Just being a dark elf in Warhammer
Chapter 765 616 The Second Old Lady Stirs Up the Storm
Elsin Alvin, Erso Talarian.
It’s a sunny spring day and the bay’s calm waters sparkle in the afternoon sun. In addition to dozens of ships swaying and moored in the center of the port, a fleet is also heading to the dock. There are ten ships in the fleet, nine of which are inconspicuous. The only feature is the Nagaryth flag hanging on the bow. With a silver and black flag, the tenth ship became the focus of everyone's attention. The people of Esso Talarian had never seen such a strange ship.
The ship glided effortlessly across the water, its four huge gaffsails unfurled into the wind and waves rolling around the ram of the golden bow. Heribon had seen many great ships come and go from Esho Talarian, but none could match the grandeur of this ship.
The ship was the size of a castle and was divided into three parts, a central structure and two outer hulls on each side, as massive as a battleship. On the ship's deck stood tall towers made of dark wood and inlaid with shining gold edges.
Holding her breath, Heliben immediately realized that this ship must be carrying the most distinguished passengers. She wanted to know if it was the Phoenix King's second visit, but she felt that if this was the case, there should be announcements and preparations for such an event. .
The dragon ship Indragnir gracefully passed through the moored ships like the most graceful dancer at a ball, then turned quickly and headed for the farthest dock, while the crew of the other nine ships blew their horns to announce their distinguished passengers arrival.
"They are flying the flag of Nagaryth." Liris stood beside Heliben, standing on tiptoes, trying to see further.
"We have no way of knowing here." Heliben turned away from the window, forcing her companions to retreat, then turned to her maid, "Go and get our cloaks and outdoor shoes."
"Yes, Master." The maid hesitated for a moment, then stood there with her lips slightly parted, as if she had something to say.
"Yes, you can go with us. If I don't take you with me, you will keep asking me."
"Thank you, Master." The maid smiled, made a courtesy and hurriedly left the room.
Heliben prepared quickly. She draped a crimson cloak over her shoulders and fastened it with a silver button. After gently shaking off a few stray hairs stuck to her boots, she put on the black leather boots. The maid handed her a mirror and helped her style her hair, twisting her hair up and letting it hang naturally on the right side.
"Let's go and see this excitement, let's go, don't hesitate any more." After she sorted everything out, she looked at the others and announced after seeing the expectant looks of her friends.
The maid tried her best to clear a way through the crowd, but when they were not far from the pier, they were still blocked by a huge sea of people. Heliben and Lyris had no choice but to stand on tiptoes and continue to observe through the crowd. The two sisters were a head taller than their companions and could see the scene on the sea farther away.
"That strange ship is approaching the dock." After watching for a while, Heliben explained to the friends who could not see anything.
"Look! It's Prince Malekith!" Liris's voice suddenly rose sharply. Compared to Heliben, she could see it more clearly because she stood taller and held one hand on Heliben. On this shoulder.
Heliben stood on tiptoe and looked over, searching. Soon, she saw Malekith, who was wearing a black robe, with a purple cloak trailing behind him, and his sword gently tapping his legs with every step.
"Is your Excellency there?" the maid asked.
Heliben glanced around, but did not see Alandrian, her father.
"Isil is with the prince, but father is not." Liris, who could see more clearly, explained.
The waiting process was long and boring. Heliben and Liris had no choice but to keep their friends interested by observing the clothes and decorations of several other noble ladies, although most of the comments were not very friendly...
"They're lowering the gangway." Helene was busy judging a woman's jewelry when she suddenly noticed that the strange ship had arrived at the dock. When she told her friends about the situation, a guard with a feather on his helmet blocked her view. She couldn't help but grit her teeth and glared at Liris, "What happened? I can't see!"
"Someone got off the ship, but I couldn't see clearly who it was. Oh my god, she was hugging the prince." Liris then covered her mouth and opened her eyes wide.
When the guard moved away slightly, Heliben finally saw everything. Prince Malekith and a lady walked side by side and walked out of the dock.
