Just broke up with the empress, stepped on the ant to upgrade

Chapter 381: The History of the Great Wilderness: Yinglong


The dragon roared!

The roar resounded through the sky and the earth!

All the creatures in the small world were shocked and terrified.

I just felt that this roar was so domineering... and it seemed to be mixed with a little cuteness...

However, the peaceful small world finally became turbulent again because of the roar of the dragon.

The evil dragon in the west launched an unprecedented challenge to the ancient overlord dragon clan on the continent!

In order to compete for who is the real dragon.

The evil dragon felt that he was the most perfect creature because he stepped on the corpses of the ancestor dragon and the ancestor phoenix.

This position of the real dragon should be well deserved!

As the old big brother, the dragon clan is getting stronger and stronger.

Their physique comes from the long-term observation of Su Mo's chaotic body, so they still have supreme power.

After the battle with the phoenix clan, although they lost the most core magical inheritance of the dragon clan, their strength dropped sharply.

But they couldn't look down on the evil dragons that evolved from reptiles stained with their great blood.

They always called the Western dragons pseudo-dragons! Or reptiles! Horned dragons! Sub-dragons, etc.!

At this time, the two races that disliked each other,

finally broke out in an unprecedented war!

After the Dragon and Phoenix Calamity, it was only five thousand years of peace, and the war was about to start again.

All the creatures in the small world believed that this would be like the war in the previous Dragon and Phoenix Calamity! Destroying the world.

The two races are destined to fight for a long time!

But the following development variables are surprising.

The ancient dragon clan is the big brother after all!

Even after fighting the Phoenix clan, it is still strong!

In just a thousand years, the Western evil dragons are going to be killed!

Because the Western evil dragons have merged the blood of the dragon clan,

facing the real dragon clan, it is like facing the pressure of the ancestors.

Or maybe they have not completely refined the blood of the ancestor dragon and the ancestor phoenix.

This war ended with the complete defeat of the Western Evil Dragon.

But the dragon clan felt the blood flow of their lineage from the Western Evil Dragon.

So they did not completely kill them, but gave these evil dragons the title of sub-dragons!

They drove them to a remote corner full of swamps. And suppressed them with formations, leaving them to fend for themselves.

The ancient dragon clan regarded themselves as real dragons!

All creatures thought that the war would come to an end.

It ended with the thunder suppression of the dragon clan.

But after being driven to the abyss of the swamp, the Western Evil Dragon showed amazing development ability.

From generation to generation, the Western Evil Dragon gradually merged the blood of the Dragon Ancestor and the Phoenix Ancestor.

And those with outstanding talents absorbed the essence from these two clans, sensed the majestic figure from the ancient blood, felt his Tao and law, and became more powerful! For this reason, other branches have also evolved...

There are frost dragons, flame dragons, hell bone dragons, thunder and lightning kings, bronze dragons, black dragons, etc.

And their dragon breath is also unique, almost inherited from the Phoenix True Flame of the past...

However, the Western Evil Dragon, because it was trapped in the formation, and because it was a product of the fusion of the blood of the dragon and phoenix clans.

And the dragon clan and the phoenix clan are almost enemies!

So this hatred has also been continued in the blood of the evil dragon...

All dragons that inherit the blood of the dragon and phoenix clans have a cruel and bloodthirsty character in their bones! Otherwise, why are they called evil dragons?

And, there is also a nature of cannibalism, and they don't like each other...

It is estimated that the blood of the dragon and phoenix clans in their blood is also hostile to each other!

So, in this swamp abyss.

Frost dragons, flame dragons, Tyrannosaurus Rex, etc.... An unprecedented war broke out between each other!

This war lasted for tens of thousands of years in the swamp abyss.

While the Western evil dragons were killing each other in the swamp abyss.

The outside world was not peaceful either.

It was obviously not easy for the ancient true dragon clan to sit firmly on the throne of the overlord of the small world.

Just after suppressing the Western evil dragon, they encountered a new challenge again.

This time, it was a rare genius from the tiger clan, who had always been low-key, who challenged the dragon clan!

The tiger clan's genius had a coat as white as snow!

There was almost a sword character engraved on the forehead.

It was full of sword intent, almost turned into substance!

This white tiger was the most talented in its bloodline inheritance, and almost understood Su Mo's swordsmanship! He mastered the killing power of the sword!

This is a white tiger who masters war and killing! He calls himself the White Tiger Emperor.

It rode on the unparalleled sword energy, almost with the strength of a tiger, to kill the dragon clan, wanting to compete with the entire dragon clan.

It felt that only it, who had mastered the supreme existence and the great way of sword, was the true inheritor! The direct descendant!

The rest of the creatures were not worthy!

The white tiger was the best at killing! It was indeed extremely powerful!

Especially its swordsmanship, it had the style of the creator god who was the source of everything.

There were very few people in the entire dragon clan who were the opponents of the White Tiger Emperor!

In the end, the white tiger killed seven in and seven out of the entire dragon clan! He left.

The dragon clan was completely nailed to the shame stake.

However, in terms of comprehensive strength, the tiger clan was obviously not the opponent of the old big brother dragon clan.

But unfortunately, the tiger tribe gave birth to a freak, the White Tiger Emperor...

The dragon tribe used all its strength to settle accounts with the tiger tribe and asked them to hand over the white tiger.

And the white tiger was brave and eager to save the tribe.

When he came back to save the situation, he unexpectedly fell into the trap set by the dragon tribe.

He was covered by the net that the dragon tribe had already laid.

So far, the white tiger was also sealed by the dragon tribe.

As soon as the white tiger was sealed, the entire tiger tribe was suppressed by the dragon tribe.

The phoenix tribe had almost withered and curled up in the south. The turtle tribe, which has always loved peace and is located in the North Sea, has not been born for many years, so it is not a concern.

So far, there should be no creatures in the big tribes in the small world who dare to compete with the dragon tribe!

They rest easy.

Until another ten thousand years later!

In the swamp abyss, the place where the evil dragon was sealed, an unprecedented change occurred.

The battle between the Western dragons lasted for tens of thousands of years.

After all, in this generation, a genius emerged!

A dragon that completely combined the excellent genes and blood inheritance of the dragon and phoenix clans, and was able to comprehend a little bit of Su Mo's reincarnation realm from the ancient blood inheritance... ended the civil war between the dragons!

And the dragon that mastered some reincarnation power also developed and became the new leader of the Western dragon clan. It called itself-Yinglong!

Yinglong's appearance directly ended the war and disputes!

With the remaining strong men of the Western dragon clan... Frost Dragon, Thunder King, Bronze and Fire King, Black Dragon King, etc., they directly broke through the barrier set up by the real dragon!

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