Just being a dark elf in Warhammer
Chapter 226 76 Northern Wave
Chapter 226 76. Northern Wave
Loxia placed the blade of the serrated sword across the width of a finger in front of the servant's neck. If he moved even slightly, the servant's throat would be cut open. He glanced at the servant with disdain and shook his head in disappointment. Shaking his head, he withdrew his serrated sword and looked at the other subordinates present, trying to find someone to warm up with. He even had the idea of letting these subordinates come together.
"Sir, the people from Krakalond want to board the ship. A large amount of supplies and baggage are now stored on the dock, and the entire Krakalond is in motion."
After hearing this, Loxia nodded expressionlessly and waved her hand to signal the end of today's practice.
By the time Loxia walked over, there were already a large number of troops ready to go on the dock. The market where Darkus used to go every year had been emptied, and a large amount of supplies and baggage were coming in. The market was full of loaded goods. The harpy's cage, these noisy beasts kept grabbing the cage with their claws and shaking it. Farther upwind, a large number of cold lizards were enclosed in temporary fences.
"According to the order of Night Governor Krakarond, these troops and supplies are going to enter your black ark." The powerful steward in the dock area said in a neither arrogant nor humble voice.
Hearing the words of the powerful steward, Loxia's subordinates became slightly commotion and made an uproar.
"Do we need to empty the ship of slaves?" Loxia looked back dissatisfied, and her voice stopped the moment he turned back. He nodded to the powerful steward and suddenly thought of something.
"It shouldn't be needed for the time being." The powerful steward in the dock area continued to say in a neither arrogant nor humble tone. While speaking, he also glanced at the Nagol moored in the distance.
At this time, a large number of Krakalond troops had already moved up the Nagor, and carts filled with supplies were pushed hard by slaves to climb up the slope connecting the dock and the Black Ark.
Luxia felt something and glanced at the sky to the north. Six black dragons were flying across the sky in an orderly formation towards the dock.
"The matter seems to be bigger than I thought." Loxia said secretly. He could clearly see tens of thousands of Krakalond's troops mobilizing towards the dock from the Tower of God Bless the Evil Party. Further away, on the Nagaryth Bridge, there are figures of war hydras moving forward, driven by their trainers.
At this time, something rare happened to the residents of Kalonde Kal in the northeast of Nagaros. Three black arks belonging to Kalonde drove towards the dock under the guidance of the port guidance ship. The residents were doing nothing. People ran to the dock to eat melon, and they kept talking about what happened.
You must know that Krakarond is the opponent of Karonde Kar. Krakarond’s black ark has never docked at Karonde Kar. Although Karonde Kar is the largest slave trading center in Druch, Krakarond can also manipulate this, and many ships returning with full cargo usually only dump slaves in Karakarond. The loot can be sold for a high price in Krakarond throughout the winter, and there are good services provided there. The returning ships and crews will soothe their hearts, which will make them feel that they are far away from the sea and ships, such as hotels, taverns, casinos, branches, houses of flesh and blood, arenas, etc.
What's more important is that the ships anchored in Krakaronde can be properly maintained in the winter. After all, the Sea of Resentment is frozen in winter, unlike Carondekar, a city that stands on the edge of the Sea of Chilling Sea. Brought by strong winds, sleet, and tsunamis.
What's more, there are some conflicts and competing interests between the two cities in terms of animal training.
Dulias stood on the deck and looked at Karonde Carr with an expressionless face. In his memory, this was his first time to come to Karonde Carr. What was even more strange was what he was going to do next. Transport Kalond Kal's troops and mercenaries to Naggarond. Thinking of this, he couldn't help laughing jokingly. He felt a little ridiculous, but he couldn't help it.
This order was issued by his good nephew Darkus in the name of the Druchi Chief Consul, and he had no reason to refuse.
"Please be alert. You know the consequences of losing Clark's face."
The three black arks docked in an orderly manner. After the ramps were set up, the orderly teams disembarked one after another. The admirals, dignitaries, officers, trumpeters, and flag-bearing cold lizard knights lined up neatly under the discussion and guidance of the dock residents. The formation marched towards the Night Governor Castle where Kirara Night Governor was located.
A fierce quarrel was breaking out in the council chamber of the Castle of Karonde Karonnight Governor. Most of the powerful people did not recognize the recruitment order issued by the Witch King. They questioned the legality of the recruitment order.