The lady was tall, with fair skin and long black hair. The beauty and power she radiates is clear even from a distance, and the way she moves alongside Malekith certainly signals her importance.
"It's Morathi! Morathi is coming, Azor Talarian!" Heliben almost screamed.
Soon, she was surrounded by a series of questions from her companions. Trapdoor wanted to know what Morathi looked like and what she wore. She did not answer these questions, but looked longingly at Malekith's mother, feeling Watch the elegance and majesty displayed in every movement of Moras.
More importantly, she sensed instinctively that the city was almost brought to a standstill by the citizens' reverence for the Wife of Aenarion. A mixture of emotions welled up within her, as she experienced the joy of others and was acutely aware of a sudden surge of jealousy.
The jealousy was not directed at Morathi herself, but at the reactions she brought about. Her mere arrival was enough to bring the entire city to a standstill.
"I have to see her, can you imagine? We have to find my father! He can definitely arrange it."
Heliben couldn't help but imagine what it would be like if she could also have this kind of attention, this kind of power and prestige? At that moment, she made a decision, she turned her head and said to Liris.
"Imagine what?" Liris's eyes were filled with confusion.
"Imagine everything, of course! We can go to Anlek and become a princess in Queen Morathi's circle. Esso Talarian is not bad, but it is not as good as Anlek, the latest fashion, the best food, bravery Princes come to woo us, and poets write poems about our beauty. Sister, what a thing it would be!" Heliben shook her head in response to her sister's ignorance.
The white and black tiles echoed with the tapping of Hellebore's boots as she waited outside the door to be summoned into Morathi's room. She clasped her hands tightly to prevent unnecessary anxiety, and she wished there was a mirror in the corridor so that she could confirm for the last time whether her hair style and clothes were perfect.
After searching for a moment, she saw her blurry reflection in the window. She felt that her hair was out of shape, as if something was wrong.
At this moment, a voice came from far away.
"Queen Morathi would like to see you now."
Although Heliben still felt that her hair looked like an unkempt bird's nest, it did not prevent her from raising her chin and smiling. She took firm steps and walked into Morathi's room. When the door closed, she realized she was alone with the Queen.
Morathi was lying on the low sofa, and the breeze outside the window was blowing her hair, as if black flames were dancing.
Outside the window lay Erso Talarian, and beyond the city walls lay the fields and forests of Ersin Alvin. But the scenery outside the window was not attractive to Heliben, and her eyes were firmly fixed on Morathi.
Morathi wore a gorgeous dress of gold and purple, with blood-red lips and skin as white as snow.
Although Morathi's posture seemed leisurely, it made Heliben feel an invisible sense of oppression. Morathi's eyes were fixed on her, sizing her up like a lion sizing up its prey.
Helliben's innate sense of magic captured Morathi's astonishing power. Goosebumps rose slightly on her skin due to this feeling, and she also felt a slight nausea in her stomach. She attributed the brief discomfort to nervousness, and she swallowed. When she realized that she had been staring blankly at Morathi for several seconds, and when she saw the expectant expression on Morathi's face, she Then I realized what I should say.
"Queen, I feel extremely honored to meet you." She lowered her head, curtsied gracefully, and her long skirt swung back. Then she raised her head, eyes still lowered, to show respect. There was a slight urgency in her tone, and as soon as she said the words, she immediately felt a little regretful and felt that she was a little too excited. She took a deep breath, forced herself to raise her head, and looked directly into Morathi's calm eyes, "Thank you for meeting me."
Morathi's response was just to wave her ring-covered hand, motioning for Heliben to sit on the straight-backed chair in front of the sofa. She stared at him with half-lidded eyes like a satisfied cat as he sat stiffly, hands on his knees.
Heliben sat stiffly like that. When she found that Morathi had no idea of speaking, she didn't know if she needed to continue to say anything. But soon, she realized that Morathi seemed to be playing with her? Enjoy her discomfort? She controlled herself from frowning and forced herself to smile.
"I hope the Queen is pleased with our little town."
