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The First Thousand And Ninety Chapters Father Loving Daughter Filial Piety

Chapter 1090

The unimaginable scene left the rhombus bronze speechless.

He originally thought that the shadow was the most special existence in the world, but he didn't expect that his three views would be refreshed again today.

Looking at the young man who was talking with the girls, the diamond-shaped bronze finally realized that his old face was full of disbelief.

...It turns out that there are really superpowers in this world, so did you already know the existence of shadows? Tell me! Why did you appear at this time! It's only a little short! Only......

Before he finished speaking, Kai Qingtong knelt down on the ground.

To deal with these ordinary people, you don't even need the spirit of speech, just a thought can control them at will.

"Why are you yelling so loudly?"

"...Now, what the hell happened?"

Sister Xiaozhou couldn't restrain her surprise.

The sudden appearance of these people and the scene in front of them made this world seem a little strange.

"These questions don't make much sense to the two of you."

Tokisaki Kurumi showed an elegant smile.

"Even if I explain it, you won't understand it, so you just need to watch it carefully.

After she finished speaking, she looked at Bai Chen.

"Mr. Bai Chen, do you want to use that?"


Bai Chen nodded.

He didn't like detours, so he looked at the old man kneeling in front of him in a deep voice.

"Speak, tell me everything you know about shadows, and why you want to assist shadows.

The sound carried invisible magic power, and it was easy to fall asleep.

The panicked expression on the latter's face disappeared, and he stopped struggling and began to narrate expressionlessly.

"The rhombus family I belong to is the earliest family that enshrines the God of Hiruko, and it specializes in providing various conveniences for the shadow monsters on the island to prevent the shadows from being exposed."

"How did you help Shadow?"

Bai Chen asked.

"Sacrifice human beings to God Hiruko to help her restore her strength.

"What are the specific measures?"

"This is one of the reasons why I created the hospital. Everyone will get sick. Even the smallest cold will turn into a terminal illness that is difficult to treat. In addition, with a little manipulation during the treatment process, it is very easy to let some people die. We provide four human beings as sacrifices to God Hiruko every year."

"You are a doctor, why do you want to kill people instead?"

Southern Rihe couldn't help asking.

"Those people are just wasting resources while they are alive, so it's better to become the tribute of Lord Zhizi God and give full play to the remaining value.

Following Bai Chen's question, the diamond-shaped bronze's answer made the girls have different expressions on their faces.

Tokisaki Kurumi seemed to be smiling, but Nanfang Rihe and Xiaozhou sisters couldn't believe it.

Yu was also surprised.

However, after experiencing the darkness of Academy City, he also has a different view of the adult world.

Bai Chen didn't take it seriously and continued to ask questions.

"Besides, there is another reason."

"That's right, the reason why I serve God Hiruko is because I want my wife to live forever. As long as God Hiruko is alive, my wife can also live forever. In the end, I will become a shadow and live with my wife forever."

Hearing this, except for Bai Chen, the rest just understood.

If this is the reason, it has to be said that Rhombus Bronze really loves his wife.

But even so, this kind of behavior of framing compatriots to be loyal to a different kind is completely unacceptable.

"I would do anything for my wife!"

"What if the leech god in your mouth wants to eat your child?"

South Rihe asked.

"It doesn't matter, as long as my wife can live, no matter how many people die, it is worth it.

"Okay, stop talking."

Bai Chen kicked him in disgust, and lifted his hypnosis.

Such a big age is still playing the drama of pure love.

Of course, it's nothing more than playing pure love, but he can easily give up his own flesh and blood, he is really a bad guy to the bone.

After all, the current wife of Rhombus Bronze is just a shadow copied by God Zhizi.

To put it bluntly, it is an outlier.

Bai Chen remembered that in the original book, after the diamond-shaped bronze plan was betrayed by his daughter Zhu Luzi, he even chose to shoot and kill his own daughter.

... ‥ Asking for flowers ... 0

Even if it didn't work out.

And it's a pity that the classic "father is kind and daughter is filial piety" picture did not appear afterwards.

On the contrary, there was a faint sense of wanting to whitewash him.

Of course, none of this matters.

It is unknown why the diamond-shaped bronze regained consciousness, but it is obvious that the disgust from the eyes of these girls is felt.

Did something happen to him just now?

"Take us to the God of Hiruko."

The demonic voice lingered in his mind, leading everyone into a secret passage leading directly to the ground.

"Is the shadow beside the rhombus bronze dead?"

Listening to the words spoken by the white-haired girl in front of him, Yanqie Zhensha was extremely puzzled.

On this island, there are only a few people who know the existence of shadows.

What happened to the rhombus bronze?

The final summer festival is about to begin, and at that time, after absorbing the life of the entire Ridu Island, Hiruko God will achieve ultimate growth.

At that time, his long-cherished wish will also be realized.

But now, something went wrong other than what was expected.

"Those people seem to be coming this way."

The white-haired girl in red said again.

"It seems that there are unplanned spoilers coming."

Looking at the deep darkness in the distance of the burrow, Masato Gogiri, the company owner of Nidu Shrine, narrowed his eyes slightly under his glasses.

That being the case, it can only waste a little effort to get rid of those obstacles.

Anyway, no matter what happens, as long as the summer festival comes, no one will be able to stop him.

After finishing speaking, Yanqie Zhensharen quietly disappeared into the darkness.

Excellent hunters will hide in the dark and look for opportunities to kill their prey with one blow.

With the power he got from the God of Chizi, Yanqie Zhensha believed that he could easily eradicate the group of uninvited guests.

the other side.

Led by the diamond-shaped bronze, Bai Chen and his party have gone deep into the underground of Ridu Island.

The underground of Ridu Island is not a natural burrow, but an air defense facility excavated manually in the early years.

However, because of world peace, it has long been abandoned.

But after that, it became a nest for shadow breeding. .

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