Just broke up with the empress, stepped on the ant to upgrade

Chapter 112: The Emperor's Conference to Suppress Internal Troubles

Within the human race.

It was noon the next day, the sun was shining brightly and the breeze was gentle.

Above the Dao Gate, a majestic building suddenly appeared out of thin air and stood suspended in the sky.

Like a city in the sky, it will never fall.

This magnificent building is naturally the Human Emperor's Palace where Su Mo moved.

"Your Highness the Human Emperor, I wonder why you summoned us here?"

In the Human Emperor's Hall, all the elders from the Taoist sect gathered here, looking at the person sitting high on the main seat,

I couldn't help but ask in a low voice,

A total of eleven Supreme Elders from all over the Dao Sect gathered here because of Su Mo's order.

"Yes, Your Highness the Human Emperor, I am fighting at the border to kill the enemy. You suddenly called me over. What's going on?"

An elder asked, looking vaguely dissatisfied.

"Young Master, at this time, there are many spies from the demon clan mixed in with the human race. If there is nothing important, I will go to solve the problem of the demon clan first."

Another Supreme Elder even called Young Master directly,

Obviously, he didn’t take Su Mo’s position as the spokesperson of the Human Emperor too seriously.

This is already disrespectful. If Su Mo goes online, it will be enough for the Supreme Elder to drink a pot.

But Su Mo is not so boring.

If you do this, you will only be said to be using your status to suppress others, but you will still be unable to convince everyone.

At this time, Su Mo shook his head in a funny way, and scanned the group of Taoist thorns lightly, not caring about it.

The ancestor of the Su family has not been born for a hundred years.

At this time, the entire Taoist sect was almost firmly controlled by the eleven Supreme Elders in front of them.

At this moment, the heir to the Human Emperor suddenly appeared, a junior who was less than eighteen years old.

Naturally, few people will be convinced.

Even if they have passed the ten levels of the inheritance hall, for these old guys who are over a hundred years old,

Su Mo was still too young and had not made any outstanding achievements.

"Elder Su Kun, you are one hundred and thirteen years old this year, and you are in the middle stage of the saint realm. You have guarded the borders of the human race for several years, and you have worked hard and achieved great results. You are indeed respectable."

Su Mo said.

Elder Su Kun, who was named, had a look of satisfaction on his face.

"As a human race, I, Su Kun, should defend my territory and fight to the death... Heaven and earth can learn from this... the sun and the moon..."

Su Kun raised his hand to the sky to compose, his face was filled with red light. The more he looked at the spokesperson of the Human Emperor, the more pleasing he became.

If it was just a special meeting to commend him, then he would have told me earlier. Wouldn't he have been here long ago?

Tsk, what a fuss!

He was about to continue some conversation,

But Su Mo paused and interrupted directly:

"It's just that over the years, you have repeatedly failed in guarding the borderlands. Now, the border line of the northern border has gone back more than a hundred miles compared to before."

"The war has not officially started yet, but without knowing it, our human domain has already lost a city's territory in advance. Elder Su, why is this?"

Su Mo knocked on the table and asked quietly,

To be honest, when he took these materials, his brows jumped.

"Young Master is in the Jinyu Qiong Tower. I don't know how hard it is for the monks on the border. The monster clan is powerful and has become more and more rampant in recent years... The monks on the border have suffered countless casualties and are in an extremely difficult situation... If it weren't for insufficient supplies and military pay..."

A look of embarrassment flashed across Su Kun's face.

Then he gave full play to the sophistication and tact he had developed over the years in high positions, and began to climb up the pole, complaining loudly, and in turn asking for military pay.

He was just betting that Su Mo was just a young boy.

He didn't understand the military situation or military-related matters. The meeting at this time was just a temporary meeting and he was not fully prepared.

So Su Kun was deceived at this time.

But the result was destined to disappoint him.

"Elder Su, according to the report from the Heavenly Punishment Pavilion, the military pay given to you by the human race has never been cut off. Even the spiritual stones, treasures, materials, etc. have been exceeded, even more than before."

