Of course, Su Mo is not in a hurry to show off now.

He touched his chin and carefully looked at the battlefield at this time.

The Holy Spirit is a derivative of the rules. If he uses the power of the contract and the balance of the Holy Spirit, these dark creatures can be destroyed in a snap.

But now, Su Mo still has some things that he doesn't understand.

He still wants to wait a little longer.

At this time, everyone in the field has shown their magical powers. There are black holes that devour everything, sharp sword energy that is soul-stirring, and there are also Tianyu Ice Demons that freeze everything and Tianyan Nine-tailed Demon Fox that has initially shown its invincibility!

But no matter how dazzling these players are, when the chiefs come on stage, all of this is dim. With the opening of the mark of the Soul Breaker, the strange phenomenon is overwhelming, and it seems that there is only one voice left on the scene, that is the Soul Breaker.

The light of the Soul Breaker replaced everything at this moment.

Let everyone who sees it pay attention.

Those dark creatures were suppressed and at a disadvantage for the first time.

Everyone was shocked by the invincible style of the chief.

What was even more surprising was that as a soul-breaking person, he could use the power of the Holy Spirit, which was almost an unsolvable means. With this alone, he was enough to crush all the contestants and reach another level.

At this moment, everyone also understood why soul-breaking people were soul-breaking people and why they were them.

As long as they were soul-breaking people, they were almost the designated chiefs, and there was no one to surpass them! This represented a whole new level.

"As expected of the chief, he almost stabilized the victory as soon as he came on the court!"

"As long as there is a chief, it seems that there is a backbone, and these dark creatures don't seem to be scary anymore."

At this time, in the distance, some beastmasters who stayed here couldn't help but sigh.

Looking at the chiefs who had just entered the front line and fought here, they couldn't help but show shock.

But then, they looked at Su Mo who was standing quietly by the side.

This shock immediately turned into dissatisfaction.

"However, not all chiefs are great figures, but there are also some who are greedy for life and afraid of death."

But a female beastmaster said lightly.

Looking at Su Mo's beautiful eyes, she could not hide her disappointment.

She couldn't understand why almost all the other 16 top players who came here had joined the battle.

Su Mo was a chief, why didn't he join the battle and hide at the end?

She couldn't think of any other reason except being afraid of death.

"Yes, don't count on the chief of Black Iron City. It is estimated that even if he plays, his impact on the battle situation will be minimal."

"We can only place this last hope on the other chiefs, especially Lord Fang Yan!"

A female beastmaster beside her echoed.

At this time, they were staring at the battlefield intently, especially a pair of eyes, staring at Fang Yan tightly, unwilling to miss any details.

In fact, although the chiefs in the field have their own merits, there is no doubt that Fang Yan is the most dazzling one among them!

His Flame Monarch appeared, coupled with the seal of the Soul Breaker, making him unmatched, and the special effects were directly maxed out, becoming the most eye-catching existence here.

It's hard not to pay attention to these female beastmasters.

"Master Fang Yan, it's really good!"

Someone else agreed on the other side.

They forgot about Su Mo in a blink of an eye and focused on the battle on the front line.

Su Mo, with a strange look on his face, shook his head and didn't take these people's comments to heart.

From time to time, he frowned and looked at the dark creatures in the field, and then narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at a looming figure in the distance.

"Who is this person from?"

Su Mo murmured.

The figure in the distance was blocked by the rain curtain, but all of this was naturally exposed under his fiery eyes. It was the chief of Yucheng!

At this time, the chief of Yucheng was very calm, just hiding in the distance, watching everyone fighting quietly as a bystander, and even a hint of disdain flashed in his eyes.

He had no resistance to these dark creatures. Even if these creatures were devouring the living world, it seemed to have nothing to do with him.

This is definitely not the emotion a normal creature should have. A normal person, seeing the world being destroyed, which is equivalent to the world slowly dying, should be panicked, right?

The chief of Yucheng was not panicked, and the Zixuan who rang the Holy Spirit Bell nine times next to the chief of Yucheng was also very calm.

The attitudes of these two people were too high and high, which was very unusual. When Su Mo thought that the opponent in the next round was this Zixuan, he shook his head with some amusement.

I don’t know if the opponent can still be so calm at that time.

While Su Mo was thinking, the attack in the field soon came to an end.

I saw that in the field, even if all means were used, darkness was still advancing steadily, swallowing up the living world.

With every second that passed, large areas of land in the world faded and became desperate gray.

In a short period of time, a large area of ​​forest area had been swallowed up cleanly, and it was almost spreading to the place where the poisonous miasma was.

During this period, not only the space, the land, but also the living creatures, countless wild soul beasts, poisonous insects, were instantly assimilated and became part of the dark creatures.

Just looking at it makes people's scalps numb, and the gap is almost despairing.

And in the distance, there is a small village.

If this is not curbed, then the nearby villages and towns will surely be swallowed up.

"Is it still not working? Even the chief can't suppress these monsters?" Someone sighed with desolation in his eyes.

The chief who was fighting the monsters in the field couldn't help but look desperate at this time.

It can only be said that these monsters are worthy of being the nemesis of the living world.

It is simply difficult to resist.

Thinking of this, they couldn't help but look at Lin Kai. This area is a place of return very close to the Ice and Snow City.

According to the previous report from the spies, it was Lin Kai who guarded this place alone before.

It made it difficult for these dark creatures to advance, and he had to guard this place alone.

This is also the reason why he was not at the scene before, even in the Sealing Heaven War.

And now, these people can also intuitively understand the pressure that Lin Kai faced before.

Everyone's eyes were cast, but Lin Kai himself was miserable. At this moment, a bitter smile appeared on his icy face.

Facing these monsters, he couldn't see hope.

"Even Lord Fang Yan can't do it?" The guards guarding this place in the distance couldn't help but murmur.

At this moment, their eyes suddenly dimmed.

Although these dark creatures are terrible, they are waiting for Lord Fang Yan to create a miracle.

"Lord Fang Yan will not lose, we must believe in him!"

At this moment, there are also female fans of Fang Yan who silently cheer for him.

And as if hearing the call of these female fans, Fang Yan actually snorted coldly.

At this moment, he suddenly launched an offensive and took the lead in charging these monsters. Everyone couldn't help but look at him in shock.

"He actually has a trump card?"

These chiefs couldn't help but be shocked. In fact, Fang Yan's power at this time was too bluffing.

Even the female fans in the distance were excited. At this moment, they couldn't help but scream.

But soon, Fang Yan shouted loudly, and his body turned into flames. After repelling a monster, he didn't care about anything else. He turned into a wisp of black smoke without looking back, and fled... away.

Everyone looked at each other in surprise. Fang Yan ran too fast, didn't he?

"He's not very capable, but he's best at running away." Song Ren sneered.

Although he said so, he was sarcastic, but he was ready to evacuate.

The other chiefs also had different thoughts. At this moment, they all had the idea of ​​evacuating.

There was no need to force it.

Just as everyone was preparing to evacuate, Su Mo sighed lightly in the distance, and his eyes were full of fire and golden eyes, knowing that it was time for him to take action.

And he finally got the answer he wanted.

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