Wearing an eyepatch, the one-eyed Night Lord Kira sat in the main seat and calmly watched the quarrels between the dignitaries, as if the matter had nothing to do with her, until her butler walked in from the side door and said something in her ear.
After Kira Yedu nodded, he tapped the table gently with his index finger, and soon the quarrel in the council hall stopped.
"The three black arks of Krakalond have just docked at the dock, and a team of three admirals is coming here." Governor Kira said calmly.
The dignitaries present were in an uproar. It was obvious that this unprecedented event was the first time for most of them.
"In my impression, the last time Krakarond's Black Ark docked here was during our war against Assur's cousins." Leshikiel, who was sitting next to Kira Nightguru, was neither salty nor indifferent. said.
"According to the information I received, your nephew Loxia has responded to the call of the Witch King's Hand." Kira Nightlord knocked on the table again and said slowly.
"Your Fallen Heart family has betrayed Kalonde..." a powerful man pointed at Lechkiel and roared.
Before the powerful man could finish speaking, Lechkiel quickly stood up and picked up the back of the chair, as if he could fly the chair over in a second.
"This is a serious accusation! I'm just old, but I'm not dead yet." Leshkiel roared, glaring at the powerful man who had a rivalry with the Fallen Heart family.
"Oh, by the way, there is one more thing I forgot to mention. The order I received is that the three black arks in Krakarond will assist us in transporting the army to Nagarond." Kira Yedu smiled when he said it Suddenly, there were scars all over the face that was not pretty, and the scars looked a bit scary under the smile.
"Have you ever thought about it, what if it was just the Witch King who issued the recruitment order, but His Majesty the Witch King didn't issue it?" After a while, looking at the powerful people who were thinking, Kira Yedu said again.
"That means the recruitment order of the Witch King is illegal!" A powerful man said directly without thinking.
"Is it possible that something happened that we don't know about yet?" Lacasse seemed to have thought of something.
"Loxia responded to the summons from the Witch King, which means that Krakaronde has responded to the summons. There is no reason for Hagrid Grave not to respond. If something really happens, can you withstand Kalonde? What are the consequences of Karl's failure to respond?" Kira Yedu looked at these rebellious dignitaries and said slowly again. She paused and then said, "You know the methods of the Witch King's hands, and you also know the Witch King's methods. His Majesty's trust in the Witch King's hand is unprecedented, and everyone has made a lot of money during this period, even far more than our Sovereign who wiped Lannis (the one who was defeated by the Dark Council). "
"How will His Majesty the Witch King deal with Kalonde Kal at that time? Is this a rebellion by Kalonde Kal against His Majesty the Witch King? When the Witch King comes with his army afterwards, what can you do to stop the Witch King's hand? ?"
Although Kira's Night Governor's family is also in Kalonde Kal, her current identity is that of a Night Governor accepted by His Majesty the Witch King, and she is responsible to His Majesty the Witch King and his hand.
The dignitaries present calmed down, and they thought about what happened one after another in Nagaros during this period.
"The three admirals of Krakaronde are coming soon, don't embarrass Kalonde Karl!" Lord Kira knocked on the table again and said sternly.
Malus stared into the bright white light, and at first he saw nothing, just like Darkus had the first time. His eyes grew weak, the eyelids fluttered, and then the harsh light suddenly faded and he saw a blurry image in the crystal of the Eye of Destiny.
A dark stronghold stands in the chaotic wasteland. The strong walls of the stronghold have been destroyed, and the only accessible door is crooked to the side, buried under a pile of twisted and deformed corpses. The sparse sunlight shines on the armor of the Druch soldiers in the stronghold. Hundreds of horned beasts and savage Yankees lie around the fallen Druch soldiers, either knocked down by crossbows, axes or swords. pierce.
After a moment, vision blurred again and the scene reappeared.
The scene showed another stronghold, perched on a rocky hilltop above a rushing river. The walls of the stronghold were blackened by fire, and the fortifications were torn apart as if they had been grabbed by giant hands. The corpses of heavily armed Druch soldiers were scattered on the battlements. Malus could clearly see the few Druch soldiers in the stronghold making their last resistance at the foot of the burning tower.
