Three days later.

It was a dark and windy night.

Su Mo put the horse into the pet space, then used his Qinggong skills and sneaked up the mountain.

He came to the mountainside and saw a level 12 bandit standing guard there.

Without saying a word, he flashed behind the bandit, knocked him out with a knife, and captured him.

"Tell me, how many bandits are there in your mountain? Who is the strongest? How strong is he?"

After carrying the bandit down the mountain to a safe place,

Su Mo woke the bandit up, holding the Qinghong sword, and put it on the bandit's neck, saying coldly.

"I'll tell you... Young man, don't kill me..."

"There are more than 300 people in our Langya Village, with three big bosses. The strongest one is the big boss, who has the strength of the early stage of dark energy."

The bandit said in a trembling voice,

He was just an outside member, but he had no loyalty.

"Okay, one more question, what is 1 plus 1?"

The bandit was stunned for a moment and said:



Su Mo cut off the bandit's head with a sword.

"I didn't want to kill you, but you know too much."

Su Mo sighed, feeling that he was kind.

"Ding, you killed a bandit. Experience +1000, reputation +1"

"Ding, the reputation system is turned on. When the reputation reaches a certain level, it can arouse the favorability (respect) of people in the rivers and lakes, and can arouse the fear (hostility) of people in the demon sect."

The system prompt sounded in his ears, and Su Mo's eyes lit up slightly.

"Reputation system? Then can I make a living by my face in the future? I don't need to pay for eating, drinking, whoring and gambling?"

Su Mo touched his chin, seeming to understand the new gameplay of the reputation system.

"A level 12 bandit has a little martial arts foundation, but not much, so he has 1000 experience points?"

Su Mo sighed again.

It seems that killing people can earn more experience points than defeating enemies.

"Well, the strength of the initial stage of Dark Power is the same level as the master, which should be around level 20."

"I don't know the strength of the other two leaders yet. It may be dangerous to be surrounded rashly, but don't worry, I can kill the monsters first to level up."

Su Mo thought about countermeasures in his mind.

Soon, Su Mo took action.

In the dark night, he was like an agile cheetah, hunting prey one by one.

"Ding, you killed a bandit, experience +1200, reputation +1"

"Ding, you killed a bandit, experience +1500, reputation +1"

"Ding, you killed a bandit, experience +1200, reputation +1"

"Ding, you leveled up."


"Ding, you killed a bandit, experience +2000, reputation +1"

"Ding, you killed a bandit, experience +2000, reputation +1"

"Ding, you leveled up."

The killing continued, and soon, the bandits on the periphery had been looted,

Su Ye had even leveled up twice, reaching level 24.

[Name: Su Mo]

[Age: 8]

[Level: 24 (29) (mid-stage Dark Power)]

[Experience: 7421/80000]

[Skills: Changhong Sword Skill Lv8[1999/20000] (Mastery) Dragon Tiger Fist Lv8[1999/20000] (Mastery) Dragon Walk Tiger Step Lv8[1999/2000] (Mastery)

Basic Sword Skill Lv8[432/20000] (Great Success), Basic Fist and Kick Lv7[345/18000] (Great Success), Basic Body Skill Lv7[234/1800] (Great Success)]

[Evaluation: Better than the Master]

“It’s been a while since I’ve leveled up so fast… As expected, brushing maps is the way to go.”

“I’m not meant to practice hard, I can only fight, but practicing hard will level up my skills quickly.”

Su Mo couldn’t help but sigh.

Just this bandit nest is almost as much as his one-year hard training.

"Who are you? Which sect are you from? Why do you want to slaughter my Langya Mountain children for no reason?"

The continuous slaughter has indeed attracted the attention of the Langya Mountain leader.

The three leaders led a group of elite brothers and surrounded Su Mo.

The leader, who had only one eye, looked at Su Mo in doubt and said,

He did not relax his vigilance because Su Mo was a child.

"Such a young child has the cultivation of dark energy? It's simply unheard of. Which grandmaster cultivated this peerless monster?"

The big boss at this time was panicked.

He was so powerful at such a young age. It can only be said that his background is quite unfathomable.

Will there be a senior master following him secretly behind him, and when the other party is on the verge of death, a grandmaster will jump out and slap him to death?

Wouldn't it be a very unfair death?

This famous and upright sect likes to do this.

At this time, the big boss was in doubt and looked around, repeatedly checking whether there was a possible hiding place.

"No sect, no faction, I will enforce justice on behalf of heaven!"

Su Mo looked at the bandits and said in a baby voice.

But he was not panicked, because he had seen through the level of these bandits.

[Name: Du Tianba (big boss)]

[Level: 27 (28) (late dark power)]

[Skills: rogue swordsmanship, dragonfly skimming the water, desperate fight]

[Name: Kuang Sanxiao (second in command)]

[Level: 24 (25) (Middle Dark Power)]

[Skills: Rogue Swordsmanship, Dragonfly Skimming the Water]

[Name: Li Sansheng (Third Master)]

[Level: 21 (22) (Early Dark Power)]

[Skills: Rogue Swordsmanship, Dragonfly Skimming the Water]

There is no point in panicking...

"It seems that the sentry is trying to kill me. The three masters are all in the Dark Power stage, but they told me that only the first master is in the early Dark Power stage?"

Su Mo was shocked.

It seems that the world is dangerous. The sentry obviously knew that he would not survive, so he came to trick him before he died.

"Is a desperate fight also considered a skill? It seems that the first master has a backup plan..."

But Su Mo didn't care.

Although the three of them are all in the Dark Power stage, their ultimate combat power is not as high as his.

This means that their swordsmanship is likely not as good as his, and their actual combat power is not as good as his.

But it's hard to say what the ultimate combat power is.

Some people perform exceptionally well before they die, bursting out their ultimate combat power, while some people may be limited by their mentality and state, and cannot even exert 80% of their usual strength.

This involves a person's combat talent.

And Su Mo, who has encountered bottlenecks in his advanced skills, lacks this kind of life-and-death battle the most, and must seek a glimmer of hope in the battle!

At this time, Su Mo, who was surrounded by everyone, had no other way to retreat,

He had to fight!

Only by bursting out the ultimate combat power can there be the only way to survive!

"You are really an ignorant kid, did your elders tell you..."

The big boss said, attracting Su Mo's attention,

while secretly moving his hands, and inadvertently signaling with his eyes, waiting for the elite bandits on the other side to secretly move behind Su Mo.

Suddenly shouted:

"What is the treacherous world? Get started!"

At the moment of shouting, it usually shocks people's hearts and souls.

At this time, taking action often catches people off guard.

The big boss saw that Su Mo was young and must have insufficient practical experience, so he wanted to trick him.


Su Mo did not even turn his head, and swung the long sword in his hand beautifully,

and with a barb, he stabbed into the body of the bandit behind him who was holding the sword high and about to swing it.

"Oh, then?"

Su Mo tilted his head and asked innocently.


"I'm just a child, and you guys are playing tricks on me?"

Su Mo sighed,

pulling the Qinghong sword in his hand, blood dripping down,

the corpse behind him fell down, and before dying, he was still staring at this baby who seemed to have not been weaned, full of disbelief.

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