collapse.

"Principal Wu, their safety is in your hands."

"Don't worry, Ms. Xu, as long as I am still here, nothing will happen to them!"

Xu Yan nodded gently. She was still worried and gave Xiao Ningxue a seemingly dim star bead. Seeing this thing, even a big principal like Wu Xingtian was surprised.

This seemingly ordinary star bead has a great effect! The user will randomly appear somewhere a hundred miles away!

It is simply a life-saving artifact!

"Then let's go."

After Wu Xingtian finished speaking, he lifted Xiao Ningxue and headed to the mysterious place.

Mingzhu, a woman with a little makeup on, stared at the principal's office. When she saw a flash of white light, she smiled slightly and then used the alien method to transmit the sound.

A huge round table, with thirteen chairs, the person sitting at the top was wearing a white robe, and the people in the other seats were all wearing black robes.

Except for him, the surroundings were all black that swallowed everything!

The white robe raised his hand slightly.

"People from Mingzhu, the imperial capital, Shuimu and other places reported that those great men took their students to a mysterious place."

After the white robe finished speaking, he looked at the black robes that filled the room, and under those black robes! They were all kinds of emperor-level strongmen!

Tianlong, Yaolang, and apes were all sitting below in black robes!

"They are just some beast-controlling kids, Elder White Robe. You asked us emperor-level warriors to come here just because of these little guys. Isn't that a bit of an exaggeration?"

"Do their beast-controlling beasts deserve to be called beast-controlling beasts? I can easily destroy them with a fart. Even if they practice for another ten years, they are still not my opponents."

"That's right, Elder White Robe, when are we going to launch a general attack on Jiuzhou? How long have you guys been waiting? Isn't it enough for so many emperor-level warriors to attack together?"

"Yes! Elder White Robe!"

The black-robed warriors below started to make a noise. The elder White Robe slapped the round table and they shut up.

"The people above told us not to move, so we should not move. This beast control competition is different from previous years. Take a look."

The white-robed elder waved his hand! A video appeared in the middle of the round table!

That video was the video that was previously removed from the Internet! That is, the video of Su Chen killing the ancient poisonous scorpion in one blow.

After watching this video, the black-robed people made a harsh sound, and their sarcasm was not hidden at all.

"Elder, I took off my pants, and you let me watch this thing?"

"I thought I was going to watch some girl group dance, and I took out my cheering stick, but I didn't expect it to be this thing, hahaha!"

"Tiger tribe? That was a joke tens of millions of years ago. Why are we releasing it now? Don't we have tiger tribes under our black robes?"

"I'm not saying, elder, there is only one tiger tribe. Tell me where there is no tiger tribe now. Are you making a fuss just because of a tiger tribe?"

The alien races complained one after another. If it was tens of millions of years ago, everyone would have only one thought when they heard about the tiger tribe.

Just fucking run away. At that time, all the beast tribes were ruled by the tiger tribe, but that was only tens of millions of years ago. The tiger tribe now is like a joke in their eyes.

The white-robed elder narrowed his eyes slightly, and he remembered some memories...

That was the secret he had always buried in his heart.

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