The scene changed again, showing Malus another ruined stronghold. He glanced at Morathi worriedly, and when he looked back at the glowing Eye of Destiny, it showed another burned stronghold. Fires were still raging in the ruins of the stronghold's towers, and smoke filled them. When he saw the wall at the stronghold's gate, his eyes widened. The wall was crushed into rubble by a giant, and the giant's dead body had been riddled with holes from the stronghold's Explosive Reaper Ballista.
For the Druchi who live in Naggaroth, the Yankees and Chaos in the north are an ever-present threat, which is why a row of strongholds has been built along the northern border. But usually the attackers try to avoid the strongholds as much as possible rather than spending any effort to deal with them.
"What is going on? Is this an invasion?" A sudden thought sent chills down Malus's spine, and he exclaimed.
"Look at that!" Malekith pointed to the Eye of Destiny without answering Malus.
This time, when the view cleared, Malus saw a sky filled with fire. A dark tower stood in a burning forest, and under the rolling, flaming sky, hordes of monsters howled furiously and crashed frantically against the precarious walls of the stronghold. Spear points gleamed on the battlements, and dancing serrated swords gleamed as beleaguered Druchi soldiers cut ropes or pushed down ladders.
Crazy beasts and furious Yankees surrounded the stronghold. Crossbows kept pouring into the shooting holes of the watchtower, causing serious damage to the enemy team. But for every one who fell, three more rushed forward to replace them. Location.
Gigantic figures waded through the raging tide of Chaos, as hunched and misshapen trolls and monstrous giants hauling gnarled tree trunks fashioned into clubs descended upon the stronghold.
As Malus watched, two flames shot out from the watchtower and hit a giant in the chest. Instantly, the huge creature was surrounded by flames, which he knew were the sorceress's magic. The giant staggered in agony, swatting clumsily at the flames engulfing his body, flinging sizzling globs of burning flesh onto the beasts and Yankees that surrounded his massive feet.
Malus could imagine the fanatical cheers of the Druchi soldiers rising from the battlements when the giant suffered this, but the attack did not stop. Other giants lumbered up to the battlements and began beating with their clubs, ignoring the crossbow bolts that stung their thick hides.
Magic rents the burning sky, and hordes of fearsome winged demons swoop down from the sky, dragging the Dreadspearmen from the walls. Roaring, the trolls reached the base of the wall and began to climb one after another, their black eyes gleaming with hunger and bloodlust.
Another burst of magic bursts from the watchtower, striking a giant in the doorway and setting it ablaze. The giant dropped his stick and retreated, causing huge damage to his side with every step he took. Crushed stone and broken ballista fittings flew through the air as the remaining giants struck at the gate with their clubs, knocking it to the ground and turning it into a cloud of dust and debris. The wave of beasts and Yankees swept through the gap. The Dread Lord and Sorceress guarding there tried to escape on dark pegasus, but were intercepted by the monster in the air and fell to the ground screaming.
When Malus saw that the stronghold was doomed to fall, he roared with impotent rage.
"This stronghold has fallen." Malekith announced as the scene in the Eye of Destiny crystal disappeared into the darkness.
Malus realized that this was a full-scale invasion of Naggaroth, attacking this cold land at the worst possible time. It was sea season, and at least half of Druchi's power was floating on the sea. More importantly, he was well aware of how weakened the forces of Nagaroth Druchi were after the street battles of Hal Goncy and the brief but savage blood feud between the Nagor and Hagrid Grave. serious.
"But why now? This is an invasion of epic proportions. Who is leading this group and what does he want?" Malus asked.
"What? You really don't know?" Morathi looked at Malus coldly and asked.
Then the door to the throne room opened, and Malus heard the sound of limping, shuffling footsteps across the smooth marble floor, and turned to see the terrifying figure stumbling toward him.
The figure's pale skin turned gray-green under the witch-fire lamp, and the horrific wounds on his forehead and neck were gradually turning purple-black. His armor had been shattered by axes and claws. The armor skirt was also in tatters, and the noble robe underneath was stiff with rotting blood. Half of his left hand was cut off, and his right arm turned into a chewed stump, with an unpleasant stench permeating his body.
Every inch of the figure's tattered armor was covered in intricate runes, clearly etched in blood. His eyes were ghostly white, with no visible pupils or irises, and glowed with magical life in the light of the witchfire. Escorted by two Black Guards, he staggered past Malus, apparently oblivious to Malus' presence.
Malus hissed in disgust and backed away.
