Chapter 26

Bai Ming actually doesn’t like shopping very much.

But the feeling of carrying Esia is different, a bit like bringing a pet.

Looking at the blonde girl looking at this and that curiously in front of her eyes, Bai Ming also followed behind the girl unhurriedly.

Late at night.

The moon hangs high.

Europe and the United States are no larger than the population base of the motherland where Bai Ming lived in his previous life.

In addition to tourist cities, which are as lively as day and night, many remote cities have fairly quiet nights.

Only the sound of the wind is accompanied by street lamps.

“It’s finally time to start moving over there.”

Bai Ming stretched.

Clean and spacious hotel rooms, after almost a full day of strolling Aisia went to sleep.

“Yes, after midnight tonight, the transport team of the Holy Sword will pass outside the town, and they decided to start at that time.”

Linali said.

“Then let’s go.”

Linali followed behind Bai Ming, and after the two walked out of the room, she gently closed the door.

“Master, are you planning to intervene directly?”

“Don’t be in a hurry, wait until you get to the scene, and then see what you want to do?”

Bai Ming said.

Soon, the two left the hotel and came to the road on the outskirts of the town.

Except for the distant towns, it is surrounded by plains and a small number of basins.

The road stretches to the edge of the sky, with no end in sight.

“One kilometer further is the place where the exorcist ambushes, and the transport convoy of the Holy Sword will pass through there.”

Linali looked at the time on her watch.

“They’re about to do it.”

After speaking, Linali fell silent.

However, his heart seemed uneasy.

Although she only used the outlier exorcist as a tool, this time there were cadres involved.

She sold herself to seek glory in this way, which is both a bit virtuous and a little exciting.

Wait until the time reaches midnight in the morning.

With Bai Ming’s current vision, he can clearly see that there are two galloping Humvees on the road in the distance.

This big guy weighing several tons is quite imposing on the road.

But right now.

The Humvee driving in the front, accompanied by a violent explosion, the whole car was directly blown into the sky.

Vehicles moving behind braked sharply.

Then the outliers who hid on both sides of the road with spells removed their disguises, and with guns in their hands, they kept shooting at the remaining vehicles.

The calm midnight was broken by explosions and the sound of gunfire like fried beans.

Bai Ming took the panorama into his eyes, and said with some surprise: “Is the equipment of the exorcist so advanced now?” ”

At first, he thought it would be like an ancient warrior charging, and the two sides were passionately chopping each other.

But unexpectedly, these exorcists directly staged a Hollywood drama-like interception in his eyes.

“There are very few exorcists who possess artifacts and powers, and the vast majority rely on holy light to fight with holy lightsabers and firearms powered by energy.”

Linali explained.

“I’m just a little emotional.”

Bai Ming smiled.

The humans of the demon college world can be said to be quite weak.

Basically, there is no innate power of oneself, all of it is the giving or gift of mythical forces.

In the case of artifacts, this kind of thing is also given to mankind by the God of the Bible.

There are also magicians, or spellmasters, among humans.

But the magic or spiritual power they have in their bodies is also possessed by demons or heavenly gods.

This battle for the Holy Sword was quickly over.

The outlier exorcists took out a black cuboid suitcase from the second Humvee, despite the deaths and injuries of their fellow Hummers.

When the suitcase is opened, a divine aura overflows.

“This is indeed the breath of the holy sword, and they have succeeded.”

Linali said inexplicably.

Didn’t the owner say that yes should be mixed with a kick? Why hasn’t it moved yet?

Looking back, the figure that had been standing with her had disappeared.



“Confirm that it is a holy sword, and transfer this holy sword to Lord Kokabil as soon as possible while the church has not yet discovered it.”

A battlefield mixed with gunsmoke and blood.

Several outlier exorcists with murderous intent and fury on their faces stood together.

“What about the fallen angel? Didn’t she say that she wanted us to wait for her to go together? ”

“It doesn’t matter, there has been no contact since the start of the plan, anyway, the most important holy sword has arrived, the order of a low-level fallen angel, there is no need to listen to it, but don’t let Lord Kokabil wait too long.”

Others also have no objections.

After leaving your injured companion behind, prepare to leave together.

At this moment, a dull sound of footsteps suddenly sounded from behind them.

Several people’s pupils shrank and turned around at the same time.


Ask for flowers and a monthly pass.

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