"The monks you have led in these years have never had a direct confrontation with the demon clan. Most of them are timid before fighting. As the leader of the human race's saint realm, you have never faced the enemy directly with the demon clan's demon saint shouting formation. , why is this?”

Su Mo looked calm and asked calmly, without any hint of joy or anger.

As Su Mo asked again and again, Su Kun's expression was no longer as calm as before. Even though he had mastered Qi-nourishing skills, fine beads of sweat were oozing out from his forehead.

His mouth moved tremblingly, but in the end no words came out.

"Do you know that by acting like this, the morale of the monks has been low, their inner demons have arisen, their cultivation has stagnated, and they have been unable to form formations for a long time."

"Also, what have you done with the supplies that the human race has given you over the years? Many of the monks' standard magic weapons have been damaged and there is nowhere to replace them. A spiritual sword has been used for countless years, and it is still there. There are magic pills and elixirs, and there are even many cheats among the monks."

Su Mo spoke word by word, his voice was calm and indifferent, detailing Su Kun's various crimes.

There is an air of calmness and authority about him that makes people dare not look directly into his eyes.

At the same time, a huge power that faintly frightened all the Supreme Elders overwhelmed the scene,

And with every word Su Mo said, Su Kun's face turned pale.

He never expected that Su Mo had already clearly investigated all the crimes he was responsible for.

"Elder Su Kun, is that military salary used to support your thirteen huts and your forty-three good-for-nothing sons who have been unable to break through the third stage of the army?"

Su Mo finally said in a cold voice, his eyes turned into a noble, evil and silvery white color filled with endless coldness.

Then a pile of information that had been prepared in advance was floated with spiritual power and dragged to the desk of each Supreme Elder.

"These are the thirty-two regulations of the Human Race's Monster Control and Peace Law that you violated. Elder Su Shan, tell me, what should be the punishment for such a crime?"

Su Ye had already closed his eyes and said,

Su Shan looked at the information presented in his hand. The more he looked at it, the more uncertain his expression became, and his eyes were filled with endless sullenness.

"His Majesty, the Human Emperor, is guilty of such a crime. He should be struck by nine thunderbolts and his soul will be wiped out! His family and relatives are also guilty!"


Su Kun was so frightened that he collapsed to the ground, looking frightened and desperate.

At this moment, all the dignity of high authority was gone, only the fear of death remained.

At this time, he kept kowtowing to Su Mo:

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty... Your Majesty, I was wrong... I have been confused these past years..."

"I have shed blood for the human race, I have shed tears for the human race! In these years, I have developed inner demons, and I was blinded by worldly desires for a while, but my sin will not lead to death."

"My wife and children are also innocent...I am the old fool..."

Su Kun kept kowtowing and burst into tears.

When he was young, he was very high-spirited and fantasized about going into battle to kill the enemy and die in battle.

But as he grows older and his longevity decreases, some worldly desires and fears slowly envelop him.

He began to be afraid of death,

He has practiced Taoism and martial arts all his life.

The young man who was once a genius had high hopes from the human race.

I also devoted myself to practicing swordsmanship and wielding swords all over the world, caring about the human race and the world!

Otherwise, we would not be able to break through to the Saint Realm.

The first half of his life was dazzling and bright. He never gave in to old age until his later years. He worked hard and his ambitions were as high as the sky!

But it wasn’t until ten years ago that I met that demon woman and was defeated by her sword.

He completely lost his mind.

From then on, not only was the opportunity for promotion completely lost, but there were more and more worries and fears in my heart.

In his words, it was indeed a mental disorder...

He began to think that he just wanted to live a good life for himself.

Experience the lustful pleasures of this world,

And this indulgence... is forever... and can never be looked back...

"Get up, you have spent your life killing monsters, you don't deserve to die at the hands of your own kind, let alone this cold decree."

Su Mo sighed lightly,

He lifted Su Kun up and patted his shoulder.

"But the law cannot be abolished. If you can take my sword, you can be given a lighter sentence."

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