"Why didn't I know that Su Mo was so pretentious..."

"This is so special... I seem to see the splendor of those sons of gods and saints..."

"To be honest, in terms of temperament...this Su Mo is really good..."

All the second generation Galaxy twitched their lips and couldn't help but complain.

But in my heart, I had already put away my contempt for Su Mo.

The general environment in the universe usually respects the strong and ignores the weak.

And this strong person does not just refer to the level of strength,

It also refers to whether you have the heart to be strong,

Even if his strength is low for a moment, he still has the mentality and quality to dare to be the first and climb to a higher level.

For them, the low level is only temporary, and sooner or later they will move to a higher level.

Such people will often win the respect of space warriors.

And in the second level,

Su Mo was on the same starting line as everyone, but in the end he was able to get ahead of everyone.

If this isn't proof of one's own strength, what is it?

"This Su Mo is indeed terrifying. A small native of the earth can finally reach this point."

"In the future, we can no longer call them indigenous..."

The second generation of Galaxy secretly thought.

Even they, who have seen countless geniuses in the galaxy, can't help but feel a sense of admiration for Su Mo at this time.

You must know that the second level is an extremely test of a person's comprehensive ability, talent, character, luck, and fighting talent.

Judgment of danger and keen sense of smell are indispensable.

With talent, you can better integrate, absorb and digest the spirit of nature, and use these skills skillfully.

None of these will stand out in the second level.

And Su Mo is undoubtedly the best among them.

"This Su Mo has become a trend... Even if he doesn't get the inheritance in the end... he will definitely be able to enter Galaxy Academy and be accepted as a disciple."

All the Galaxy IIs sighed,

Already treating Su Mo as an equal,

He is no longer treated as a subordinate or a slave as before.

Such people will be valued wherever they go.

"What should we do now? This Su Mo has already come to kill us. According to Miss Luoxi, we should indeed gather all the natural spirits together."

"But who should give this spirit of nature to?"

A group of Galaxy second-generation people brought their thoughts back and asked now, all waiting for Luo Xi's next words.

"This is what the adults should consider. Luo Xi just hopes that the adults will not let Su Mo succeed. If the adults need Luo Xi's high-level natural spirit, just let them know."

Luo Xi whispered, lowering her head so that outsiders could not see the light in her eyes.


Several Galaxy IIs nodded secretly.

If Luo Xi dares to propose that he accept this high-level natural spirit...then they will have to be more vigilant.

After all, they had been shadowed by Su Mo, so they were naturally wary of Luo Xi at this time.

"Let me do it...Last time I went through all the moves in Su Mo's hands and got a certain understanding of his fighting style..."

"Pfft, you just managed to get away with one and a half moves? Didn't you rely on having a resurrection scroll? First, he cut out the resurrection scroll with a sword from a distance? Then, he was knocked back to the resurrection point directly..."

A Galaxy II hesitantly volunteered.

In the end, he was ridiculed and dismissed by another Galaxy II.

"It's up to me... I've taken on Su Mo before and won't die with a single sword blow. I have experience facing Su Mo."

"What experience do you have...in saving your life and begging for mercy?"

"Then let me come...I have watched his swordsmanship from a distance...I think it is nothing more than that. I am not afraid at all..."

"Yes, yes, you are the fastest runner. You can just use the teleportation scroll to run away. There is really no need to be afraid..."

The second generation of Galaxy were having a heated discussion, their faces were red and their ears were red, and they were sarcastically sarcastic, and no one was convinced.

They exposed each other's background.

"According to what Luoxi said, we can try giving the spirit of nature to Master Chenze."

When everyone was unsure about paying attention, Luo Xi's eyes flashed slightly, and he took a step forward and said.

"Master Chenze is very powerful. He has had the most contact with Su Mo before. He will definitely be able to capture Su Mo."

Luo Xi said, taking the lead in taking out the high-level nature spirit in his hand,

He handed it to Chenze with a candid look.

A look of surprise flashed across Chenze's eyes.

"Indeed... I can leave it to Brother Chenze to try..."

"I still recognize Young Master Chenze's combat prowess..."

The other Galaxy IIs hesitated for a moment and agreed.

"Okay, since everyone is optimistic about me, then Chenze will meet Su Mo for everyone."

Chenze's heart moved slightly and he said,

Soon, everyone reached an agreement and handed over the higher nature spirit in their bodies to Chen Ze.

Luo Xi watched quietly from the side without saying anything.

Chen Ze will be the first, this is an inevitable result. Who is Chen Ze who has the most powerful power among these factions?

The reason why Luoxi recommended Chenze to go there was because

It's just a matter of following the current, eliminating the need for them to make excuses, test each other, and scheming.

I feel tired looking at it.

At the same time, it is also easy to buy a favor.

Soon, Chenze accepted everyone’s natural spirit,

The aura on his body continues to become stronger, and his body is even more radiant, looking extremely bright.

"Everyone is waiting for my good news... Chenze is going too!"

With the buff of the high-level natural spirit,

Chen Ze's face was flushed, he was full of vigor, and his information surged instantly.

He jumped high, turned into a dazzling stream of light and fled to the distant sky, heading straight for Su Mo.

"Su Mo! Today, let me see what you can do! Take me..."

Chen Ze shouted loudly, and his momentum was full.


Before he finished speaking, he flew back at a faster speed.


The whole person smashed deeply into the ground, raising a large amount of dust,


He climbed up from the ground with a dusty face, looking embarrassed.


Another sword slashed at his body, and he turned into a beam of light and returned to the resurrection point.


Chen Ze's face was a little dark,

I haven't even started yet, how come it's over?

He was a little dazed at this time, and was stunned.

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