"Aiso Tallarion is a nice city, and the people... are also very lovely?" Morathi nodded, then threw her legs off the sofa, sat up straighter, and stretched her slender arms lazily. On the back of the sofa. She moved closer to Heliben, stroking her chin with her slender fingers, and stared at Heliben from under her thick eyelashes with her deep black eyes, "What do you want, child?"
Hurley was about to ask the queen the meaning of these words, but was suddenly stopped by Morathi's raised hand.
"Don't pretend to be naive or ignorant, child. Although some people are only satisfied with enjoying themselves in front of me, I know you have other plans in mind. Tell me! What do you want? Save your time and stop flattering me! "
"I hope to be favored by you, return to Anlek with you, and become a member of your circle."
"Hahahaha." Morathi smiled, her laughter stinging, as if it pierced Heliben's hope.
"You? You want me to have some kind of connection with you? Many people desire such a thing, but only a few can be chosen. What can you give in return for this favor?"
"My father is..."
"You have to understand that your father works for my son and is loyal to my son. The affairs between your father and my son have nothing to do with you and me. Do you understand? Tell me, child, what are you capable of? Do you know magic? "?" Morathi leaned back on the sofa, her expression softened.
"I know very little, Queen. Perhaps with your guidance, I can..."
"No, you can't." Morathi's cold words interrupted Heliben's next words, and then she added, "You don't have any extraordinary talents. If you had any, it would have been revealed by now. If you really If you can master magic, you would have found a way long ago instead of sitting in front of me now. Do you understand? Maybe...you can sing?"
"Only average, Queen."
"Poetic talent?"
"Children's ballads... I must admit."
"What do you know? Dancing?"
"I'm afraid our dancing here is a little outdated compared to Ulthuan standards. I have some friends who are more elegant than me." Hellebron sighed.
"You... your honesty is rare, child." Morathi pouted in disappointment, her delicate brows slightly wrinkled.
"I would rather be honest now than be treated as a liar later. Any false promises I may make will easily be exposed over time. All I can offer is my loyalty!"
"Then you have nothing to offer at all. The whole of Nagarythe is loyal to me, and there are many flattering generals and nobles. Why do I need one flatterer after another like you?" Morathi shook her head.
"No!" Hellebron held back tears.
"A noble attempt, child. But your lips are trembling, and I can see in your eyes that you are broken by shame. Do not think that sympathy can move me! You are weak and spoiled, just like your generation. I am disappointed that your father did not raise you better. I had expected Alandrian's daughter to be different. Perhaps... your mother is responsible for this?"
Hellebron's defenses completely collapsed, and she burst into tears and buried her head in her hands and cried.
"Remember this shame, my beautiful child, remember this moment of vulnerability, you must understand that the future of Nagarythe is in the hands of those who are much more powerful than you, so... when you have something to give to our people, come to me again." Morathi stood up from the sofa, she gently put an arm on Hellebron's trembling shoulders, and whispered in Hellebron's ear.
Hellebron, who was still crying, felt a clenched arm holding her, and before she had time to wipe her tears, Morathi pulled her up.
"I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."
"Are you sorry for me or for yourself, child?"
Hellebron turned around and looked at Morathi with a pleading expression, but she saw that there was no sympathy in her dark eyes as hard as rocks. Morathi led her to the door and almost pushed her into the corridor.
"Morayig Heg is cruel. He has given you a mediocre fate, Hellebron. When I get up tomorrow, I won't even remember your name."
The maid who stayed in the corridor walked into the room. The sound of the door closing was like an axe, chopping off Hellebron's dream.
She stopped crying, quickly straightened her body, wiped the tears from her face, and glared at the door fiercely. She cursed herself for crying. She blamed herself for her tears, which were effective for her parents and mother, but failed to move the queen.
But it didn't matter anymore. She knew that Morathi saw through all her schemes. Despite this, Morathi was still wrong! She is not weak, although some people think she is a frivolous and incompetent woman, but that is just pretending.
She no longer looks at the door, and resolutely turns to walk into the corridor. She wants to prove that Morathi is wrong! She is a princess and deserves better. Although she doesn't know how to do it, she knows that she can make Morathi understand how stupid it is to abandon her contempt.
