Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 105 Is There Such An Operation?

Chapter 1005

The newcomer mentioned "administrator" and "game" in a few words, plus the repeated mention of "logout" and the newcomer's nickname.

The identity of the newcomer should be the heroine Asuna in Sword Art Online.

Moreover, judging by her incoherent speech, it seems that she has just logged into the game Sword Art Online not long ago~.

I remember the original Asuna, but it wasn't that heroic-valiant otaku goddess.

In the early days of Sword Art Online, she was just an ordinary rich daughter.

After being appeased by the group members, Asuna's spirit gradually stabilized.

Raging Nanny: "So...you are really not the staff of the game? But...the members of the chat group?"

Butterfly Ren: "Of course, we don't need to lie to you about this kind of thing."

Electromagnetic Gun: "So... what's going on with the rookie now? Was he kidnapped, or what happened?"

Mad nurse: "I don't know either, my mind is in a mess right now, and I don't know what happened at all."

Mad Nanny: "I just remember that I logged into the game that was just released, and then... I couldn't get out."

Teacher Loli: "What do you mean you can't go out?"

Little White Cat: "Log in to the game?"

Mad Nanny: "Yes, I used my account to log in to a new game released today, and then a man in a red robe said a lot of inexplicable things, so I couldn't get out

. "

Electromagnetic Gun: "Uh...that is to say, the computer card is the owner? Just unplug the power and force restart."

As a hacker expert, Sister Pao expressed her experience.

As long as it is an electronic product, restarting it can solve 99% of the problems.

If not, then restart again.

Crazy Nanny: "It's not that the computer is stuck, it's another situation."

Asuna stuttered a little, her mind was in a mess, and she didn't know what situation she was in.

After all, she is just a novice in online games.

Pure kind.

What's more, it was the first time she encountered such a situation.

Little White Cat: "I understand the problem of newcomers."

Little White Cat: "It should be that the consciousness is trapped in the game, and there is no way to return to reality.

Raging Nanny: "Yes! Yes! That should be it! I opened the system menu, and the original logout and logout options completely disappeared, and I couldn't find it no matter how hard I looked for it?"

Elegant lady: "Isn't it ridiculous that consciousness can be trapped by video games?"

Blue Slime: "Trapped in the game? Could it be... the legendary virtual reality technology?"

Little White Cat: "If it's just a general virtual reality, it shouldn't be able to trap human consciousness in the game, so the game that newcomers log in should be a more advanced one, which can directly import human consciousness into the game world to play, and can make the game look like the real one."

I don't want to see a ghost: "Does the kitten understand so much?"

Little White Cat: ... I also have a little research on games.

As a serious gamer, she has played almost all the games on the market.

She must have paid attention to the virtual reality.

Blue Slime: "Outrageous! There really is such a thing! I really want to play!"

As a former social animal.

Rimuru, who has no money and no girlfriend, can only seek a little solace from the world of movies and games from childhood.

Of course, I also hope that one day there will be a fully immersive game and start my second life.

It's just that before that time, he crossed over.

Although life is not bad now, but... I still have some regrets.

Best-selling novelist: "If there is no logout option, is it okay to unplug the power as Misaka-san suggested?"

Little Spider: "That's right, isn't there a way to log out? Just cut off the power, it's not like you've traveled to another world.

Raging Nanny: "No, that mysterious man said... if you forcibly disconnect the connection, you will die. Now there are two hundred... no, more than three hundred people have died."

Little Spider: "?"

Little White Cat: "I've never seen this operation before."

Rampant Nanny: "Can you save me?"

Asuna is now in a hurry to go to the doctor.

No matter who it is, as long as it can take her away from this strange world.

Electromagnetic Gun: "This is the first time we have encountered this situation."

Blue Slime: "Indeed."

Princess in military uniform: "Maybe we can consider it from the perspective of ensuring the safety of the new couple's life.

Little White Cat: "Indeed, I guess the cause of death is the plug-in equipment that allows newcomers to log in to the game, such as a game helmet"

...asking for flowers...

Kuangba nanny: "Yes, yes... I entered the game through the game helmet.

Little Spider: "In other words, just destroy the helmet, it sounds quite simple."

Electromagnetic Gun: "It's really simple, I'm good at this."

Just when the chat group had already discussed how to save the newcomers, Bai Chen from the spy screen finally joined the conversation.

Bai Chen: "Actually...I don't recommend that newcomers quit the game now.

Rampant Nanny: "For...why?"

Bai Chen: "It's very simple. Now you don't need to worry about your own safety. If I say that there are a hundred ways to keep you safe in this group, would you still be afraid?


Rampant Nurse:

Suddenly seeing Bai Chen say that, after Asuna calmed down, she really didn't feel so scared.

Bai Chen: "Of course, you can also choose to log out of the game now and return to the life of ordinary people."

Raging nurse: "Ordinary people...but I was originally an ordinary person."

Bai Chen: "After joining the group, it will not be."

Bai Chen: "Actually, I have an idea, since Asuna Yuki joined the group chat after logging into the game, does this mean that the power you gain in the game will be brought into reality due to the influence of the chat group.

Raging Nanny: "?"

The confused girl made a question mark.

She didn't understand at all.

Bai Chen: "It means that the attributes, props and game skills you get in the game will become your own power, and if you can return to reality, the attributes in the game will also follow in reality.

Electromagnetic Gun: "Isn't this even more outrageous?! What should I do with the attributes in the game to bring them back to reality!"

Bai Chen: "It's normal, because of the existence of the chat group, the identity of the newcomers has become quite special. Another point, maybe not only the newcomers, if we travel to that game world, and then build an account to upgrade, the ability to improve in the game may also be fed back to the real self."

Bai Chen: "Of course, I'm just guessing right now."

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