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Chapter 1088 Where Is The Security Guard? Where Is The Security?

Chapter 1088

"What do you mean by...?"

Hearing this, a look of vigilance appeared on Xiao Zhouchao's face.

Funa Mio behind her also nervously grabbed her sister's arm, ready to run away at any time.

Although Southern Rihe was a former resident of Ridu Island, after all, it has been so long, who knows if he will learn bad things outside.

After all, I heard that people in the city have deep routines.

Especially young girls like them are easily abducted and sold.

"It's just to satisfy your curiosity. Of course, if you don't want to follow, you don't have to come."

Although Shadow Tide is the most important force in the original book, Bai Chen doesn't need anyone's assistance at all.

If it wasn't for taking care of Sister Pao and preventing her from being killed when she challenges Accelerator later, he would have already picked out all the shadows on this island and cleared them up.

"...do you already know where the murderer is?"

South Rihe asked.

Although Ridu Island is a small city, it is more than sufficient as a place of residence. There are even many abandoned buildings on the island.

Xiao Zhouchao finally followed.

And the worried younger sister has been following behind her, and at the same time she is still holding on to her phone tightly, whenever something goes wrong.

The police station is very close, just a few minutes by car.

But Kofune Mio's idea is doomed to fail.

What these weirdos are going to is not some remote deserted place, but a private rhombus hospital where people come and go.

"Go in, the answer you want has always been hidden here."

This sentence was said to Xiao Zhouchao and Nanfang Rihe.

"What's the meaning?"

Nanfang Rihe remembered this hospital.

In the past, when he or his younger brother Ryunosuke was sick, he would often come here.

It can be said that what is familiar cannot be more familiar.

"Could it be that.…………"

Before Bai Chen could respond, Nanfang Rihe's expression changed.

She had already guessed something.

"Looks like you've already guessed it.".

Bai Chen smiled lightly.

"Shadows are not the only companions, there are also human beings assisting them in the dark. The director of Rhombus Hospital is one of their companions."

"Unexpectedly, there is such a thing!"

Hearing this information, Nanfang Rihe was shocked.

She had never thought about this before, and she never imagined that there would be human beings who would become the shadow's accomplices.

"As for other things, we will know after meeting the dean here."

Bai Chen said.

Afterwards, Baifeng led a group of people to the direction of the dean's room.

During the period, Kofumo Mio secretly tugged on Kofumo's shoulders, persuading her to leave here, but Kofumo refused her sister's request, and said with a searching expression on her face: "Mio, this matter...I must know the truth.

If it happened yesterday, she would definitely agree to her sister's request without hesitation.

But after getting in touch with another self, she also had a reason to figure out everything.

And this group of people obviously knew something.

What's more, that man is obviously a stranger, but what he said has an inexplicable feeling that makes people believe it.

Xiao Zhouchao trusts his intuition.

She has always lived like this.

A lot of things are based on intuition, not thinking through the brain.

Because of this, she was preached many times because of this character.

But the girl didn't have any intention of changing.

"Sister...if there is anything wrong..."

Kofumo Mio also felt that Bai Chen didn't look like a bad guy.

But don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

If anything, it will be too late by then.

"Actually, you two can rest assured, if we really want to hurt you, you won't be able to resist from the very beginning.

Tokisaki Kurumi said a little charmingly.

Youyou's voice startled the beautiful black-skinned girl and made everyone in the hospital look over.

"Hehe...cute little guy."

Tokisaki Kurumi covered the corner of his mouth and chuckled lightly.

In the past, she would definitely have to play with a girl like Xiao Zhoutao.

But right now, she's only interested in .

While speaking, several people had arrived at the dean's office on the top floor.

Southern Rihe directly pushed the door and entered.

There is a faint smell of aromatherapy in the office, and at the end of the line of sight is a long solid wooden table, which is full of patients' medical records and other documents.

An old man with gray hair and a white coat, about fifty or sixty years old, sat behind the desk.

Beside him, stood a middle-aged nurse.

Hearing the sound of the door knocking, he subconsciously raised his eyes until he saw clearly that it was neither a patient nor a doctor or nurse, and an expression of impatience welled up in his heart.

Could it be that he came to the doctor?

"I am the director of Rhombus Hospital, what can I do for you?"

He stood up and hit the threshold headed by the youth holding the people.

"...just to ask something."

Bai Chen didn't stretch out his hand to shake it back, but smiled.

"About those shadows."

Hearing this, Guai Tong instantly set off a tsunami in his heart.

This is impossible!

Except for him and his own daughter, everyone who saw the shadow was dead.

Moreover, he has lived in Ridu Island for so many years, and he also recognizes that Bai Chen and his party are definitely not residents of the island.

And since it is an outsider, it is even more impossible to know about the shadow.

Is there any part that went wrong?

Is it over there at the shrine?

"I don't understand what you're talking about. If there's nothing else, please go back."

Although Rhombus Bronze made the decision to expel people, he had already considered it in his heart, and then asked the shadow to kill these insiders.

It is best to be able to ask why they know the shadow before killing them.


As long as the shadow can copy their information (what's it), everything will be known.

"It's useless to play dumb."

Bai Chen nodded slightly.

As someone who knows the plot and can see through people's hearts, whenever he sees these people with ghosts in their hearts being covered up clumsily by himself after telling the truth, he can't help but want to laugh.

... If it is not a patient, please don't hinder my work here, otherwise, I will call the security guard. "

The diamond-shaped bronze said with a cold face, making the most normal reaction possible.

"It's so sad, you don't really think that the copied shadow will still be the original person, do you?"

Bai Chen showed a faint smile.

"Or are you just deceiving yourself?"

Hearing this, Wuchai Tong's expression changed.

He has already determined that the information that the man in front of him knows is by no means a star.

He winked at the nurse next to him.

It seems that this group of people cannot be allowed to leave the tongue like this. .

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