The figure stopped and turned his head when he heard the sound. Blind white eyes searched for Malus, slack lips twitched, trying to form words.
Malus' hand reached for his scabbard, instinctively searching for a sword that was no longer there. He glanced back at Sirsis, who was glaring fiercely at the living corpse.
"Mother of the Night, what is this?"
If Darkus was present, he would definitely recognize this as the Dread Lord Venir Iceblade from Khaoak's stronghold.
"This is the Dread Lord Venir! He brings news from the Chaos Horde." Silsis roared.
"We have fulfilled your wish. Malus of Hagrid Grave has been discovered and placed in front of you. Now deliver your message!" Before Sirsis could continue to speak, Malekith's voice It rang in the throne room.
The corpse stumbled toward Malus, reaching for his face with its mangled hands. He screamed and tried to back away from the corpse, but he bumped into Syrsis, who grabbed him by the back of the neck and roughly pushed him toward the oncoming corpse.
The cold, stinking corpse pressed against Malus's face, and he felt the splintered bones of its hands dig into his cheek as it clumsily studied his features. With a wild roar, he broke free from Silses' grasp and pushed the body away.
The corpse staggered back a few steps, but did not fall. Instead, it turned to face the throne. The air roared through the cartilage of his throat as it filled his shriveled lungs, his voice a bubbling, hoarse hiss as he spoke.
Malus, on the other hand, shivered in fear at the terrible sound. It was bad enough that the sound came from the throat of a dead Druchi, but what was even worse was that he realized that the sound was a sound he was all too familiar with.
"Your salvation lies in your hands, Witch-King. Your stronghold lies in ruins while my armies march towards Grond. Now that the power is broken, the Nagor and Hagrid Grave A fatal blow has been received. Your kingdom is on the verge of destruction unless you hand over this gangster and your Witch King's hand to me. My Lord wants to taste his soul." Nagalia's voice came from the broken throat of the corpse. The corpse raised its injured hand and pointed at Malus and continued, "Hand them over and the war will end, otherwise Grond will be burned, and the destruction of Nagarund will follow, and the entire Nagaroth will be destroyed." Will burn in blood and fire. Make your choice, Witch King!"
"Hahahaha." Malekith's angry laughter echoed in the throne room. After he finished laughing, he said, "Naggaroth has more than just the Nagor and Hagrid Grave, the Hand of the Witch King. The recruitment order has been issued, and the entire Naggaroth army is on the move. Since you want the soul of the Witch King's hand, you have to come and get it yourself, but you have to move faster."
After speaking, Malekith waved his hand, and the rustle of movement and the clash of steel resounded in the throne room, as the Black Guard's halberd tore the body into pieces. Hissing flames filled the throne room with a searing stench as the heads and severed limbs fell to the floor.
Malus stood unsteadily, still shocked by what had just happened. His half-sister had been secretly worshiping Slaanesh for years, Nagalia had made an obscene pact with the dark force that gave her demonic powers, but now this? Is this a bit outrageous?
"It's clear now," Morathi said, looking Malus up and down.
Malus struggled to control himself, his eyes scanning the throne room, observing the position of the Black Guard and trying to determine where Cirsis stood. He had to escape, and fast. Can he get the sword of Silses? Can he summon the power of Zarkhan to fight for his freedom? if? wrong! He suddenly thought of something. His half-sister wanted more than just him. He was sure that the Witch King would not hand over Darkus.
"There is no doubt that you are right. I can completely sacrifice myself for His Majesty the Witch King and the people of Nagaros, but where is the hand of the Witch King?" Malus tried hard to suppress the panic in his heart and looked at Malekith said.
Malus heard footsteps approaching behind him, crossing slowly from right to left. He turned around, only to find that the blade of Syrsis' sword was less than a finger's width away from his throat.
"You can't give her what she wants. Are you willing to give her the soul of Darkus? Nagalia will only use me and Darkus to advance her own conquest plan. Once she obtains the soul from me, The demon and the dark force behind her have obtained Darkus' soul, giving her even greater power! And she intends to replace you, Your Majesty the Witch King, otherwise why would she form such a huge army?" Malus Hatred He glared at Sirsis, but his answer was directed at Malekith, he snapped.
"Unless we can control the demon, we can order the demon to kill Malus and then hand Malus over to her. As for Darkus?" Morathi pursed her thin lips thoughtfully and whispered.
