Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 1010 Bai Chen's Number One Licking Dog

Chapter 1010


Looking at the inquiries from the chat group, Touka Kirishima fell into deep thought.

Strictly speaking, she had thought about similar issues in the past.

For example, being able to graduate from university smoothly, the relationship with Yizi will always be as good as it is now, etc.

But it's not appropriate to talk about wishes.

After all, these things, as long as you work hard, you can easily pick them up.

But is there a desire that cannot be fulfilled by oneself alone?

If this is from a questionnaire survey on the Internet, Touka Kirishima would never think about it.

But this is a question from those mysterious group members in the chat group.

She usually reads some fantasy novels occasionally, and she also knows that this may be an opportunity for herself.

Super electromagnetic gun: "Does it mean that there is no wish?"

Little Spider: "No, no, no matter how you think about it, it's impossible. Newcomers live in such a world, and their identities are very special."

Silver-haired Witch: Do you want to become a human?"

Butterfly Ren: "It's possible. I heard from my sister that some ghosts want to turn back into humans."

Teacher Loli: "But you also said that you want to change back. People become ghosts, so naturally they want to change back to people, but the newcomers should be born as ghouls, so they shouldn't have such thoughts.

Die Die Ren: "Ah, it seems that I am thinking too much."

Bad woman: "Perhaps the wish of the newcomer is to change the existing structure of the world... The order of that world, although it still exists, is only a matter of time before it collapses."

Little Spider: "The Wannian Diving Party has come out!"

Bad woman: "Hehe...don't say that, I'm very busy at work every day, but after I'm done, I will listen to the master's teachings in the group, record the master's sentences, and compile them into a book."

Little Spider: "What... what?!"

Seeing Mazima's answer, Spider's whole body trembled.

She thought she was the boss's number one licking dog.

Unexpectedly... a spy who dived all day could easily do something that even she couldn't do.

Little Spider: "No, no! Only I can protect the boss' thighs! I will watch the live broadcast from the beginning and write down everything the boss said!"

Ultra-Railgun: "You don't need to do that! Mao Mao is ashamed.jpg.

Little Spider: "This is my principle!"

Wild Nanny: "Is there still a live broadcast before? I...I really want to watch it!"

Little Spider: "If you want to see it, I will send it to you privately. After reading it, you will understand why the big brother is so respected in the group, but please remember one thing! Only I can hug the big brother's thigh!"

Crazy Milk Cat: "Okay..."

Yuuki Asuna was quite ashamed.

What is the reason for this strange persistence?

Little White Cat: "@暴暴她妈, the live broadcast can just be used to pass the time. Ms. Asuna should stay in the hotel during this time. With the money you have, can you live in the hotel to spend time?"

Wild nurse: "About a week, but if you add three meals a day, it may not be able to last for that long..."

After purchasing the helmet and logging in to the game, there will be opening benefits attached to the machine.

But compared to the server opening rewards of other games, it can be said that it is pitifully small.

Little White Cat: "Don't worry about the food. If there is anything you want to eat, I'll just send it to you privately through the chat group. After I finish handling the trivial matters here, I'll go over and practice black leveling with you!"

The kitten is usually reticent.

With so much talk now, it's obvious that I can't wait for the new game.

Bai Chen: "Did you see it? Some problems that I think are difficult to solve are not worth mentioning in the chat group."

White Rabbit:  …”

Seeing what he said, Touka Kirishima's heart tightened.

White Rabbit: "I...I have a question I want to ask you.

The nervous girl, even speaking in text, also brought honorifics.

White Rabbit: "I heard them say that you can deduce the future of different worlds, so I would like to ask, can you see the future of my world? What will the future of the ghoul be like?"

If you want to talk about wishes, Dongxiang Shima is currently concerned about this.

...asking for flowers......

Although the current life is fairly peaceful, but...she also knows that the stability of the coffee shop will not last long.

Bai Chen: "It's very simple. The coffee shop you are working in will be destroyed soon, and your cherished companions will leave you one after another. As for the future of the ghouls, it's better not to know too much."

Although the original comics give an ending where ghouls and humans can coexist.

But as long as the cannibalistic nature of the ghouls remains unchanged, even creating artificial food that can be eaten by the ghouls is nothing more than maintaining a false peace.

This is like letting ghosts and humans live in peace in the world of Ghost Slayer.

As long as the characteristics of ghosts eating people are not changed, it is impossible for the two sides to coexist forever.

Outbreaks are the accumulation of contradictions.

It may be all right for a few years, but what about decades and hundreds of military queens?

It is impossible for human beings to allow the ghouls to grow.

It is also impossible for ghouls to endure suppression.

When the contradictions accumulate to the peak, new disputes will inevitably arise.

After listening, Touka Kirishima fell into a long silence.

Teacher Luoli: "Indeed, it is already a miracle that society can still function normally under such circumstances.

Although the demons on Xianshen Island are not very obedient, the two sides have the same interests after all, and there is no essence of a dispute.

Unlike ghouls and humans.

As long as the ghouls continue to feed on humans, there will never be a day of true reconciliation.

Moreover, once the identity of the ghoul is completely exposed.

Even if they coexist on the surface, how many people would be willing to be friends with a ghoul?

Electromagnetic Gun: "After such an analysis, I also understand that if it were me, I would probably have the idea of ​​growing the ghouls and ruling mankind."

Electromagnetic gun: "Then treat humans as domestic animals and raise them in captivity, catch one if there is nothing to do, and then set fire to it.

Chaos Evil: "This idea is too dangerous!"

I don't want to see the hell: "Maybe it's the idea of ​​unifying the world and bringing peace?"

Best-selling novelist: "Maybe he wants to find a solution to ghouls eating humans.".

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