Just Developed in Mars, Rabbit Encountered Trisolaran Civilization

203 Level 2 Civilization Vs Level 3 Civilization, Dead End?

"Bring up the data of the SDF-1 Chengying warship and show me.

Lu Yan said lightly.

Zhang Zhonghua nodded.


A holographically transparent battleship appeared in the center of the conference table.

Lu Yan was slightly startled.

These fifty years.

Holographic projection technology has also been comprehensively upgraded.

The holographic projection after this upgrade not only looks more realistic, but also has no smears and glitches.

But that's not important.

Lu Yan began looking at the SDF-1 Chengying battleship's data.

It has to be said.

This is not a loss of the strongest weapon in human history.

It's not so much a starship.

It's better to say it's Battlestar Galactica.

The ship can carry nearly 200 VF-1 transformable fighters, 150 Xuannu 1 fighters, 120 Xuannu 2 fighters, and 50 AWACS aircraft, space shuttles, and other small auxiliary aircraft.

The main thing is its deformable structure.

A robotic giant of 1500 meters.

Even the 100-meter-tall apostle was nothing more than a mouse in front of him.

No wonder.

Just a battleship.

Human confidence can jump from 10% to 70%.

Lu Yan looked at Kevin and said, "You made this big guy, right?" 557

Kevin scratched his head and said: "It's not entirely my credit, Zhuge Ming has also given great help."

"If it weren't for Zhuge Ming's research into four-dimensional space, we wouldn't have been able to build the SDF-1 Chengying battleship."

For this statement.

Lu Yan also agrees.

He could guess.

To create such a battleship, the components required will be astronomical.

If any one component goes wrong, it can be devastating.

But with four-dimensional space, it's different.

They can completely inspect the warships under construction through four-dimensional space.

Because in the four-dimensional space, whether it is a cable or an integrated electrical board, everything on the battleship is exposed.

Based on this property, they can complete such a complex deformable manufacturing.

"However, for the three-body civilization, such a battleship cannot defeat it at all.

Lu Yan said with a sigh.

Heard this.

Everyone was stunned.

"The SDF-1 Chengying battleship is not an opponent?"

"Isn't it! The armor of the SDF (bffe)-1 Chengying battleship is Kwatan steel, which is almost exactly the same strength as the dragon alloy, and even water droplets may not be able to easily penetrate. ”

"The appearance of the SDF-1 Shadow Warship made the apostles disappear completely [far from being comparable to the existence of the gods]."

"The key SDF-1 Shadow Battleship only used medium-sized particle cannons in that battle, and according to quantum computer calculations, the power of heavy particle beam cannons can even destroy dwarf planets like Pluto."

"Is there anything we haven't thought of?"

"The three-body civilization has other more terrifying means of attack?"

In the conference room, all the experts and professors began to discuss.

They witnessed the battle between the SDF-1 Shadow Warrior and the Force Angel.

Naturally, he had a lot of confidence in the SDF-1 Chengying battleship.

"Commander Lu is right."

At this moment, Academician Qian Hongbo spoke.

He took a deep breath and said slowly: "The appearance of the SDF-1 Chengying battleship has made the arrogance of mankind begin to appear again."

"Based on surveillance data from the Hubble 2 Neptune Observatory, and the latest information I have.

"The Trisolaran civilization has curvature engine technology, and the second fleet of the three-body civilization is beginning to march towards the solar system at the speed of light. 11


Everyone gasped.

They are all too familiar with curvature engines.

This terrifying engine was invented according to the theory of curvature.

According to the theory of curvature.

The space of the universe is not flat, but there is a curvature.

If you compare the universe to a big film.

Then the surface of this film is curved.

The entire cosmic membrane may even be a closed soap bubble.

This is the cosmic bubble hypothesis.

Because the universe is large enough, the parts of these membranes are flat.

Space curvature is everywhere in the universe.

"Academician Qian, if the curvature engine thing is true, then can't we humans also make curvature engines based on this theory?"

A young professor asked.

Academician Qian Hongbo shook his head and said: "Your idea makes me think of controlled nuclear fusion, do you know the theory and even technology of controlled nuclear fusion, we have known it as early as the 20th century, but seventy or eighty years later, we still can't make controlled nuclear fusion."

"If it weren't for the starlight insulation material of General Commander Lu, we might not be able to produce a controllable nuclear fusion device in a hundred years."

Listen to this passage.

Everyone got it.


Starlight insulation is too buggy.

Even today, with the rapid development of human civilization.

This insulation material has not been eliminated, but has radiated.

Lu Yan frowned.

No wonder you get awakened yourself.

It turns out that the three-body civilization has already created the curvature engine.

Such words.

The battle of Doom was directly advanced.

There is simply no need to wait 400 years.

Lu Yan said lightly: "It seems that while we are progressing, the three-body civilization is also progressing, and their curvature engine technology can reach the speed of light, which means that the time left for us is only 6 years at most."

6 years !!!

Hear the news.

Everyone was slightly startled.

For the first time, they sensed another civilization so close to Blue Star.

And this civilization also has a curvature engine.

This is almost the strength of a third-level civilization.

Lu Yan continued: "Although I have just woken up, after seeing the SDF-1 Shadow Battleship, I retracted my previous opinion, and today's human civilization has officially entered the array of Level 2 civilizations."

"You have worked hard all these years, next, I will play!"

Level 2 civilization.

Hear the news.

Everyone couldn't be happy at all.

Level 2 civilization is remarkable though.

However, there is still a level gap of 1 civilization from the level 3 civilization.

It is the hierarchical gap of these 1 civilizations.

It's like a chasm.

6 years.

How do I pit a Level 2 civilization against a Level 3 civilization???

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