"You have no control over this demon without its name," Malus said quickly, trying to keep the desperation from his voice.
"Your Majesty, let's send his head out to let her know that what she wants will never be touched!" Hilsis thought of Dacus, and then thought of his son who served as a guard beside Dacus, and then thought of He didn't want Darkus' soul to be sacrificed to Slaanesh. He stepped forward and grabbed Malus's hair. He tried to shift his weight to Malus.
"Enough! No one can ask anything from Druch!" Maleki roared, his Midnight Armor burning like an open furnace.
"I will never give Darkus's soul to the power behind her! Never! She and her master are dreaming! All she will get from us is death and destruction!" Malekith's voice echoed throughout the throne room, leaning forward against his spiked throne. His orange gaze burned on Malus's skin. He stretched out his hand and pointed at Malus domineeringly and said, "When you killed the great Lehan, you deprived me of my due property as a price! Now! You are mine!"
"I live to serve you, Your Majesty the Witch King, what are your orders?" Malus tried to pull his hair away, but Silsis still held him tightly, and he gritted his teeth and roared.
"Go to Grond! Your exploits against Hagrid Grave are well known, son of Lehan. Take command of the armies of Grond and lead them against the invaders until I arrive with the armies of Nagarond. In You're going to keep intruders out there until I get there, do you understand?" Malekith growled, his hands clenched into fists.
"As you command, Your Majesty, I will use all my energy to serve you." Malus took a deep breath, he understood it too well, and he said it without hesitation. Suddenly grasping a possible opportunity, he continued cautiously, "One thing to consider, however, is that the people of Naggaroth still consider me an outcast and a criminal, which will make it difficult to talk to any authority."
"You are my squire now, Blackblade! I will give you an iron writ signed with my name." Malekith hissed, glaring at Malus.
"Then I can take back my noble status?" This time Malus smiled.
"In time, maybe, of course. Serve me well and you will be rewarded in kind." Malekith paused and looked at Malus carefully. But there was one thing he didn't say, that is, on the premise that Dacus did not kill Malus, he knew that Dacus was afraid of Malus. At this time, he also understood why Dacus Be wary of Malus, this is a capable wolf who will seize opportunities! He has seen too many such wolves in his long years.
Malekith felt bored thinking about this, and he waved his hand to send Malus away.
Malus turned and walked quickly toward the black steel door, giving Silsis a defiant glare as he passed him. His mind was already racing, considering all he had to do once he reached Grond.
"I would also like to thank you, dear sister, and the Hand of the Witch King, Darkus." In a short time, Malus will command an army again, even larger than last time, he dreamed He didn't expect that such a day would come again, he thought with a wild smile. At the same time, he was a little envious of Darkus. If his sister hadn't made an extravagant request for Darkus today, maybe he wouldn't have been able to leave the throne room today.
"The demon has taken root deep within your flesh, what do you think will happen once it is released?" Morathi called after Malus as he was about to walk out of the black steel door.
"If I serve the devil well, he will reward me in kind." Malus said, placing his hand on the black steel, and then he left.
"My son, won't you issue a conscription order?" Morathi asked with a smile after Silsis also went out.
"That's my business, and Darkus has already issued a recruitment order, why should I issue it again? Obviously he doesn't think that your group of pampered slaves can shoulder the heavy responsibility of fighting." Malekith also laughed said.
"Ah, my son, poor Malekith!" Morathi did not answer, but looked at her son thinking. Her son tried hard to be a hero like his dead father, but he never succeeded. Pass. He has an outstanding talent. He can make others fearful, but he will never be loved by others. He is in some ways more powerful than his father Aenarion, and certainly wiser. But he just lacks something than Aenarion, and there are endless problems on his way to hegemony.
"My son, do you trust Dacus so much? Are you afraid that Dacus will betray you one day..."
"That's enough!" Morathi was interrupted sharply by Malekith before she could finish her words. He wanted to say something about Darkus. He knew that with Darkus's ability, even if he stayed in Ruth Chia Continent can also operate very well. But he also knew that there were some things that his mother should not know. He saw the hostility towards Dacus in his mother, and he also knew the hostility between Dacus and his mother. He then said with a smile, " Didn’t your chief maid tell you about Darkus?”
Morathi glared at Malekith fiercely. She knew that Malekith was teasing her. She was aware of Drusala's changes and that Druzala was no longer under her control.
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