She can't learn magic, nor can she become an excellent dancer or singer through any teaching, but she will find a way to get everything she thinks should belong to her.
She will go to Anlek as the princess of Naggaroth!
One day, Morathi will remember her name, and she will let Morathi see her face clearly.
It turns out that Hellebron did it, and she got what she could give to the people of Naggaroth. She slapped Morathi's face hard. Morathi forgot her name after the conversation, but it was only for a long time, and then...
1:20 pm, Naggaroth, Naggarond, not far from the Black Tower of Malekith.
There is no doubt that Morathi, who survived the Great Invasion to the end, almost throughout the entire medieval history, and became a god in the next era, was extremely cautious. She carried countless life-saving spells and magic accessories. Each of these protective items was carefully selected and strongly blessed, and was a symbol of the wisdom and power she had accumulated over the years.
The moment she activated the teleportation spell, her figure dissipated like smoke, quickly disappeared in the conference hall, and instantly came to the outside of Malekith's Black Tower, to the stable of her mount "Sulphite".
But Hellebron seized the opportunity, and at the moment the spell was activated, she touched Morathi. Her eyes were full of anger, like a flame rising from the abyss, and her figure suddenly swept out, taking advantage of the moment when Morathi had not yet stabilized her body, and with the inertia before the teleportation spell was activated, she pounced on Morathi.
Everything happened too quickly, and Hellebron almost gave Morathi no chance to react.
At that moment, Morathi was knocked down by Hellebron, and the force was like a beast pouncing on its prey, catching her off guard. She was pressed to the ground by Hellebron, and the heavy pressure on her chest made it almost impossible to breathe. Her face turned pale in an instant, and a flash of panic and anger flashed in her eyes.
The hatred between the two could not be described in short words, even in a day and a night...
"Morath! You have come to this day!"
At this time, Helene was no longer the same as when she first met Morathi. She no longer cried or was nervous. Her face became ferocious, her eyes filled with hatred and flashing with crazy flames, as if the moment of revenge had finally come. arrival. Her roar echoed in the air with uncontrollable rage and hatred. Her body was pressed against Morathi. She waved her arms, and the sharp nails on her fingertips struck Morathi's face like a sharp blade.
When her nails touched Morathi's cheek, a flash of light suddenly burst out. Morathi's defensive magic instantly appeared, and the dark shield acted like a barrier to resist her attack.
However, Heliben's power was far beyond imagination. Although her nails were blocked by magic, they still penetrated that layer of protection with fierce force. With a pop, her claws cut through the shield, leaving traces of blood splattering on Morathi's delicate face.
At this moment, time seemed to freeze, and the bright red blood slowly dripped onto Morathi's pale cheeks, dyeing her delicate porcelain skin red. The blood drops slid down her cheeks, seeming to depict the severe pain and unspeakable shock in her heart.
Following Holly, her scream also cut through the air, her voice mixed with incomparable anger and fear, as if this blood stain not only damaged her appearance, but also deeply damaged all her pride and confidence. tear. This blow not only tore off her delicate appearance, but also destroyed the once indestructible tower in her heart. It tore apart her long-held pride.
She failed, completely failed. Her son played with her, abandoned her, and turned to the arms of Darkus. Now the once beautiful child is like a mad dog...
Heliben was bounced away by Morathi's magic shield, and her body was knocked upside down in the air by the huge reaction force, but her figure did not lose her balance.
Facts have proved that what she said at the beginning was a bit too conservative. Maybe Morathi was right at the beginning: I am disappointed that your father did not train you better. Maybe your mother should be responsible for this?
Although everything about Elsin Alvin is inferior to a version of Ulthuan, her dancing talent is undoubted. She prances around in mid-air and completes a set that even an elf who is good at dancing would find it difficult to do. After doing this, he instantly stabilized his posture instead of being shaken further.
