Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 1230: Cautious Hero And Dragon Ball

Chapter 1130

Gou Kong: "So can anyone explain to me what this is? I have no idea."

Butterfly Ninja: "All the settings about the chat group have been uploaded to the group file. If you have time, you can go and have a look."

Seeing Die Die Ren say this, Sun Wukong obediently went to look through the group files.

However, when I clicked on it and saw the densely packed text inside, one head and two big in an instant.

Gou Kong: "So many characters, I can't understand them at all."

Since childhood, he has nothing to do with learning.

Although his grandfather taught him to read and write when he was a child, he had no talent for learning at all. Not only did he not know a few big characters, but he could even write his own name crookedly.

Because of this incident, he was often criticized by Kiki at home.

Butterfly Shinobi: "It doesn't matter if you are illiterate in "950". All members of the chat group can understand the text, and there is no situation where you can't understand it."

Hearing what she said, Sun Wukong could only bite the bullet and watch.

In terms of learning, he is definitely not a stamina personality.

But after all, it is a chat group that has never been seen before, so it can also transfer a part of the patience of the practice part.

While Goukong was diverging his mind, Bai Chen was also thinking about the newcomer's information.

About Monkey King.

Although he already knew the identity of the other party, the world view of Dragon Ball is quite huge, and the plot is also very rich.

Although many people say that there will be no more Dragon Balls after Frieza or Cell, Dragon Balls not only produced GT and Dragon Ball Super, but also broadcast a lot of extra plots in the game.

Even when he traveled through time, Dragon Ball wasn't over yet.

As for the anime that can be as famous as Dragon Ball, the three categories of Sea of ​​Dead Fire have all ended.

If you want to know which episode of Dragon Ball is now, you have to ask him himself.

With Gou Kong's carefree personality, he is the type who can say anything as long as he asks.

As for the second newcomer.

The nickname "Prudent Brave" already says it all.

There is no doubt that the newcomer comes from the world of "this brave man who is obviously super strong but overly cautious", the brave man-Ryuguin Seiya.

"Prudent" is not so much his title, but rather his personality.

The prudence of others is to think twice before acting.

Bai Chen used to be this kind of person.

Investigate the intelligence of the opponent, judge the combat power, if the combat power is insufficient, wait for a wave first, wait until the development is complete, and push back in a wave.

But the cautious brave is not.

He is thinking twice.

For example, even if you are dealing with the weakest slime, you will use your strongest skills to launch an attack, and one attack is not enough, you have to send it more than a dozen times in a row to "bang the ground" before stopping.

But even so, the prudent brave is still worried.

Some people may take this "cautiousness" as cowardice, but the reason for Ryuguin Seiya's character is his painful experience and lessons in the past.

The first crusade against the devil failed, and his wife and unborn child were devoured by the devil face to face.

After reincarnation, although he lost his previous memory, "caution" has been firmly engraved in the depths of his soul.

Maybe the sudden joining of the chat group has already made him think of ways to quit.

Just as Bai Chen thought.

Ryuguin Seiya is currently trying to figure out how to quit the chat group.

After all, the appearance of the chat group was too weird and too sudden.

It appeared at the moment when I was leveling.

At that time, the goddess who happened to summon him was also peeping behind him, and he almost completed the feat of killing God with a wave sword.

Facing Goddess Listade's angry questioning, Ryuguin Seiya dismissed it lightly and prevaricated on the grounds that she regarded the goddess as a monster.

After dismissing the goddess, he locked himself in the room, thinking about what the chat group is and how to exit, or kill this weird thing.

If he didn't open his brain, he would die. He wanted to open his brain to see what was inside.


Of course he knows what the chat group is.

But a chat group that can enter the head is different.

He saw the chat conversation inside.

Of course, if it didn't come suddenly, he didn't even want to see anything inside, in case it was a trap set by the devil, he would be bewitched by the contents just by looking at it

Although he didn't feel any abnormalities in his body for so long, he still felt that the onset of the curse might be delayed, or it might be another brand new magic that he had never seen before...

After thinking for a while, Seiya Ryuguin realized that he could no longer sit still like this.

He resumed exercising.

It is necessary to practice to a higher level and learn skills that can protect the soul and consciousness.


This is not enough!

We must investigate the principle of this weird curse, and then completely get it out of our heads!

Ten minutes passed.

Gou Kong: "So that's the case, I understand."

With the patient explanation of the old people in the chat group, Sun Wukong finally understood what the chat group is.

Gou Kong: "In other words, this chat group is something that can make people fall asleep?"

I don't want to see a ghost: "Ah, don't you completely understand this?"

Little Spider: "I see.jpg.

Little Spider: "Actually I don't understand at all.jpg"

Railgun: "Then what have we explained so far?"

Non-staff individual: "I don't even understand the existence of such a simple chat group, and I have already begun to doubt the intelligence level of newcomers."

Gou Kong: "Haha! If Gohan is here, he should be able to understand, he is much smarter than me, an old guy who has never been to school."

As for Jibril's sarcasm, he, who is an optimist, didn't take it to heart at all. 4.7 After all, he has lived for so many years, and he has been said so by many people.

There are friends and there are enemies.

But he didn't care at all, he just wanted to cultivate and keep getting dirtier.

Blue Slime: "Daddy? Does the newcomer have a son?"

Gou Kong: "Yeah, but he's not here now, he seems to have gone to Namek."

The Dragon Balls on Earth have been destroyed.

In order to revive Yamcha, Piccolo and others who died in the battle with Vegeta and Nappa, his son Gohan, his friend Krillin, and Bulma went to Planet Namek to find Dragon Balls.

But after recovering from his injuries, he used Bulma's spaceship to fly to Planet Namek.

Seeing this, Bai Chen also knows that the plot of Dragon Ball has progressed. .

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