Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

The First Thousand And Ninety-Five Chapters Muto Game, Nakiri Erina

Chapter 1095

Muto Yuki felt that he had fallen into the trap of Dark Game.

The reason why he stayed on the airship this time was because he participated in the Duel City Competition held by Haima Company.

He and Shi Nei waited for the players who had passed the knockout round, and were preparing to compete for the championship on the airship.

At the same time, they have to defeat Malik who suddenly attacked them for some reason.

The opponent has a millennium artifact that can use the power of darkness, and can transform a sacred duel into a dark duel.

Regarding this point, Muto Yuki had a deep understanding during the Sky Dragon battle.

So no matter what the reason is, he must defeat Malik and stop the other party's evil deeds.

But now, Muto Yuki looked at the dialog box that appeared in his mind, feeling very upset.

Could it be that Malik doesn't talk about martial arts, and directly bypasses the duel, planning to have a real-life "five-three-three" PK with him?

"Another me, do you know what's going on now?"

Behind Muto Yuki appeared a phantom of the soul that only he could see.

That is another "self" who looks very similar to him, and is also Muto Yuki's most trusted partner.

"What happened? Was it a nightmare?"

The figure who looked similar to Yugi Muto and looked a bit older asked with concern.

"Huh? The other me, don't you know it?"

Muto Yuki looked surprised.

He and another self control a body together. Although they can't see what the other person is thinking, they can at least share vision.

"I don't know, so what happened?"

So Muto Yuki told the truth about the chat group.

Of course, even though I said it, even Wu Kuo Game himself didn't understand what a chat group is.

"Since it's not a dark game, let's wait and see for a while."

Another game doesn't do much good either.

Under the current circumstances, he could only stare blankly.

"Another me, someone here seems to remind me to go to the group profile to learn about the settings.

"Then go and have a look, by the way, I can't see it, so come out and let me hear it.

at the same time.

Food Halberd World.

In Yuanyue Academy, in an exquisitely decorated and luxurious villa, a blond girl in a nightgown sat on the head of the bed in a daze.

The girl's name is Nakiri Erina, the daughter of the famous Nakiri family in the chef world.

Studied in the world's most famous institution "Yueyue Academy".

Because girls are born with an extraordinary sense of taste "God's Tongue", they can visualize the taste in their minds, so they have a very high reputation in the culinary world around the world.

Although he is only sixteen years old, he can influence the future of a restaurant with just one comment.

Her appearance, talent and talent make Nakiri Erina a proud daughter of the heavens, her future is limitless.

But just after she came back from the toilet, a strange thing suddenly popped into her head, completely stunned the girl.

At first, Erina thought it might be a hallucination in her brain due to her drowsy sleep, but after she closed her eyes and lay dead for a few minutes, the dialog box in her head not only still existed, but even became more and more lively.

The reminders and news are constantly refreshed, just like the social software she uses on weekdays.

"Could it be that I have awakened a new talent after "God's Tongue"?"

The girl was lost in thought.

For example, being able to have an in-brain conversation or something.

"Isn't that the same as schizophrenia!"

Erina's expression became panicked.

It's not necessarily impossible for her to be schizophrenic.

After all, as a talented woman of world civilization, she has been under pressure that ordinary people can't imagine.

Some people commented that God's Tongue is a gift from the gods, but the girl who really has this ability knows how tormenting the ability of God's Tongue is.

With the tongue of God, I am extremely picky about the taste of dishes, the more I taste, the more I am disappointed.

There are very few dishes that can satisfy the desire of the tongue.

Perhaps one day, after she has tasted all the cuisines in the world, she will no longer be able to be satisfied.

Under this invisible pressure, it is normal to become schizophrenic.

But as the girl gradually calmed down, she also found that the text dialogue in her head was not the case.

As a talented person with a modern education, she found that this thing really seemed to be just a chat group.

Then, following the guidance of those conversations, a bunch of suspicious files were found on the group files.

What is connected is not the network but the heavens and myriad worlds, and the group members in it come from different multiverses?

I'm afraid only children will believe this kind of pediatric stuff?!

Erina held a somewhat disdainful attitude...

However, when she tried out the benefits for newcomers once, and got a portion of Sweet Flower Stuffed Chicken, and tasted it with the tongue of God, she immediately understood the authenticity of the chat group.

For Erina, she may not believe her eyes, but she absolutely believes in her sense of taste.

The taste of sweet flower stuffed chicken is definitely not a dish that exists in this world.

Because there is no such plant as sweet flower on the earth!

"If the chat group is real, wouldn't I be able to get new ingredients and recipes through the chat group?"

Erina thought excitedly.

In this way, her God Tongue will be saved!

However, before achieving your goal, you may have to say hello to these strange group members in the chat group.

God's Tongue: "Hi everyone, I'm a newcomer to the group, please give me your advice in the future."

Little Spider: "Oh! Welcome newcomers. I didn't expect to accept the setting of the chat group so quickly. It's really rare."

Blue Slime: "After all, not everyone has the kind of vigilant character, but this is very good, and I can quickly integrate into it.

I don't want to see a ghost: "Then you are infected by the atmosphere in the group and become a member of the sand sculpture group, right?"

Little White Cat: "Newcomers must not be led astray!"

Fubuki from Hell: "That's right 4.1, the only person in this group you can trust is Lord Bai Chen. Believe in Bai Chen and you will have eternal life!"

God's Tongue: "Uh...is it so powerful?"

Erina was speechless.

These group members are a little too enthusiastic.

And after listening to Fuxue's words, why does it feel like this group is like a pyramid scheme?

King of Draws: "Well...why I can't understand what you are talking about?"

Muto Yuki is just a high school student who likes to play monster fighting, and basically has only a half-knowledge about other things.

Little Spider: "That's true! Boss Bai Chen can do anything! But the big brother's thigh is already mine, so don't grab it from me!"

God Tongue:

God draw king:


Seeing this, Bai Chen also guessed the identities of these two newcomers. .

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