After the boots rubbed against the ground for a few seconds, her feet were firmly planted on the ground. She was like a lion aiming at the target, with sharp eyes, just like Morathi looked at her when she first entered the room. She roared in a low voice, the scream pierced the air, her body was as tense as a bowstring, and she rushed towards Morathi again in an instant.
Although she was extremely angry, she still maintained a semblance of sanity. Five thousand years ago, she was just a little girl who relied on clumsy strategies and lacked the ability and wisdom to cope. However, now, she has become more mature. After experiencing countless bloody battles and things that she cannot forget, she is no longer the same person she was five thousand years ago.
She knew clearly that if Morathi could not be dealt with quickly at this moment, if Morathi could survive, she would most likely reappear in the next Dark Parliament. She knew Malekith too well! She knows Prince Malekith, she knows the Witch King Malekith!
She waved her claws without hesitation and pounced on Morathi again, but this time, her attack was more precise, with deadly killing intent and fierce storm, without any hesitation, as if to attack every inch of Morathi's skin. tear.
But Morathi was not an easy target to defeat. Although she was shocked and angry, her reaction was extremely quick. Magic roared, erupting from her hands, attacking like the claws of a demon, accurately hitting Heliben's every movement.
Heliben's figure was like a ghost, dodging every fierce magic beam. Every movement she made carried overwhelming strength and agility, and the space became distorted by her rapid movement.
The aftermath of the magic caused great damage to the surroundings. The ground shook violently. The powerful impact caused the city wall to crack, causing gravel to scatter and flying dust to fill the air.
As the magic attack became more intense, Helene began to use her speed and agility to constantly change positions to avoid Morathi's attacks. She also used her killing instinct to cleverly make countless changes in an instant. Her magic is almost impossible to trace.
Finally, at the moment when Morathi's attack hit the target, she saw the gap. She no longer continued to dodge sideways, but suddenly changed direction and rushed towards Morathi. Her figure pointed straight at Morathi like a sharp blade, and the claws she swung were like the sword of Khaine, slashing hard at her target.
The attack was successful, Heliben's sharp claws tore Morathi's skin and touched Morathi's collarbone. At that moment, blood splashed like a fountain, and her sharp claws drew a bright blood mark on Morathi's collarbone. A satisfying pleasure surged in her heart. However, this blow was not enough to satisfy her.
But, the moment her claws touched Morathi, a powerful reaction force caused her body to be ejected again. Morathi's magic shield knocked her away from her with irresistible force. A loud noise sounded in the air. She was hit with great force. Her body flew several meters away like a kite with broken strings, and landed hard on the ground. .
With a trace of blood oozing from the corner of her mouth, Hellebron supported herself on the ground with her left hand, her legs slightly bent, her body ready to go, like a beast about to pounce on its prey. She did not stand up immediately, but grinned without showing her black teeth, as if she had anticipated every moment that would follow and controlled everything in her own hands. Her smile became more and more violent, full of endless contempt for Morathi.
She brought her right hand to her mouth, stretched out her sharp tongue, licked the blood on her nails, as if she was savoring every cruelty in this duel. Her eyes flashed with malice and pleasure, immersed in her own power and damage. After licking her nails, she turned her head and spat out a mouthful of saliva, her eyes fixed on Morathi, and her words were even more sharp and ruthless.
"Stinky, dirty, Queen? You bitch!"
Before she finished speaking, Hellebron exploded at an incredible speed, her legs shot up like clockwork, her body almost drew an arc in the air, and she pounced on Morathi, who had not yet fully recovered. Her movements were fierce and deadly, without any hesitation at all, as if every second was reminding her that tearing Morathi to pieces was her only goal.
The scene from the previous moment reappeared again...
This time, Hellebron's claws swung towards Morathi's ribs, and her clothes were torn apart as easily as paper. Her claws deeply embedded into Morathi's skin, instantly slashing Morathi's abdomen, and blood gushed out like a fountain. Her smile became more and more proud, as if she had completely controlled the situation. Her hands continued to hold Morathi's skin tightly, tearing Morathi's skin mercilessly, and using huge force to press Morathi down, forcing Morathi to lose balance.
However, Morathi's eyes were no longer just pain and anger, and her pupils revealed a deep calmness and determination. At the moment she fell, she suddenly grasped Hellebron's wrist, and the powerful Deha burst out of her body, condensing into an invisible force that quickly spread to Hellebron's body.
Hellebron felt the surge of magic, but she was no longer the same person she was before. Her movements did not slow down at all, but became even crazier. Every move she made was full of murderous intent, and she had only one goal in mind: to make Morathi feel the pain and humiliation she had experienced!
Just as she raised her left hand, her powerful swing seemed to be stretched by time, and every movement seemed extremely heavy, as if she was trapped in some kind of irresistible bondage. She was no longer the same person she was before, but Morathi was not given for nothing. The oppression of magic bound every inch of her muscles like an iron chain, causing her reaction to begin to slow down.
At this moment, the sound of rapid horse hooves suddenly came to her ears, and the sound came from far away and became clearer and clearer. Hellebron's ears moved slightly, and a trace of alert flashed in her eyes, but it was too late. She resisted the oppression of magic in her body and tried to fight back, but found that she could hardly move.
At this moment, she saw a fierce figure rushing towards her. It was Morathi's mount, Sulefit.
The collision and shaking just now made Sulefit break free from the restraints in the stable, and then it started charging violently with the sharp horns on its head, rushing straight towards Helleben. The majestic dark Pegasus had anger and loyalty in its eyes, and all its strength was concentrated on its horns.
Although Helleben felt the strong breath, she was unable to react. Everything happened like a slow motion, her movements became slow and dull, and even the waving claws dragged a long image in the air. Her vision became blurred, and her body seemed to be out of touch with reality.
Sulefit's horns hit her abdomen mercilessly.
At this moment, she had no room for reaction, and her whole body was violently pushed away by the horns, as if a rag doll was thrown a few meters away. Her body spun in the air and hit the hard ground hard, making a muffled sound.
After completing this attack, Sulefit did not continue to attack, but quickly spread its wide wings and raised its front hooves, cleverly using this posture to remove the remaining impact force. After sensing its master's intention, the loyal one immediately turned around on the spot, lowered its head, and let Morathi climb onto its back.
And Helleben, who was knocked away, still stubbornly supported the ground with her hands, and then bounced off the ground with a strong force. She pounced on the target again, her eyes full of madness and hatred, as if the collision did not make her feel a bit decadent, but instead aroused her more ferocious desire to fight.
But as a dark Pegasus, Sulefit is not only good at attacking with sharp horns. At the moment when Helleben pounced like the wind, it quickly turned around, raised its hind hooves, and kicked Helleben fiercely.
Helleben had no way to dodge, her body was instantly knocked away by the strong force, and was thrown several meters away like a rag doll. Although her claws hit Sulefit's hind legs, leaving deep bloody marks, the Pegasus did not make any painful cries.
On the contrary, Sulefit quickly spread its wings and flew into the air with a fierce airflow.
When Helleben landed, blood oozed from the corners of her mouth and her eyes became more and more crazy. She did not pause at all, and after accumulating strength, she jumped suddenly, trying to use the last bit of strength to disrupt Sulefit's takeoff. However, despite her strong leap, she was still a step slower. Her fingers almost touched the horse's hooves, but Sulefit was too fast, and her claws only grabbed a ball of air, watching the target gradually rise.
Anger and despair intertwined in Helleben's heart. She let out a roar that was like a roar that tore the world apart, carrying unbearable pain and anger.
After landing, rolling with the force, and regaining her standing position, Helleben quickly looked around, looking for the next opportunity. Then, she began to run along the supporting surface of the city wall, as fast as lightning. Her movements were almost silent, and she quickly approached Sulefit's flight path like a cheetah.
However, Sulefit flew higher and higher, farther and farther, and she could only chase helplessly, watching the Pegasus getting smaller and smaller. She clenched her teeth, her eyes filled with uncontrollable anger, and her heart seemed to be burned by fire.
And at this moment, her sight vaguely caught something, and she looked up at the sky. (End of this chapter)
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